Agenda item
Authority to Award the contract for the provision of Integrated Treatment, Recovery Wellbeing and Substance Misuse Service
This report concerns the delivery of the Integrated Treatment Recovery Wellbeing and Substance Misuse Service, outlining the current position with regard to delivery of services and sets out proposals for the re-procurement of a contract for the Integrated Treatment Recovery Wellbeing and Substance Misuse Service using the Provider Selection Regime.
(1) To note that the Integrated Treatment Recovery Wellbeing and Substance Misuse Service was currently provided to the Council by VIA Community Ltd.
Eligible for call-in: Yes
Deadline for submission of call-in: 6pm on Tuesday 19 November 2024
Councillor Nerva (as Cabinet Member for Community Health & Wellbeing) introduced a report regarding delivery of the Integrated Treatment Recovery Wellbeing and Substance Misuse Service, and detailing proposals for the re-procurement of the service under the Provider Selection Regime.
In presenting the report, Cabinet were advised that the approach outlined in terms of re-procurement of the service had been designed to reflect the positive impact which evidence-based drug and alcohol services delivered in supporting improvements in health, reducing drug and alcohol relateddeaths along with blood borne viruses, improving relationships and reducing wider social harms and re-offending. Recognising these benefits, the approach outlined was therefore seeking to continue with the provision of what was regarded as a well-performing service already being delivered by Via (formerly Westminster Drugs Project) who, it was also noted, had continued to improve performance on key areas outlined in the 2021 National Drug Strategy. In outlining the extensive range of the treatment and recovery offer available to Brent residents, members noted the way in which this was also tailored according to individual health andsocial care needs, involving all those who accessed the service having a clinical assessment and individual care plan that would also include more holistic advice about health and wellbeing, 1 to 1 sessions, support groups, weekend services as well as a range of education, training and employment programmes and opportunities for volunteering with delivery supported by B3 (as the service user council whose members had completed or were in the process of completing their treatment and recovery journey through Via New Beginnings).
Highlighting the importance of the service, Cabinet were advised that there were currently just under 3,000 local residents engaged in structured treatment programmes within Brent with Via (in March 2024) having also reported the significant progress achieved in the micro-elimination of Hepatitis C within the local treatment population, making Brent one of just six boroughs nationally to be able report on that area at the start of the 2024-25 year with the partnership working between the Council, Via New Beginnings, the NHS and also service users identified as key to this milestone. The way in which the current service had also continued to deliver services beyond the scope of the contract was also highlighted, which had included the development of the Young People’s Mental Wellbeing Service and an extensive outreach programme which had involved significant resident engagement and work to support street homeless/rough sleepers with entrenched drug and alcohol misuse, which members were keen to ensure was continued under the procurement of the service moving forward.
In considering the report, members recognised the positive value and vital nature of the work being delivered through the service including the focus on outreach activity with a need identified to ensure this covered as wide a geographical area as possible, including issues highlighted within Church End. Whilst supportive of the option involving a direct award of the contract to Via, recognising their integral role as part of the local health and care system and local partnerships, concern was expressed at the position regarding the limited length of award it would be possible to agree based on the availability of current grant funding. Whilst aware of the potential development of a new national drug strategy as a result of a comprehensive review planned by the new government and impact on public health commissioning arrangements and service models as a result, members advised they would be keen to continue lobbying for the provision of longer-term funding to support extended deliver of the current service arrangements. In the meantime, however, it was noted that existing grants would be maintained for a further 12 months from 1 April 2025.
In support of the work being undertaken by Via (supported through B3) in partnership with local stakeholders and continued commitment towards the delivery of better health outcomes in our borough Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To note that the Integrated Treatment Recovery Wellbeing and Substance Misuse Service was currently provided to the Council by VIA Community Ltd.
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