Issue history
Authority to vary and extend the contract for the provision of Speech and Language Therapy for Children and Young People in mainstream schools, Family Wellbeing Centres and Linked Early Years Settings
- 01/04/2022 - Published in plan, Forward Plan 46 - 2021/2022
- 14/04/2022 - Published decision: Authority to vary and extend the contract for the provision of Speech and Language Therapy for Children and Young People in mainstream schools, Family Wellbeing Centres and Linked Early Years Settings
- 25/04/2022 - Call-in period expired: Authority to vary and extend the contract for the provision of Speech and Language Therapy for Children and Young People in mainstream schools, Family Wellbeing Centres and Linked Early Years Settings
- 01/05/2022 - Published in plan, Forward Plan 47 - 2021/22