Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Rooms 1, 2 and 3, Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, HA9 9HD. View directions
Contact: Anne Reid, Principal Democratic Services Officer 020 8937 1359, Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of personal and prejudicial interests Members are invited to declare at this stage of the meeting, any relevant financial or other interest in the items on this agenda. Minutes: Councillor Powney declared a personal interest in the item relating to the waste strategy review as a member of the West London Waste Authority. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To follow. Minutes: RESOLVED:-
that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 July 2010 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Order of business Minutes: The Executive agreed to change the order of business so as to take early in the meeting those items for which members of the public were present. |
Deputation - advice service grants Minutes: The Executive received a deputation from Mary Purcell representing Brent Citizens Advice Bureau in connection with the report from the Director of Housing and Community Care which sought authority to review grant funding for Brent CAB and the Brent Community Law Centre. Ms Purcell acknowledged the reality of central government budget cuts but asked that the effect on residents be minimised. She reminded the Executive that BCAB dealt with approximately 500 clients per week many of whom had complex cases and it was felt that to impose cuts in excess of 4.5% would adversely affect service provision. Service quality could be maintained with this level of budget reduction as indicated in option one of the Director’s report as administrative staff were volunteers trained by the CAB and independent audit indicated that the service was considered to provide value for money. Additionally, BCAB had other funding sources. Ms Purcell advised that the national CAB was in the process of providing information on the impact of cuts nationally. |
This report seeks authority to renew grant funding for a period of one year for Brent Citizens Advice Bureau (BCAB) and the Brent Community Law Centre Limited (BCLC). There is no provision in the Council’s Constitution to extend existing grant funding, so the renewals would amount to fresh grants. Additional documents: Decision: (i) that the grant for the Brent Citizen’s Advice Bureau be renewed for a further 1 year from 1 October 2010, to conclude 30 September 2011 pending the outcome of a strategic review; (ii) that the grant for the Brent Community Law Centre be renewed for a further 1 year from 1 October 2010, to conclude 30 September 2011 pending the outcome of a strategic review; (iii) that the savings as set out in option 1 of the report from the Director of Housing and Community Care be noted. Minutes: The report from the Director of Housing and Community Care sought authority to renew grant funding for a period of one year for Brent Citizens Advice Bureau (BCAB) and the Brent Community Law Centre Limited (BCLC). There was no provision in the council’s constitution to extend existing grant funding, so the renewals would amount to fresh grants. Earlier in the meeting the Executive received a deputation from Mary Purcell on behalf of Brent Citizens Advice Bureau concerning the options to reduce funding to the BCAB. Members expressed appreciation for the work carried out by the service.
Option one in the Director’s report was to reduce the BCLC’s and BCAB’s budgets by 15% and 4.5% respectively during the one year renewal period and option two was to agree an additional 10.5% from the BCAB’s existing budget. Councillor R Moher (Lead Member, Adults, Health and Social Care) in responding to the deputation and introducing the report referred to the pending strategic review of advice services and negotiations with the organisations to reduce funding. She was aware of the sterling work of the BCAB and mindful that their caseload was likely to increase in the future. She asked that the savings in option one be noted.
(i) that the grant for the Brent Citizen’s Advice Bureau be renewed for a further 1 year from 1 October 2010, to conclude 30 September 2011 pending the outcome of a strategic review;
(ii) that the grant for the Brent Community Law Centre be renewed for a further 1 year from 1 October 2010, to conclude 30 September 2011 pending the outcome of a strategic review;
(iii) that the savings as set out in option 1 of the report from the Director of Housing and Community Care be noted. |
This report recommends the allocation of the balance of funds under BNSV and the Council’s main capital programme to supply an additional 8FE (1680 primary school places) across 6 primary and secondary schools. Schools have been proposed after all the primary schools were sent an invitation to expand, followed by an initial feasibility assessment and on the basis of maximum need for school places in the local areas. It should be noted that the BNSV funding must be spent and invoiced by August 2011, should this not be possible it is more than likely that the funding will be lost. A further paper will be presented to the Executive with detailed information presenting on the outcome of more detailed costing and recommendations on which projects will actually be taken forward. Decision: (i) that approval be given to the allocation of Basic Need Safety Valve funds across the schemes set out in the table in paragraph of the report from the Director of Children and Families for the primary expansion schemes presented; (ii) that approval be given to the allocation of funds under the council’s main capital programme across the schemes set out in the table in paragraph of the Director’s report for the primary expansion schemes presented; (iii) that it be noted that the council would commence initial procurement activity for consultants to advise on these projects in accordance with the council’s procurement procedures; (iv) that it be noted that a further report will be presented at the Executive’s September meeting with further costing and recommending which projects should be taken forward. Minutes: The report before members from the Director of Children and Families recommended the allocation of the balance of funds Basic Need Safety Valve funding, allocated by central government in November 2009 and the balance of the Council’s main capital programme to supply an additional 8FE (1,680 primary school places) across 6 primary and secondary schools. Schools have been proposed after all the primary schools were sent an invitation to expand, followed by an initial feasibility assessment and on the basis of maximum need for school places in the local areas. The Lead Member (Children and Families) drew attention to the schools likely to be included in the scheme and welcomed the design proposals which would give high quality, modular buildings the detailed costings to be the subject of a further report. The Lead Member also drew attention to the requirement for the BNSV funding to be spent and invoiced by August 2011, should this not be possible it was more than likely that the funding would be lost.
