ePetition details
Objection to asphalt tarmac pavements and request to maintain and refurbish existing paving slabs in Clifford Gardens and other potential conservation areas or streets in Brent of historical architectural significance
1.) The council have started works in Clifford Gardens, pulling
up the paving slabs with the intention to replace these with
asphalt tarmac. Initial research strongly indicates that the
majority of the residents in Clifford Gardens disagree with this
2.) The community has not been given adequate notice or consutled
on this proposal, in line with Govenrment recommended best
3.) Clifford Gardens is a proposed conservation area in the "Brent
Place Making Guide" - May 2019. The houses are of historical
architectural significance. Placing asphalt pathways adjacent to
Victorian buildings with stucco features goes against all 'Brent
Place Making' recommendations that pavement design should be in
keeping with the adjacent facades. We request the pavement is
preserved in this potetntial conservation area.
4.) Brent policy regarding pavements is inconsistent. We have been
informed 70% is paved and only 30% will be made up of asphalt.
Recently Hardinge Rd and Harvist Rd have been excellently
refurbished with paving slabs. We request the same treatment is
applied to Clifford Gardens. All the council placemaking guides
promote consistency. Other local streets that have been covered in
asphalt are wearing poorly and now have patchy uneven surfaces.
It's widely recognised this material is not appropriate for a
street with adjacent 19th century facades of historical
5.) We understand the existing pavement poses no immediate safety
risk, as confirmed by Brent Council when they signed off the paving
works, completed by Virgin Media, at the end of last year. We would
like to highlight the gross loss of opportunity and poor management
of budgets here, where there could have been a collaboration with
Virgin’s activities and a great saving made in preserving the
Started by: Joanna Sykes
This ePetition ran from 18/03/2021 to 25/03/2021 and has now finished.
554 people signed this ePetition.