Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Conference Hall - Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ. View directions
Contact: Toby Howes, Senior Democratic Services Officer 020 8937 1307, Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of personal and prejudicial interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant financial or other interest in the items on this agenda. Minutes: The Chair declared an interest in that she had been asked by a councillor to consider the ‘Harrow Lighting and Sound’ application, item two on the agenda, first. However, she did not consider this interest prejudicial and remained present to consider this item.
Additional documents:
Decision: That the application by O’Leary Retail Ltd for a premises licence for ‘Harrow Lighting and Sound’ (959-963 Harrow Road, Wembley, HA0 2SF) pursuant to the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 be approved with amendments and conditions:-
(i) that the following licensable activities be permitted:-
1. that the hours permitted for the supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises be:-
Sunday to Wednesday – 06:00 to 00:00 Thursday to Saturday – 06:00 to 01:00 (the following day)
2. that the hours permitted for the supply of late night refreshment be:-
Sunday to Wednesday – 23:00 to 00:00 Thursday to Saturday – 23:00 to 01:00 (the following day)
3. that the hours permitted for the premises to be open to the public be:-
Sunday to Wednesday – 06:00 to 00:00 Thursday to Saturday – 06:00 to 01:00 (the following day)
(ii) that the following conditions be attached to the premises licence:-
1. No high strength beers, lagers and ciders above 5.5% ABV shall be stocked.
2. That late night hot refreshments be restricted to hot drinks only.
3. CCTV shall be installed to Home Office Guidance standards and maintained in a good working condition and recordings shall be kept for 31 days and shall be made available to police and authorised officers from Brent Council upon request.
4. A “Challenge 21” policy shall be adopted and adhered to at all times.
5. All alcohol products to be tagged and alarmed.
6. Branded Budgens carrier bags to be provided to customers.
7. Intoxicated persons to be asked to leave the premises
8. A non-slip floor is to be installed.
The Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee (C) felt that the application with amended hours and the conditions attached to the premise licence would address concerns made in the representations from councillors and local residents in respect of public nuisance and also assist the applicant to uphold the licensing objectives (prevention of public nuisance, prevention of crime and disorder, ensuring public safety and protection of children from harm).
Minutes: That the application by O’Leary Retail Ltd for a premises licence for ‘Harrow Lighting and Sound’ (959-963 Harrow Road, Wembley, HA0 2SF) pursuant to the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 be approved with amendments and conditions:-
(i) that the following licensable activities be permitted:-
1. that the hours permitted for the supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises be:-
Sunday to Wednesday – 06:00 to 00:00 Thursday to Saturday – 06:00 to 01:00 (the following day)
2. that the hours permitted for the supply of late night refreshment be:-
Sunday to Wednesday – 23:00 to 00:00 Thursday to Saturday – 23:00 to 01:00 (the following day)
3. that the hours permitted for the premises to be open to the public be:-
Sunday to Wednesday – 06:00 to 00:00 Thursday to Saturday – 06:00 to 01:00 (the following day)
(ii) that the following conditions be attached to the premises licence:-
1. No high strength beers, lagers and ciders above 5.5% ABV shall be stocked.
2. That late night hot refreshments be restricted to hot drinks only.
3. CCTV shall be installed to Home Office Guidance standards and maintained in a good working condition and recordings shall be kept for 31 days and shall be made available to police and authorised officers from Brent Council upon request.
4. A “Challenge 21” policy shall be adopted and adhered to at all times.
5. All alcohol products to be tagged and alarmed.
6. Branded Budgens carrier bags to be provided to customers.
7. Intoxicated persons to be asked to leave the premises
8. A non-slip floor is to be installed.
The Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee (C) felt that the application with amended hours and the conditions attached to the premise licence would address concerns made in the representations from councillors and local residents in respect of public nuisance and also assist the applicant to uphold the licensing objectives (prevention of public nuisance, prevention of crime and disorder, ensuring public safety and protection of children from harm).
Additional documents:
Decision: That the application by Luke Allen for a variation to the premises licence for ‘The Shop’ (75 Chamberlayne Road, London, NW10 3ND) pursuant to the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 be approved as amended and with conditions as agreed with the police and the Council’s public safety officer, subject to amendments to some of these conditions.