(i) that approval be given to the allocation of Basic Need Safety Valve funds across the schemes set out in the table in paragraph of the report from the Director of Children and Families for the primary expansion schemes presented;
(ii) that approval be given to the allocation of funds under the council’s main capital programme across the schemes set out in the table in paragraph of the Director’s report for the primary expansion schemes presented;
(iii) that it be noted that the council would commence initial procurement activity for consultants to advise on these projects in accordance with the council’s procurement procedures;
(iv) that it be noted that a further report will be presented at the Executive’s September meeting with further costing and recommending which projects should be taken forward. |
Educational use of Coniston Gardens PDF 114 KB At their meeting of January 2010 the Executive were presented with two options in respect of the former scouts’ hut site on 2 Coniston Gardens, NW9 OBB (adjacent to Oliver Goldsmith Primary School): to dispose of the site to a Housing Association for the provision of two large family homes or to retain the land within the council’s portfolio and develop Extended Services from the site. The Executive agreed at that meeting to dispose of the site to a Housing Association. This report provides the Executive with an update on that decision and recommends that the decision be revoked and the site be retained within the council’s portfolio for educational and community use. Decision: (i) that the decision made by the January 2010 Executive meeting to dispose of the site to a Housing Association be revoked and instead to retain the site within the council’s portfolio for educational and community use; (ii) that officers re-engage with Oliver Goldsmith Primary School and various council service areas to establish the potential service options and appropriate funding streams available to support the development and sustainable use of the site for the local community and/or educational purposes. Minutes: At their meeting of January 2010 the Executive were presented with two options in respect of the former scouts’ hut site on 2 Coniston Gardens, NW9 (adjacent to Oliver Goldsmith Primary School): to dispose of the site to a housing association for the provision of two large family homes or to retain the land within the council’s portfolio and develop Extended Services from the site. The Executive agreed at that meeting to dispose of the site to a housing association. Councillor J Moher (Lead Member, Highways and Transportation) introduced the report before members which proposed the revocation of the previous decision and to instead retain the site for educational used under the school’s management. Councillor Moher advised that the scout hut on the site was derelict and beyond repair and the housing association proposal had been withdrawn. In the interim, the scout hut would be demolished and the land used as a wild life area. In the longer term, Oliver Goldsmith school would welcome the opportunity to draw up proposals for use of the site, using capital funding, recognising the need for family learning and raising attainment levels.
(i) that the decision made by the January 2010 Executive meeting to dispose of the site to a Housing Association be revoked and instead to retain the site within the council’s portfolio for educational and community use;
(ii) that officers re-engage with Oliver Goldsmith Primary School and various council service areas to establish the potential service options and appropriate funding streams available to support the development and sustainable use of the site for the local community and/or educational purposes. |
Authority to extend the existing contract for the delivery of Play Services in Brent PDF 74 KB This report updates the Executive to the progress of the current tender process for the delivery of play services in Brent. The report requests authority to further extend the current contract with Brent Play Association to 31 March 2011 while officers consider options for the future delivery of play services with a report back to the Executive on such options by December 2010. Decision: (I) that the current position with regard to the tender process for the delivery of play services in Brent and officers intention to report to the Executive on options for the future delivery of play services by December 2010 be noted; (ii) that a further extension of the existing contract for play services with Brent Play Association (BPA) be authorised for a period of 7 months from 1 September 2010 to 3 March 2011. Minutes: The report from the Director of Children and Families updated the Executive on the progress of the current tender process for the delivery of play services in Brent. The report requested authority to further extend the current contract with Brent Play Association to 31 March 2011 while officers considered options for the future delivery of play services with a report back to the Executive on such options by December 2010.
