Committee details
Resources and Public Realm Scrutiny Committee
Purpose of committee
Scrutiny is the mechanism by which the Cabinet is held publicly to account. The scrutiny function has the capacity to give non-Cabinet Members a significant opportunity to influence the proposals of the Cabinet and to probe into the impact of policy decisions on the Borough.
This is one of two scrutiny committees established by the Council. This committee covers corporate resources (including Customer Services, Policy, Partnerships and Performance and IT) as well as regeneration, environment and community safety.
Related Committees: the Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee, Housing Scrutiny Committee (decommissioned May 2019).
View further information about Scrutiny in Brent.
- Councillor Rita Conneely (Chair)
- Councillor Daniel Kennelly (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Iman Ahmadi Moghaddam
- Councillor Saqib Butt
- Councillor Liz Dixon
- Councillor Janice Long
- Councillor Michael Maurice
- Councillor Mary Mitchell
- Councillor Anthony Molloy
- Councillor Sonia Shah
- Vacancy
Contact information
Support officer: Rebecca Reid, Governance Officer. Tel: 020 8937 2469 Email:
Postal address:
4th Floor
Brent Civic Centre
Engineers Way