(i) that the following licensable activities be permitted:-
1. That the front external area be licensed to permit customers of no more than 14 at any time to be used no later than 22.00 Sunday to Thursday and 23.00 Friday and Saturday and the days proceeding a public bank holiday.
2. That licensable activities cease at 00:00 and the premises close to the public at 00:30 (the following day).
(ii) that the following conditions be added to the premises licence:-
That conditions as agreed with the police and the Council’s public safety officer be added to the premises licence, subject to the following amendments:-
Condition 9 to read: The total number of people on the premises, including staff and performers to not exceed the set number agreed by the Council’s Public Safety Team (which has yet to be determined).
Condition 11 to read: The maximum number of persons permitted on the ground floor only shall not exceed 60 including 14 in the front external area and staff as more particularly detailed hatched black on the additional plan.
Condition 15 (No form of loudspeaker or other sound amplification equipment shall be sited on or near the exterior premises or in or near any foyer, doorway, window or opening to the premises) to replace condition 8 on the existing premises licence.
The Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee (C) acknowledged that the revised application to add the front external area only to be licensed addressed many of the residents’ concerns in their written representations. In addition, the Sub-Committee felt that the conditions already agreed with the police and the Council’s public safety officer also addressed the previous concerns raised in the representations. It felt that by amending some of the conditions agreed upon and in allowing 30 minutes ‘drinking up’ time after all licensable activities had ceased would help the licence premises holder promote the licensing objectives (prevention of public nuisance, prevention of crime and disorder, ensuring public safety and protection of children from harm) and accordingly the application for variation of the premises licence as amended was agreed.
Minutes: That the application by Luke Allen for a variation to the premises licence for ‘The Shop’ (75 Chamberlayne Road, London, NW10 3ND) pursuant to the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 be approved as amended and with conditions as agreed with the police and the Council’s public safety officer, subject to amendments to some of these conditions.
(i) that the following licensable activities be permitted:-
1. That the front external area be licensed to permit customers of no more than 14 at any time to be used no later than 22.00 Sunday to Thursday and 23.00 Friday and Saturday and the days proceeding a public bank holiday.
2. That licensable activities cease at 00:00 and the premises close to the public at 00:30 (the following day).
(ii) that the following conditions be added to the premises licence:-
That conditions as agreed with the police and the Council’s public safety officer be added to the premises licence, subject to the following amendments:-
Condition 9 to read: The total number of people on the premises, including staff and performers to no exceed the number to be determined by the Council’s Public Safety Team.
Condition 11 to read: The maximum number of persons permitted on the ground floor only shall not exceed 60 including 14 in the front external area and staff.
Condition 15 (No form of loudspeaker or other sound amplification equipment shall be sited on or near the exterior premises or in or near any foyer, doorway, window or opening to the premises) to replace condition 8 on the existing premises licence.
The Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee (C) acknowledged that the revised application to add the front external area only to be licensed addressed many of the residents’ concerns in their written representations. In addition, the Sub-Committee felt that the conditions already agreed with the police and the Council’s public safety officer also addressed the concerns that had been raised in the representations. It felt that by amending some of the conditions already agreed and in allowing 30 minutes ‘drinking up’ time after all licensable activities had ceased would help the premises licence holder uphold the licensing objectives (prevention of public nuisance, prevention of crime and disorder, ensuring public safety and protection of children from harm) and accordingly the application for variation of the premises licence as amended was agreed.
Additional documents:
Decision: The Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee (C) acknowledged a request from the police for an adjournment due to their non-availability at the hearing and also to allow them to seek further clarification in respect of visits by the Council’s licensing officers. In view of these facts, the Sub-Committee felt that it would be reasonable in the public interest to defer the application having regard to Regulation 20 of the Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005 and accordingly the matter was adjourned to a date to be confirmed.
Minutes: The Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee (C) acknowledged a request from the police for an adjournment due to their non-availability at the hearing and also to allow them to seek further clarification in respect of visits by the Council’s licensing officers. In view of these facts, the Sub-Committee felt that it would be in the public interest to defer the application and accordingly it was adjourned to a date to be confirmed.