(i) that the current position with regard to the tender process for the delivery of play services in Brent and officers’ intention to report to the Executive on options for the future delivery of play services by December 2010 be noted;
(ii) that a further extension of the existing contract for play services with Brent Play Association (BPA) be authorised for a period of 7 months from 1 September 2010 to 3 March 2011. |
Waste Strategy Review PDF 150 KB
This report presents options for making efficiency savings in the council’s waste management operation, specifically with respect to waste collection and disposal. This work represents the initial outcome of the Gold Review, as part of the council’s Improvement and Efficiency Programme. The report offers service change recommendations for implementation in the period to July 2011. The report also addresses proposals to repeal the £25 charge for bulky household waste collections. This report seeks permission to consult on the Draft Waste Strategy. (Appendix also referred to below) Additional documents:
Decision: (i) that the detailed outcomes from the Waste Strategy Review as described in this report be noted; (ii) that approval be given to the consultation on the preferred scenario for waste collection as set out in Sections 4.0 – 5.3 of the report from the Director of Environment and Culture; (iii) that approval be given to the consultation on the revised Waste Strategy for Brent as set out in Appendices A and B of the Director’s report; (iv) that the financial implications of repealing the £25 charge for bulky household waste collections, as set out in paragraph 6.14 of the Director’s report be noted; (v) that approval be given to the introduction of a free bulky waste collection service and that this should be introduced from 1 October 2010; (vi) that the Director of Environment and Culture be authorised to develop proposals for the street cleansing service in discussion with the Council’s service provider – Veolia ES (UK) Limited, and that these proposals be reported back to the Executive. Minutes: Councillor Powney (Lead Member, Environment and Culture) introduced the report from the Director of Environment, Planning and Culture which presented proposals that were central to the policy programme of the new Administration namely an increased focus on sustainability and environmental improvement which included a number of specific goals relating to waste including increasing the recycling rate to 60% and restoring the free collection of bulky waste items for householders. This would also help deliver long term efficiency savings in excess of £1 million each year. The report proposed a programme of public consultation on the draft waste strategy and the revised collection and recycling arrangements the outcome of which would report back in November. Councillor Powney drew members’ attention to the implications of repealing the £25 bulky waste charge and proposed that the free service be reintroduced with effect from 1 October 2010.
The Executive also had before them an appendix to the report which was not for publication as it contained the following category of exempt information as specified in Schedule 12 of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1972:
Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.
(i) that the detailed outcomes from the Waste Strategy Review as described in the report from the Director of Environment and Culture be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the consultation on the preferred scenario for waste collection as set out in Sections 4.0 – 5.3 of the report from the Director of Environment and Culture;
(iii) that approval be given to the consultation on the revised Waste Strategy for Brent as set out in Appendices A and B of the Director’s report;
(iv) that the financial implications of repealing the £25 charge for bulky household waste collections, as set out in paragraph 6.14 of the Director’s report be noted;
(v) that approval be given to the introduction of a free bulky waste collection service and that this should be introduced from 1 October 2010;
(vi) that the Director of Environment and Culture be authorised to develop proposals for the street cleansing service in discussion with the Council’s service provider – Veolia ES (UK) Limited, and that these proposals be reported back to the Executive. |
Introduction of a vehicle emission-based charging regime for residents' parking permits PDF 146 KB This report sets outs details of a proposal to generally increase charges for residents permits for parking on the highway (within Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs)) at the same time as introducing a full vehicle emission based charging regime. Decision: (i) that approval be given to the introduction of a vehicle emission based regime and new charges for residents parking permits and accordingly instructs the Director of Environment and Culture to undertake appropriate consultation and the advertising of Traffic Orders in association with the Council’s intention to introduce the new charges and charging regime for residents parking permits as set out in this report, (ii) that the Director of Environment and Culture be authorized to subsequently consider all representations received in relation to the proposals and, having considered those representations and if appropriate, and making any modifications, make the proposed Traffic Orders to introduce the proposed regime and charges; (iii) that the Director of Environment and Culture introduce a “permit surrender price” scheme and a scheme to allow users of car club cars to park free of charge within parking bays in any CPZ within Brent and to amend, following consultation, the relevant Traffic Orders; (iv) that the Director of Environment and Culture explore opportunities to introduce a vehicle emission based regime for business and other parking permits and bring suitable proposals to the Executive at an appropriate time. Minutes: The report from the Director of Environment and Culture set out details of a proposal to generally increase charges for residents permits for parking on the highway (within controlled parking zones) at the same time as introducing a full vehicle emission based charging regime.
