Issue details
Council restructuring
To consider significant changes to the structure of Council departments in the light of current and future financial pressures and the need to implement the new Administration’s Corporate Strategy. To note the outcome of recent consultation with staff and approve a set of final proposals. To note that subject to agreement by the Executive, it is intended that the new arrangements should become operational on Monday 18 October.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 11 Aug 2010 by Executive
Lead member: Councillor Ann John OBE
Lead director: Chief Executive
Department: Central Services
Contact: Gareth Daniel, Chief Executive Email: Tel: 020 8937 1007.
Consultation process
- 13/08/2010 - Rising to the challenges: re-shaping Brent Council to deliver the new Administration's priorities
Agenda items