Agenda item
Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP)
Brent Council and CCG are working in partnership with other stakeholders to drive a genuine and sustainable transformation in patient and resident experience and health outcomes over the next five years.
The Board considered the report on Brent Council and Brent CCG’s plan to drive a genuine and sustainable transformation in patient and resident experience and health outcomes over the next five years. Matthew Hannant, Director of Strategy and Transformation for NW London introduced the plan by stating that it was regarded as one of the better plans for improvement. It was important that all stakeholders were signed up to it by the 30 June submission date even though it now appeared this would represent a work in progress submission date that would form the basis of conversations with the NHS.
Kate Lawrence, Brent STP Project Manager, submitted a presentation to the Board outlining the progress made to date and the five local and nine shared NW London priorities contained within the plan. She outlined the next steps in developing Brent’s local STP and STP delivery plan.
In answer to a question regarding how the needs of children were covered in the plan, Matthew Hannant explained that whilst priority 3 was the only one that specifically mentioned children by reference to giving them the best possible start, all the other priorities encompassed the care of children. Discussion took place on the redesign of Central Middlesex Hospital for it to meet the priorities set out in Shaping a Healthier Future. Again, in addressing how the needs of children were to be met, it was explained that the provision of a good primary care facility would provide the main interface for children. It was suggested that articulating an incremental approach towards some of the big ticket items that would take the full five years to achieve would provide greater re-assurance that progress was being made along the way.
It was agreed that that an officer with responsibility for the needs of children should be invited to future STP meetings.
Referring to the list of engagements set out in the presentation, Dr Kong stated that this did not include all the activities that were already taking place which would demonstrate inclusion of all communities. The Chair and Councillor Butt expressed the view that there was a need to reach out to sections of the community which were not currently engaged so that there was a greater awareness of the work being done. One suggestion was for an on-line survey to be developed. It was agreed that Healthwatch would carry this out.
The request was made for the presentation to be circulated to all members of the Board.
(i) that the progress made to date at a Brent and NW London level in terms of developing the NW London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) be noted, as well as the anticipated next steps with regards to developing the Brent STP and STP Delivery Plan;
(ii) that particular note be made of:
· The NW London and Brent emerging priorities for the next five years
· The proposed local Brent STP and Delivery Plan content and focus
· The proposed status of the final Brent Local STP and Delivery Plan as the overarching strategic plan for Brent.
Supporting documents: