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Alcohol and Entertainment Lice
Alcohol and Entertainment Lice
Alcohol and Entertainment Lice
Alcohol and Entertainment Lice
Audit Advisory Committee
Audit and Standards Advisory C
Audit and Standards Committee
Audit Committee
Barham Park Trust Committee
Brent Active Travel Forum
Brent CONNECTS - Harlesden
Brent CONNECTS - Kilburn
Brent CONNECTS - Kingsbury and
Brent CONNECTS - Wembley
Brent CONNECTS - Willesden
Brent Pension Fund Sub-Committ
Brent Safeguarding Partnership
Brent Youth Parliament
Budget and Finance Overview an
Budget Panel
Call In Overview and Scrutiny
Children and Families Overview
Children and Young People Over
Community and Wellbeing Scruti
Corporate Parenting Committee
Council Tax Setting Committee
Employees' Joint Consultative
Equalities Committee
Forward Plan Select Committee
General Purposes Committee
General Purposes Licensing Sub
Health and Wellbeing Board
Health Partnerships Overview a
Health Select Committee
Highways Committee
Housing Scrutiny Committee
Joint Committee of the London
Joint Health Overview and Scru
Joint Meeting of the One Counc
Licensing Committee
London-Wide Joint Overview and
North West London Joint Health
Northwick Park Joint Committee
One Council Overview and Scrut
Overview and Scrutiny Committe
Partnership and Place Overview
Pension Board
Performance and Finance Select
Planning Committee
Regulatory Sub-Committee
Resources and Public Realm Scr
Schools Disciplinary Sub-Commi
Schools Forum
Scrutiny Committee
Senior Staff Appointments Sub-
Service User Consultative Foru
Service User Consultative Foru
Service User Consultative Foru
Service User Consultative Foru
Service User Consultative Foru
Staff Appeals Sub Committee
Staff Appeals Sub-Committee (A
Staff Appeals Sub-Committee (B
Standards (Initial Assessment)
Standards Committee
Standing Advisory Council for
Teachers' Joint Consultative C
Trading Standards Joint Adviso
Welsh Harp Joint Consultative
West London Economic Prosperit
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Disclosable Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Aden, Councillor Abdi Aden
Afzal, Councillor Ihtesham Af
Agha, Councillor Amer Agha MB
Ahmadi Moghaddam, Councillor
Ahmed, Councillor Parvez Ahme
Akram, Councillor Ajmal Akram
Bajwa, Councillor Narinder Si
Begum, Councillor Rita Begum
Benea, Councillor Teo Benea
Butt, Councillor Muhammed But
Butt, Councillor Saqib Butt
Chan, Councillor Jumbo Chan
Chappell, Councillor Elliot C
Chohan, Councillor Bhagwanji
Choudry, Councillor Saqlain C
Clinton, Councillor Charlie C
Collymore, Councillor Diana C
Conneely, Councillor Rita Con
Crabb, Councillor Stephen Cra
Dar MBE, Councillor Tariq Dar
Dixon, Councillor Liz Dixon
Donnelly-Jackson, Councillor
Ethapemi, Councillor Tony Eth
Farah, Councillor Harbi Farah
Fraser, Councillor Kathleen F
Gbajumo, Councillor Erica Gba
Georgiou, Councillor Anton Ge
Grahl, Councillor Gwen Grahl
Hack, Councillor Ryan Hack
Hirani, Councillor Sunita Hir
Hylton, Councillor Orleen Hyl
Johnson, Councillor Robert Jo
Kabir, Councillor Sandra Kabi
Kansagra, Councillor Suresh K
Kelcher, Councillor Matt Kelc
Kennelly, Councillor Daniel K
Knight, Councillor Promise Kn
Long, Councillor Janice Long
Lorber, Councillor Paul Lorbe
Mahmood, Councillor Arshad Ma
Matin, Councillor Hannah Mati
Maurice, Councillor Michael M
Miller, Councillor Tom Miller
Mistry, Councillor Kanta Mist
Mitchell, Councillor Mary Mit
Moeen, Councillor Ishma Moeen
Molloy, Councillor Anthony Mo
Nerva, Councillor Neil Nerva
Patel, Councillor Jayanti Pat
Patel, Councillor Mili Patel
Rajan-Seelan, Councillor Raja
Rubin, Councillor Jake Rubin
Shah, Councillor Sonia Shah
Sheth, Councillor Ketan Sheth
Sheth, Councillor Krupa Sheth
Smith, Councillor Lesley Smit
Smith, Councillor Tazi Smith
Southwood, Councillor Eleanor
Tatler, Councillor Shama Tatl
Vacancy, Vacancy
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period
Declarations of interest by Councillor Anthony Molloy, 1 March 2024 - 12 March 2025
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