Committee details
Health and Wellbeing Board
Purpose of committee
The Board undertakes the duties as required by the Health and Social Care Act 2013 and seeks to lead the improvement of health and wellbeing in the borough. It consists of council, Brent Clinical Commissioning Group and Healthwatch Brent representatives.
- Councillor Neil Nerva (Chair) Brent Council
- Rammya Mathew (Vice-Chair) North West London Integrated Care Board
- Councillor Mili Patel Brent Council
- Councillor Fleur Donnelly-Jackson Brent Council
- Councillor Gwen Grahl Brent Council
- Councillor Suresh Kansagra Brent Council
- Robyn Doran Brent Integrated Care Partnership Executive
- Simon Crawford Brent Integrated Care Partnership Executive
- Jackie Allain Brent Integrated Care Partnership Executive
- Sarah Law Residential and Nursing Care Sector
- Patricia Zebiri HealthWatch Brent
- Rachel Crossley Brent Council - Non-Voting
- Kim Wright Brent Council - Non-Voting
- Nigel Chapman Brent Council - Non-Voting
- Dr Melanie Smith Brent Council - Non-Voting
- Claudia Brown Brent Council - Non-Voting
Contact information
Support officer: Hannah O'Brien, Senior Governance Officer. Tel: 020 8937 1339; Email: hannah.o'