Councillor J Moher (Lead Member, Highways and Transportation) in introducing the report reminded the meeting that residents’ parking permits charges had remained unchanged for many years and drew attention to the revised scale of charges. Councillor Moher explained that the proposals should encourage residents to consider the contribution their vehicles make to CO2 emissions and climate change and monies received would go towards funding transport related issues. The proposals were for agreement subject to the outcome of consultation. It was noted that the proposals were comparable with other London boroughs with similar parking conditions and practices.
(i) that approval be given to the introduction of a vehicle emission based regime and new charges for residents parking permits and accordingly instructs the Director of Environment and Culture to undertake appropriate consultation and the advertising of Traffic Orders in association with the Council’s intention to introduce the new charges and charging regime for residents parking permits as set out in the report;
(ii) that the Director of Environment and Culture be authorized to subsequently consider all representations received in relation to the proposals and, having considered those representations and if appropriate, and making any modifications, make the proposed Traffic Orders to introduce the proposed regime and charges;
(iii) that the Director of Environment and Culture introduce a “permit surrender price” scheme and a scheme to allow users of car club cars to park free of charge within parking bays in any CPZ within Brent and to amend, following consultation, the relevant Traffic Orders;
(iv) that the Director of Environment and Culture explore opportunities to introduce a vehicle emission based regime for business and other parking permits and bring suitable proposals to the Executive at an appropriate time. |
This report requests the award of call off contracts from a series of Framework Agreements, following a successful collaborative procurement exercise with other London Boroughs for the provision of home care for adults. Approval for participation in this procurement exercise was given by the Executive Meeting of 19 October 2009. (Appendix also referred to below) Additional documents:
Decision: (i) that the result of the tender run by the West London Alliance Joint Procurement Unit, leading to the establishment of series of framework agreements by the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham for the supply of home care across older people, mental health, learning disabilities and physical disabilities sectors be noted; (ii) that approval be given to the awards of call-off contracts using the WLA framework for Personal Home Care to London Care plc, Enara Community Care, Supporta Care Ltd, Jays Homecare and Taylor Gordon and Co Ltd trading as Plan Personnel from 1 October 2010 for 4 years; (iii) that authority be delegated to the Director of Housing and Community Care authority to award further contracts in excess of £500,000 from the WLA frameworks as required throughout the life of the framework agreements, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources and the Borough Solicitor. Minutes: The report from the Director of Housing and Community Care requested the award of call off contracts from a series of Framework Agreements, following a successful collaborative procurement exercise with other London boroughs for the provision of home care for adults. Approval for participation in this procurement exercise was given by the Executive Meeting of 19 October 2009. The report also requested that authority be delegated to the Director of Housing and Community Care to award further call-off contracts as required throughout the life of the Framework Agreement for the provision of home care, including reablement services and housing related support without the need to get these approved by the Executive (such approval would otherwise be required where a call-off contract exceeded £500,000 in value).
