Agenda item
Crossrail / HS2 / Old Oak Common planning update
- Meeting of Highways Committee, Tuesday 16 July 2013 7.00 pm (Item 8.)
- View the background to item 8.
This report informs the Committee about the progress made by the Boroughs of Brent, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea regarding the Old Oak Common Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF). A working group has been set up to deliver a framework for delivering sustainable development in the Old Oak Common area associated with Crossrail and HS2. This report outlines progress in producing the OAPF document which will be the subject of wider public consultation running from 25 June until 4 September 2013.
(i) Noted the key issues and summary of progress on the Old Oak Common Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OSPF) and agreed that any comments on the OAPF can be fed into the consultation process due to take place in July/August 2013.
(ii) Agreed that the consultative priorities for Brent relating to highway issues for the Old Oak Common Area Planning Framework should include the following:
(a) ensure that this development is well connected with high levels of permeability and strong connections to Brent;
(b) promote overground links to support improved connectivity;
(c) promote and lobby for a West Coast Main Line - Crossrail link;
(d) promote a high quality pedestrian/cycle bridge from Willesden Junction into the development area;
(e) ensure good highway links (particularly for bus access) for south of Queens Park ward and from Brent to Park Royal City without encouraging more through traffic;
(f) minimise construction impact and work to ensure that construction traffic is not routed through Brent (particularly the Harlesden area);
(g) officers make representations expressing the Committee’s preferences for a suitable location for a vent shaft.
The Committee received a report about the progress made by the Boroughs of Brent, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea regarding the Old Oak Common Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF). Chris Walker, Assistant Director of Planning and Development stated that the report, which outlined the progress of a working group set up to deliver sustainable development in the Old Oak Common area associated with Crossrail and HS2, would be the subject of wider public consultation running from 25 June until 4 September 2013.
Members heard that the HS2 line which would stop at Old Oak Common (to be known as Old Oak Common Station) on its way into Euston, would have unprecedented links to Europe, central London and the rest of the UK, and would be one of the country’s largest interchanges. It would also provide a platform for vastly improved connections to local communities in Brent, and the other neighbouring Boroughs. The Assistant Director outlined a number of key issues and work with the OAPF which aimed to ensure that the development on the borough boundary was well connected as well as promoted Overground and West Coast Main Line - Crossrail links. In this regard, Brent officers were in discussion with neighbouring Boroughs, including Harrow and Watford to lobby for the link. He continued that a high quality pedestrian/cycle bridge from Willesden Junction into the development area and good highway links (particularly for bus access) from Brent to Park Royal City would be promoted without encouraging more through traffic.
In welcoming the progress report, members emphasised the need for the consultative priorities to include transportation, sustainability and cycle paths. Councillor Denselow proposed amendments to the recommendations and requested officers to make representations expressing the Committee’s preferences for a suitable location for a vent shaft and also to ensure good highway links (particularly for bus access) for south of Queens Park ward.
(i) that the key issues and summary of progress on the Old Oak Common Opportunity Area Planning Framework be noted and agreed that any comments on the OAPF be fed into the consultation process due to take place in July/August 2013;
(ii) that the consultative priorities for Brent relating to highway issues for the Old Oak Common Area Planning Framework be agreed to include the following:
a) ensure that the development was well connected with high levels of permeability and strong connections to Brent;
b) promote overground links to support improved connectivity;
c) promote and lobby for a West Coast Main Line - Crossrail link;
d) promote a high quality pedestrian/cycle bridge from Willesden Junction into the development area;
e) ensure good highway links (particularly for bus access) for south of Queens Park ward and from Brent to Park Royal City without encouraging more through traffic;
f) minimise construction impact and work to ensure that construction traffic was not routed through Brent (particularly the Harlesden area);
g) officers make representations expressing the Committee’s preferences for a suitable location for a vent shaft.
Supporting documents: