Agenda item
Primary care update - Willesden Medical Centre, Kenton Medical Centre and Kilburn Medical Centre
NHS Brent has provided an update on three GP practices in Brent. Their report covers three main issues:
· Willesden Medical Centre – The possibility of relocating the practice to Willesden Centre for Health and Care.
· Kenton Medical Centre – This centre is to close, and the report highlights the work that has gone on since the GPs gave notice that they intended to retire.
· Kilburn Medical Centre – On the plans to disperse the patient list for this practice, which is also set to close.
The issues connected to Willesden Medical Centre and Kilburn Medical Centre have been previously considered by the committee. However, Kenton is a new issue. More information on this practice is set out below.
Jo Ohlson introduced the report and confirmed that the lease at Willesden Green Medical Centre expired on 31 August 2012. The two options being looked at involved either the possibility of relocating the centre and also possibly including Dr Fletcher’s practice to the Willesden Health and Well Being Centre, or Willesden Green Medical Centre and possibly Dr Fletcher’s practice remain at the same premises if the current landlord was able to improve their existing accommodation and provide space for Dr Fletchers’ practice. Discussions and meetings were taking place in respect of these and the committee would be updated about developments.
In respect of Kilburn Medical Centre that had been operating under a temporary contract, it had been decided to terminate this contract on 30 June 2012. NHS Brent had undertaken a review as to whether to develop a specification and tender on the open market or to list dispersal of the registered population. However, as there was no guarantee that a contract would be awarded to a new provider or that the service could remain at the existing site, it was decided to disperse the patient list. Members noted the results of the health inequalities assessment that had been undertaken as part of coming to this decision.
Rachel Donovan (NHS North West London) confirmed that the two doctors at Kenton Medical Centre were retiring and had tendered their resignation for 30 June 2012 and this would also mean the termination of the Personal Medical Service (PMS) contract. Two options had been considered, the first enabling patients to register with a GP from existing list of practices in the area and the second inviting applications from providers to take up a PMS contract at Kenton Medical Centre. Consultation had involved all patients over 16 years of age, local councillors and MPs and this committee. Following this, it had been recommended to the NHS North West London Board that patients be asked to register with an alternative practice in the area as the list of patients to existing GP practices had capacity to register additional patients and gave patients more choice as to where they would like to register. The alternative option was not being pursued as the length of time to procure a new practice on the existing site could take up to twelve months. In addition, the 2,500 patients affected was well below the average practice size. Should the recommendation be approved, the list of practices would be reviewed to ensure that they were ones closest to where patients lived, as opposed to closeness to Kenton Medical Centre. Kenton Medical Centre would also be asked to assist in identifying vulnerable patients and helping them re-register and provide assurance that they have re-registered prior to the practice closing.
During discussion, Councillor Leaman enquired whether the letter sent to patients on 5 April 2012 informing them of the retirement of the GPs at Kenton Medical Centre had also been provided in different languages, particularly as the wording used was not especially clear. Councillor Daly enquired whether patients would still have access to community facilities in Harrow that were available in Brent and felt that this was an issue that needed particular attention.
The Chair enquired what monitoring steps were in place to ensure all Kenton Medical Centre patients were re-registered and whether those transferring to practices in Harrow would have matching social services that they may require. She added that the patients’ group were not informed about the situation at Kenton Medical Centre at the last meeting in April.
Councillor McLennan was also invited to address the committee and she commented that services in Harrow were not so enhanced as those provided in Brent and she queried why patients were not being offered more practices in Brent.
Maurice Hoffman also addressed the committee and enquired if demand would be monitored in respect of Kenton Medical Centre’s proposed closure as it could affect services and could GP practices also consult Brent LINk.
In reply, Rachel Donovan advised that NHS North West London held the patients registry database and would be able to see what patients had not re-registered. A large number of Kenton Medical Centre patients had already re-registered and those who had not would be monitored and contacted again if they had not re-registered within two weeks. The committee heard that those who had not yet re-registered tended to be patients who visited infrequently. In respect of social services and enhanced services, Rachel Donovan commented that similar GP practices were being looked at in Harrow and Brent and demand would be monitored, whilst Brent LINk could also be kept informed.
Rachel Donovan explained that following the first letter to patients on 5 April with regard to GP practices list which was based on those closest to Kenton Medical Centre, a second letter had subsequently been sent with an extended list that included more that were in Brent and it was noted that a number of patients were located near the border with Harrow. Every effort would be made to ensure any future letters were easier to understand and although neither letter was available in different languages, the second letter had information on what patients could do if they did not understand the letter. Community Services were to be approached with regard to patients who may need such services.
Jo Ohlson added that there had been a reciprocal agreement between Brent and Harrow that patients could register with a GP practice in a different borough providing they were within half a mile of the border with the other borough. However, she acknowledged that this was an issue and it may be more prudent for patients to register with a practice in their own borough.
The Chair requested an update at the next meeting concerning where Kenton Medical Centre patients had re-registered.
Supporting documents:
- 30052012-primarycover[1], item 7. PDF 63 KB
- 30052012-primarymain[1], item 7. PDF 106 KB
- 30052012-kenton, item 7. PDF 75 KB
- 30052012-kenton2, item 7. PDF 70 KB