(i) that the result of the tender run by the West London Alliance Joint Procurement Unit, leading to the establishment of series of framework agreements by the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham for the supply of home care across older people, mental health, learning disabilities and physical disabilities sectors be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the awards of call-off contracts using the WLA framework for Personal Home Care to London Care plc, Enara Community Care, Supporta Care Ltd, Jays Homecare and Taylor Gordon and Co Ltd trading as Plan Personnel from 1 October 2010 for 4 years;
(iii) that authority be delegated to the Director of Housing and Community Care authority to award further contracts in excess of £500,000 from the WLA frameworks as required throughout the life of the framework agreements, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources and the Borough Solicitor. |
Following the regulatory reports on Cornwall, Sutton and Merton NHS services to people with learning disabilities, and the MENCAP report on acute healthcare for the same user group, in August 2008, the government issued guidance and support to effect the transfer of responsibilities for the commissioning of health and social services for people with learning disabilities from the NHS to local authorities. The negotiations with NHS Brent have been concluded regarding the resources and commissioning responsibilities for those under the relevant criteria from 2007, with effect for 2009/10 and going forward from April 2010, as outlined in this report. Decision: (i) that approval be given to the financial agreement for the commissioning of services for individuals with learning disabilities between the Council and NHS Brent and approve the PCT transferring the following funds to the Council:
£7.511m for 2009-10 (£7.261million plus inflation of £250,000) £7.611m for 2010-11, (£7.261million plus inflation of £350,000)
(ii) that approval be given to the revision of the joint commissioning of services by staff responsible for the learning disabilities function, such that the Council becomes the lead commissioner, with accountability for the function being held by the Joint Executive Team, between NHS Brent and the Council; (iii) that the Director for Housing and Community Care submit a report seeking approval on the remaining transfers of responsibilities and resources for individuals with learning disabilities from NHS Brent to the Council by 31 March 2011. This is to include the NHS Campus closure programme and the future arrangements for the Community Team for People with a Learning Disability. Minutes: Following the issue of government guidance and support to effect the transfer of responsibilities for the commissioning of health and social services for people with learning disabilities from the NHS to local authorities, negotiations with NHS Brent have been concluded regarding the resources and commissioning responsibilities for those under the relevant criteria from 2007, with effect for 2009/10 and going forward from April 2010, as outlined in the report from the Director of Housing and Community Care. The Lead Member (Adults, Health and Social Care) outlined the areas that would be included in the transfer which she felt would sit well with the council’s role as a provider of public health services and dealing with people with complex needs.
(i) that approval be given to the financial agreement for the commissioning of services for individuals with learning disabilities between the Council and NHS Brent and approve the PCT transferring the following funds to the Council:
£7.511m for 2009-10 (£7.261million plus inflation of £250,000) £7.611m for 2010-11 (£7.261million plus inflation of £350,000)
(ii) that approval be given to the revision of the joint commissioning of services by staff responsible for the learning disabilities function, such that the Council becomes the lead commissioner, with accountability for the function being held by the Joint Executive Team, between NHS Brent and the Council;
(iii) that the Director for Housing and Community Care submit a report seeking approval on the remaining transfers of responsibilities and resources for individuals with learning disabilities from NHS Brent to the Council by 31 March 2011. This is to include the NHS Campus closure programme and the future arrangements for the Community Team for People with a Learning Disability. |
Award of contract for procurement and management of temporary accommodation PDF 133 KB This report details the process of the competitive tendering of two contracts for the Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation (Brent Direct Leasing Scheme), and makes a recommendation as to award. The Executive gave authority to tender for the contracts at the meeting of 19 October 2009. (Appendix also referred to below) Additional documents:
Decision: (i) that approval be given to the award of both the Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation contracts to Brent Housing Partnership Ltd from 1 September 2010 for 2 years with provision to extend for a further 12 months; (ii) that approval be given to an extension to the current contract for Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation to cover the period from 16 August 2010 to 31 August 2010 until the projected start date of the new contracts; (iii) that authority be delegated to the Director of Housing and Community Care to further extend the current contract for Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation beyond 31 August 2010 if required, to allow for a later start date than 1 September 2010 for the new contracts, whether due to delay in obtaining the required Secretary of State consent to the outsourced service or otherwise. Minutes: Councillor Thomas (Lead Member, Housing and Customer Services) introduced the report which detailed the process of the competitive tendering of two contracts for the Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation (Brent Direct Leasing Scheme), and made a recommendation as to award. Advertisements for the tender had been placed in November 2009 and following evaluation, Brent Housing Partnership had been assessed as the best provider.
The Executive also had before them an appendix to the report which was not for publication as it contained the following category of exempt information as specified in Schedule 12 of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1972:
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
(i) that approval be given to the award of both the Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation contracts to Brent Housing Partnership Ltd from 1 September 2010 for 2 years with provision to extend for a further 12 months;
(ii) that approval be given to an extension to the current contract for Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation to cover the period from 16 August 2010 to 31 August 2010 until the projected start date of the new contracts;
(iii) that authority be delegated to the Director of Housing and Community Care to further extend the current contract for Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation beyond 31 August 2010 if required, to allow for a later start date than 1 September 2010 for the new contracts, whether due to delay in obtaining the required Secretary of State consent to the outsourced service or otherwise.
