Agenda and minutes
Venue: Boardrooms 5&6 - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ. View directions
Contact: Peter Goss, Democratic Services Manager 0208 937 1353 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant personal and prejudicial interests and discloseable pecuniary interests in any matter to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: None declared. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 71 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 March 2016 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Matters arising Minutes: None. |
Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) PDF 156 KB Brent Council and CCG are working in partnership with other stakeholders to drive a genuine and sustainable transformation in patient and resident experience and health outcomes over the next five years. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report on Brent Council and Brent CCG’s plan to drive a genuine and sustainable transformation in patient and resident experience and health outcomes over the next five years. Matthew Hannant, Director of Strategy and Transformation for NW London introduced the plan by stating that it was regarded as one of the better plans for improvement. It was important that all stakeholders were signed up to it by the 30 June submission date even though it now appeared this would represent a work in progress submission date that would form the basis of conversations with the NHS.
Kate Lawrence, Brent STP Project Manager, submitted a presentation to the Board outlining the progress made to date and the five local and nine shared NW London priorities contained within the plan. She outlined the next steps in developing Brent’s local STP and STP delivery plan.
In answer to a question regarding how the needs of children were covered in the plan, Matthew Hannant explained that whilst priority 3 was the only one that specifically mentioned children by reference to giving them the best possible start, all the other priorities encompassed the care of children. Discussion took place on the redesign of Central Middlesex Hospital for it to meet the priorities set out in Shaping a Healthier Future. Again, in addressing how the needs of children were to be met, it was explained that the provision of a good primary care facility would provide the main interface for children. It was suggested that articulating an incremental approach towards some of the big ticket items that would take the full five years to achieve would provide greater re-assurance that progress was being made along the way.
It was agreed that that an officer with responsibility for the needs of children should be invited to future STP meetings.
Referring to the list of engagements set out in the presentation, Dr Kong stated that this did not include all the activities that were already taking place which would demonstrate inclusion of all communities. The Chair and Councillor Butt expressed the view that there was a need to reach out to sections of the community which were not currently engaged so that there was a greater awareness of the work being done. One suggestion was for an on-line survey to be developed. It was agreed that Healthwatch would carry this out.
The request was made for the presentation to be circulated to all members of the Board.
(i) that the progress made to date at a Brent and NW London level in terms of developing the NW London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) be noted, as well as the anticipated next steps with regards to developing the Brent STP and STP Delivery Plan;
(ii) that particular note be made of: · The NW London and Brent emerging priorities for the next five years · The proposed local Brent STP and Delivery Plan content and focus · The proposed status of the final Brent Local STP ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
The report presents a summary of recent submissions to NHS England for year 2 of the Better Care Fund work. It also presents a high level summary of the BCF schemes it is believed will have the biggest impact in 2016/17.
Minutes: The Board received the report presenting a summary of recent submissions to NHS England for year 2 of the Better Care Fund (BCF) work based on the first year of using the Better Care Fund administered by NHS England. The report also presented a high level summary of the BCF schemes which it was believed would have the biggest impact in 2016/17
Duncan Harper (Interim Integration Programme Director for Brent Council and Brent CCG) introduced the report. He reported that informal feedback from NHS England had been encouraging but there were some questions to address. Duncan Harper explained to members the four schemes it was believed would have the greatest impact.
It was noted that the alignment within teams had improved under the BCF1 scheme and that work was being undertaken to ensure housing featured in the scheme BCF3. It was felt that this scheme needed to be broadened to include reference to the Sustainability and Transformation Plan. It would also be important to ensure the work of partners under the scheme BCF4 was co-ordinated and mutually supportive.
(i) that the report be noted;
(ii) that the 2016/17 priority areas for health and social care integration be endorsed. |
Health and Wellbeing Board stocktake PDF 260 KB The report reflects the changes that have happened over the last 12 months, seeks to clarify and confirm changes, and make suggestions for improving how the Health and Wellbeing Board continues to work towards this aim. Minutes: Phil Porter (Strategic Director, Community Wellbeing) introduced the report which reflected on the changes that had happened over the last 12 months and sought decisions on changes going forward.
It was noted that reference to the Ofsted inspection in paragraph 4.4 of the report should have been to the 'Inspection of services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers and Review of the effectiveness of the Local Safeguarding Children Board'. It was felt that there should be a quarterly update from the Children's Trust to the Board.
Regarding membership of the Board it was noted that the Council's Chief Executive was a member but that the post of Strategic Director, Regeneration and Growth no longer existed and so should be deleted. It was felt that standing invitations to meetings of the Board should be extended to an Adult Social Care provider and a GP provider. Although not a member of the Board, members felt that attendance by NHS England was important. With reference to the role of the Fire Brigade, Phil Porter undertook to discuss where its engagement would be most effective.
(i) that events be reduced to one a year focusing on the Board's current priorities, with quarterly formal board meetings and, if required a further development meeting to follow up on the public engagement work and other board requirements;
(ii) that the revised membership set out in section 6 of the report, as amended at the meeting be agreed;
(iii) that a firm proposal for a strategy be agreed at the next meeting of the Board.
Children's Trust update: Updates on the following priorities. |
Giving every child the best start in life PDF 60 KB Minutes: Gail Tolley (Strategic Director, Children and Young People) explained that the update paper only provided information on progress since the last update had been presented but, as endorsed by Dr Sarah Basham, a lot of work had been undertaken. Dr Basham felt that a fuller report on the work of supporting children could be presented to a future meeting of the Board in order to focus on the direction of future work in this area.
Helping vulnerable families PDF 55 KB Minutes: Phil Porter (Strategic Director, Community Wellbeing) introduced the update by saying that it was the intention to report more fully to the next meeting of the Board. The Chair asked that this include how this priority area linked to the work within schools and children centres.
Healthwatch report - plan for year and annual report or highlights for last year PDF 303 KB HealthwatchBrentistheindependentvoicethrough whichBrentresidents cansharetheirexperiencesofusinghealthandsocialcareservices. CommUNITYBarnet is commissionedbytheLondonBorough ofBrentto deliverthelocalHealthwatchcontract. Thecontractcommencedfrom1 July 2015. Thisreportsummarisesthe progresstodate and setsoutplansfortheyear. The Annual Report is attachedatAppendix1 forreference.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report presented by CommUNITY Barnet, the organisation commissioned by Brent to deliver the local Healthwatch contract, which summarised progress to date and set out plans for the year ahead. Julie Pal, CEO of CommUNITY Barnet introduced the report and outlined the proposed priorities for Healthwatch Brent.
In answer to a question regarding the level of work undertaken on Female Genital Mutilation, it was explained that this had been limited during 2015/16 and so was ongoing into 2016/17. It was acknowledged that it was important for Healthwatch Brent to get direct feedback from the women affected by this practice.
Julie Pal confirmed that whilst evaluating the patient experience, her organisation would also take account of the provider’s view. It was agreed that as and when Healthwatch Brent produced reports on the issues it had identified as its priorities they would be sent to the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board who would determine where else they should be sent.
As part of the process undertaken by Healthwatch Brent in determining its priorities it was agreed that this should include how the priorities linked-in with the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
(i) that the progress made by Healthwatch Brent in delivering the contract be noted;
(ii) that the principles informing the priorities for Healthwatch Brent in 2016/17 be endorsed and an update be presented to the next meeting of the Board setting out the finally agreed priorities and providing a scope supporting each one. |
Any other urgent business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Head of Executive and Member Services or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 64. Minutes: None. |