Agenda item
Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document
Cabinet (28 May 2024) approved the draft Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SCGA Masterplan SPD) for publication and statutory consultation. This report sets out the consultation feedback, officer consideration and recommended changes to the document and seeks final approval of the Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document for adoption.
(Members are asked to note that the agenda was republished to include this report on 7 November 2024)
Cabinet RESOLVED having considered the consultation feedback, officer consideration and recommended changes to the Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document.
(1) To approve the Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document for adoption, subject to any de minimus and non-substantial edits to the document.
Eligible for call-in: Yes
Deadline for submission of call-in: 6pm on Tuesday 19 November 2024
Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration, Planning and Growth) introduced a report detailing the consultation feedback and officer consideration following the statutory consultation approved by Cabinet (28 May 2024) on the draft Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SCGA Masterplan SPD)and recommended changes to the document identified as a result, in advance final approval of the SCGA Masterplan SPD for adoption
In presenting the report, Cabinet were advised that the Masterplan and SPD presented for consideration represented the outcome of an extensive process involving detailed work with a range of stakeholders aimed at delivering on the Local Plan commitment to encourage regeneration and growth including an ambitious vision to create ahigh quality and intensified industrial area sitting adjacent to a new urban community in not only the area covered by the Masterplan within the Staples Corner Growth area but also wider area as a whole. In outlining the way in which the proposals within the Masterplan set the framework to facilitate the delivery of high-quality homes, attract investment for more business opportunities and jobs, all supported by new infrastructure and community facilities members also recognised the way in which the proposals had been focussed on the delivery of the associated social infrastructure and an improved public realm to support the new mixed use residential community with business growth also strengthening the area’s existing economy and providing space for emerging sectors, including logistics, light industrial units and workspace. Highlighting the planned development of at least 2,200 new homes co-located alongside the new and refurbished industrial premises, members were advised of the intention to also ensure these were delivered in a way that would support the transition to a net zero carbon circular economy and the challenges of climate change.
In terms of the outcome of the statutory consultation process, reference was made to the broadly supportive nature of responses provided with 82% supporting the overall vision outlined. Having noted the feedback along with the areas of concerns also identified, an assurance was provided on the Council’s intention to continue working closely with landowners, developers, residents, businesses and other stakeholders to bring forward the aspiration for change and to realise and maximise the potential opportunities identified within the area, including those linked to the wider Brent Cross development.
In considering the report, members took the opportunity to thank all those involved in development of the SCGA Masterplan SPD and who had engaged in the consultation process with the positive nature of the overall feedback recognised and specific support expressed for the level of new housing development to be delivered. In terms of wider opportunities, members were also keen to ensure the enhanced public transport connectivity delivered through the new Brent Cross West station development and potential West London Orbital scheme were also recognised as further benefits in seeking to secure the level of growth identified and encouraging investment across the area.
In support of the opportunities identified through the SCGA Masterplan SPD as a means of focussing growth and investment Cabinet RESOLVED, having considered the consultation feedback, officer consideration and recommended changes, to approve the Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document for adoption, subject to any de minimus and non-substantial edits to the document.
Supporting documents:
- 12. SCGA Masterplan SPD, item 12. PDF 454 KB
- 12a. Appendix 2 - SCGA Consultation Report, item 12. PDF 2 MB
- 12b. Appendix 3 - Equality Analysis, item 12. PDF 441 KB