Brent Council faces many challenges over the next four years but its current structure is ill-equipped to meet them. In important respects, we remain a very fragmented organisation with a traditional departmental structure which, with a few exceptions, has remained largely unchanged for nearly two decades. The arrival of a new Administration and the adoption of a new Corporate Strategy inevitably prompts us to examine our internal arrangements to ensure they are still fit for purpose. This need is reinforced by the acute financial crisis facing local government which means that we need to review critically everything that we do to ensure that frontline services are protected and resources are not wasted on inappropriate structures, out of date ways of working and inefficient business processes. The proposals in this report set out how we can meet the very real financial challenges facing local government while enhancing our ability to deliver the ambitions set out in the new Administration’s policy programme. Appendix also referred to below. Additional documents:
Decision: (i) that the major changes and challenges currently facing local government be noted; (ii) that the broad vision for the future shape and structure of the Council set out in the body of the report from the Chief Executive and in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report be agreed; (iii) that the measures already taken to modernise the Council’s structure, staffing and spans of management control as set out in section 4 of the Chief Executive’s report be noted; (iv) that agreement be given, subject to the outcome of consultation with staff, to the deletion of the Business Transformation department and the reconfiguration of its functions as set out in section 5 of the report; (v) that the other proposed departmental structures as set out in section 5 of the report be endorsed; (vi) that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to make such other consequential changes as may be needed to give effect to the proposals in this report. Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced his report which set out proposals to restructure departmental arrangements in order to ensure that they were fit to meet forthcoming challenges particularly in the light of the acute financial crisis facing local government and the need to ensure efficiency, the protection of front line services and the ambitions set out in the new Administration’s policy programme.
The Chief Executive advised that since the publication of his proposals extensive consultation had taken place with council departments and staff and he was aware that some would be disappointed. He paid tribute to staff especially those who had been with the council for a relatively short time and had made valuable contributions. He commended the recommendations in the report to the Executive.
The Executive also had before them an appendix to the report which was not for publication as it contained the following category of exempt information as specified in Schedule 12 of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1972:
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
(i) that the major changes and challenges currently facing local government be noted;
(ii) that the broad vision for the future shape and structure of the Council set out in the body of the report from the Chief Executive and in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report be agreed;
(iii) that the measures already taken to modernise the Council’s structure, staffing and spans of management control as set out in section 4 of the Chief Executive’s report be noted;
(iv) that agreement be given, subject to the outcome of consultation with staff, to the deletion of the Business Transformation department and the reconfiguration of its functions as set out in section 5 of the report;
(v) that the other proposed departmental structures as set out in section 5 of the report be endorsed;
(vi) that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to make such other consequential changes as may be needed to give effect to the proposals in the report. |
Treasury Management Annual Report 2009/10 PDF 133 KB The purpose of this report is to provide information to members on borrowing and investment activity, and performance compared to prudential indicators during 2009/10. It also sets out revised requirements in the 2009 Treasury Management Code of Practice and a progress report for 2010/11 as required by the revised Code. As the Treasury Management Annual Report should be agreed by Full Council, the Executive is asked to recommend them to Full Council for approval. Decision: that Full Council be recommend to: (i) adopt the 2009 Treasury Management Code of Practice (paras 3.3 – 3.5) (ii) approve the Treasury Management Annual Report (section 3); and Annual Investment Strategy Report (section 4) (iii) note the outturn for prudential indicators (section 5) (iv) note the updated position in 2010/11 (para.3.25).
Minutes: The purpose of the report from the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources was to provide information on borrowing and investment activity, and performance compared to prudential indicators during 2009/10. It also set out revised requirements in the 2009 Treasury Management Code of Practice and a progress report for 2010/11 as required by the revised Code. Councillor Butt (Lead Member, Resources) welcomed the report which was positive and asked the Executive to recommend it to Full Council for approval.
that Full Council be recommended to:
(i) adopt the 2009 Treasury Management Code of Practice as set out in the report from the director of Finance and Corporate Resources;
(ii) approve the Treasury Management Annual Report (section 3); and Annual Investment Strategy Report (section 4);
(iii) note the outturn for prudential indicators (section 5);
(iv) note the updated position in 2010/11 (para. 3.25). |
Reference of item considered by Forward Plan Select Committee Minutes: None. |
Any Other Urgent Business Notice of items to be raised under this heading must be given in writing to the Democratic Services Manager or his representative before the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 64. Minutes: None. |