Agenda item
Former Palace of Arts & Palace of Industry Site, Engineers Way, Wembley (Ref. 12/3361)
Agreed the amended recommendation and conditions as set out in the supplementary report with further amendments to condition 1 delegated to officers.
The use of the site for surface car parking for up to 1,350 cars for a temporary period of 3 years while land to the south of Engineers Way is redeveloped pursuant to planning permission 03/3200 and the making good of part of the site and other minor works following the demolition of the former Palace of Industry building. The application site is situated between Engineers Way, Olympic Way, Fulton Road and Empire Way but excludes the Quality Hotel, Dexion and Howarine House, the Civic Centre and Malcolm/Fulton House sites.
RECOMMENDATION: Grant planning permission for a period of 3 years from the commencement of the use, subject to the ability to agree an extension to this period of time through condition.
With reference to the tabled supplementary report, Neil McClellan, Area Planning Manager clarified the prospective tenants within the outlet as requested at the site visit. In relation to the length of time that the land would be used as a car park, he drew members’ attention to comments from Transportation Officers as set out in the supplementary report and in respect of which a number of amendments were recommended. He recommended that condition 1 be changed to 5 years and that condition 7 be changed to refer to a maximum of 1,350 spaces for the first three years from first use and 510 spaces for the following two years unless otherwise agreed by the Council. The Area Planning Manager also drew members’ attention to minor amendments to conditions 3 and 6, an addition of a standard condition regarding the reinstatement of redundant crossovers at the applicant’s own expense and an additional informative 3 as set out in the tabled supplementary report.
Mr Phillip Grant, member of Wembley History Society and a volunteer of Brent Museum and Archives circulated photographs for members’ information. He stated that he had requested the applicant (Quintains) to retain the external walls of the buildings to enable Wembley History Society to stage exhibitions during the ninetieth anniversary of the British Empire in 2014. He informed members that Quintains had refused his request citing safety reasons. Mr Grant, however, requested the Committee to add a further condition requiring the applicant to retain the external walls, marked on his photographs, for their architectural and historical merits.
Ann Clemence, on behalf of the applicant submitted that the application was essential to enable Quintains to carry out the developments around the Stadium area as without the car park facility, the construction of the design outlet would be delayed. She regretted that for commercial reasons the request made by Mr Grant could not be granted. In response to a member’s question, Ann Clemence stated that the contractors currently carrying out the demolition had advised that the retention would involve significant risks and compromise the commercial obligation of the applicant.
In the ensuing discussion, Councillor John expressed a view that the application would give a degree of flexibility on parking issues around Wembley Stadium area which she welcomed. Councillor Cummins however was of the view that the applicant could grant Mr Grant’s request for at least part of the wall as indicated in the photograph circulated at the meeting. This view was also shared by Councillors Daly and Hashmi.
In responding to the issues raised, the Area Planning Manager stated that as the building had been de-listed some nine years ago, the applicant could not be asked by way of condition to retain the walls for historical reasons. The Head of Area Planning also advised against the request and went on to request delegated authority on the amended condition 1.
DECISION: Agreed the amended recommendation and conditions as set out in the supplementary report with further amendments to condition 1 delegated to officers.
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