Agenda item
Authority to Invite Tenders in Respect of Appointing Charging Point Operator(s) to Supply, Install, Operate and Maintain Electric Vehicle Charging Points on Behalf of Brent in Relation to the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Funding
This report outlines proposals to expand electric vehicle charging provision in Brent including a funding opportunity to further expand the charge point network in the borough. The Council, as part of a six strong London boroughs partnership, is seeking to invite tenders in respect of appointing a Charge Point Operator(s) to supply, install, operate and maintain up to 2,723 additional electric vehicle charge points in Brent. The report seeks approval for the acceptance of Office for Zero Emission Vehicles funding and to enter a tender process as part of a borough partnership.
(2) To approve the Council collaboratively procuring with five other London boroughs a Charge Point Operator(s) to supply, install, operate and maintain up to 2,723 electric vehicle charge points across Brent.
(3) To agree that the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham will act as the lead authority in the collaborative procurement detailed in (2) above for the reasons detailed in paragraph 3.4.1 of the report and accordingly that its Standing Orders and Financial Regulations will be used for the collaborative procurement.
(4) To delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Enforcement, to award a fifteen-year contract(s) with the successful bidder(s) to provide up to 2,723 on-street electric vehicle charge points across Brent, as specified in the Heads of Terms set by OZEV.
Eligible for call-in: Yes
Deadline for submission of call-in: 6pm on Tuesday 19 November 2024
Councillor Krupa Sheth (as Cabinet Member for Environment & Enforcement) introduced a report detailing proposals to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging provision in Brent including a funding opportunity to further expand the charge point network in the borough with the Council, as part of a six strong London boroughs partnership, seeking to invite tenders in respect of appointing a Charge Point Operator(s) to supply, install, operate and maintain up to 2,723 additional electric vehicle charge points in Brent.
In presenting the report, Cabinet noted the way in which the approach outlined in partnership with the other London boroughs had been designed to deliver a shared commitment to greener transportation and a green future enabling the Council to streamline its resources and secure expertise and collaboratively lead the way in sustainable urban mobility. In support of the expansion being sought, the Council had also been actively pursuing funding opportunities through the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) who were providing support in strengthening local EV infrastructure, which members were advised had resulted in £1.25m in LEVI funding having been awarded from OZEV.
Based on the funding support provided, the Council (in partnership with the other London Boroughs involved) was now in a position to move forward with a procurement process, which would be led by the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, to appoint Charge Point Operators who would supply, install, operate, and maintain the new charge points. In highlighting the significant challenges faced not only with Brent but across London as a whole relating to congestion, air quality, and climate change members recognised the way in which the proposal had been developed to support the Council in delivery of a key priority to enable greener and more active and sustainable travel choices and was closely aligned with the Brent Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy in seeking to support a reduction (by at least half) in petrol and diesel road journeys by 2030.
In considering the report, members supported the approach outlined, welcoming the funding secured and partnership work with neighbouring boroughs, as a means of offering local residents an accessible, efficient EV charging network that was also aligned with the Council’s strategic goals, Climate Emergency Strategy and commitment to a sustainable future.
Having considered the report Cabinet therefore RESOLVED:
(2) To approve the Council collaboratively procuring with five other London boroughs a Charge Point Operator(s) to supply, install, operate and maintain up to 2,723 electric vehicle charge points across Brent.
(3) To agree that the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham will act as the lead authority in the collaborative procurement detailed in (2) above for the reasons detailed in paragraph 3.4.1 of the report and accordingly that its Standing Orders and Financial Regulations will be used for the collaborative procurement.
(4) To delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Enforcement, to award a fifteen-year contract(s) with the successful bidder(s) to provide up to 2,723 on-street electric vehicle charge points across Brent, as specified in the Heads of Terms set by OZEV.
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