Agenda item
Annual Report of Brent Youth Parliament (BYP) 2008-09
This report sets out the progress and impact made by the Brent Youth Parliament (BYP) at the end of its second term. The report evaluates the performance of the youth parliament against the terms of reference agreed by its currently elected members at their induction session in November 2008. The report is an update from the six monthly progress report that was presented at the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee in April 2009, thereby highlighting progress made by BYP in the last six months only.
Manveen Patwalia (Principal Youth Participation Manager) introduced the Brent Youth Parliament (BYP) Annual Report 2008/09, which set out the progress and impact of the BYP at the end of its second term, evaluating performance against the terms of reference agreed in November 2008. Manveen Patwalia reported that the monthly sessions had been very successful, and members of the BYP had worked actively on the campaign to break negative stereotypes of young people. BYP members had also been consulted on regeneration and the Council’s sports strategy. The parliament had also responded to national consultation on proposed changes to the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum in schools. There had been liaison with the UK Youth Parliament, and some of Brent’s young people would be attending a debate in the House of Commons. An end of year survey had been completed by BYP members, and the results had been generally positive. Following concerns that a one-year term was insufficient, there would be a two-year term in future, with an increased seat allocation. It was hoped by this means to represent young people who were hard to reach.
As part of the process of strengthening relations with the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee, it was proposed that future reports to the Committee contain a section on the views of young people. It was also proposed that the Chair of the Committee meet quarterly with the BYP Executive to have informal discussions outside the meeting.
Rizwaan Malik (representative of BYP) addressed the Committee on the BYP’s campaign of breaking the negative stereotypes of young people. DVDs had been produced, and a copy would be left with the Chair for councillors to view. A nationwide survey of 15 questions had been launched, and it was hoped to receive 5,000 responses. Rizwaan Malik invited councillors to complete the survey, a copy of which had been emailed to them.
Kishan Parshotam (representative of BYP) drew the Committee’s attention to a youth-friendly version of Brent’s Children and Young People’s Plan. A Youth Conference – with 150 young people and 50 adults – was being organised for 13 November 2009. The Deputy Children’s Commission for England would be attending, and Kishan Parshotam also invited members of the Committee.
Members welcomed the report and congratulated the BYP and the Council officers supporting it on their work. They welcomed the proposal that the views of young people be reflected in reports to the Committee, and suggested that this happen more widely within the Council. Councillors also expressed an interest in receiving copies of the youth-friendly version of Brent’s Children and Young People’s Plan. They also recommended that invitations to the 13 November conference be issues as soon as possible.
Manveen Patwalia welcomed a suggestion from a member of the Teachers’ Panel that a group from the BYP spend a day in, for example, special schools, in order to help the BYP contact particular target groups.
Krutika Pau (Assistant Director, Strategy and Partnerships) praised the work of the BYP and the Council officers supporting the BYP, recognising that the BYP was a very organised group of young people, supported by officers doing very intensive work with them. The Chair thanked the BYP representatives and officers for their work.
(i) that the Committee note the good progress made by the BYP in its second term;
(ii) that the Committee endorse the changes proposed for the next term around the extension of members’ terms to two years and the proposed increased in seat allocation;
(iii) that, where applicable, and recognising that a suitable process needed to be put in place, reports submitted to the Committee in future should have a section on young people’s views, demonstrating how young people were involved in discussion of the subject matter and their views given due weight;
(iv) that the Chair of the Committee have quarterly meetings with the BYP Executive to discuss issues raised by the BYP, as well as issues coming to the attention of the Committee, to ensure that young people are at the heart of discussions and decisions relating to services for young people in Brent.
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