Agenda item
Review of the Member Development Programme and Member Expenses
This report provides a summary of the Member Learning and Development Programme since the last report to the Committee in March 2023 along with details on the Members Allowance Scheme.
Amira Nassr, Head of Chief Executive & Member Services introduced a report that provided members with a summary of the Member Learning and Development (MLD) Programme since the last report to Committee in March 2023, and information regarding the Members’ Expenses Scheme as well as an update on the annual review of the financial and procedural rules governing the Mayor’s Charity Appeal.
In considering the report the Committee noted:
· The role of the Member Learning and Development Steering Group in providing constructive input to shape and evaluate development of the Member Learning & Development programme with an outline of upcoming sessions detailed within Appendix 1 of the report.
· Whilst most Member and Learning Development sessions continued to be delivered online as the preferred method of learning and development identified by members, the benefits and effectiveness of in person face to face training had also been recognised. The use of hybrid sessions had also been trialled as a further alternative means of delivery with the offer of this type of training session moving forward to be reviewed as part of the planning of future training opportunities.
· The feedback provided on the current Member Learning & Development Programme, as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report, which it was noted would be used to assist shaping development of the future programme of activity.
· The offer of individual Personal Development Plan (PDP) sessions to all members to support identification of individual training needs and assist in shaping future training programmes. Details of the offer provided were set out in section 8 of the report with 31 of 57 members having taken the opportunity since 2022 for a PDP. A summary of the key priorities identified as a result were detailed within section 8.2 of the report with the core attributes identified for development focussed around chairing and facilitation skills. A further programme of follow up reviews had been scheduled from June 2024 with Brent’s Councillor Development Charter Plus re-assessment also due to undertaken during 2024-25.
· The update provided in relation to Members Allowances and expense claims, as detailed within section 9 and Appendix C of the report. Members were advised that most expense claims related to training as well as caring duties.
· The update provided in relation to the review of the financial and procedural rules governing the Mayors Charity Appeal, as detailed in section 10 of the report, which had resulted in no changes or modifications being identified for consideration.
· The update provided in relation to Personal Safety training for members and way in which incidents reported by members were logged, as requested at the previous meeting. In terms of trends, members were advised that there had been one incident relating to members personal safety reported in 2020, five in 2022 and three during 2023 with an online training session held in January 2023 as part of the LGA Civility in Public Life Programme. Safeguarding guidance and personal safety support continued to be offered to all members with future training needs and opportunities continuing to be explored through the Member Learning & Development Steering Group.
The Committee was then invited to raise questions on the report, which focused on the areas highlighted below:
· Referring to the feedback on Member Learning & Development sessions, members sought details on how issues highlighted were picked up following each session, with comments specifically provided in relation to members experience with hybrid learning and development sessions regarding their structure, facilitation, and technology. In response, members were advised that, whilst a preference for some members, the challenges in operating and managing hybrid learning and development sessions to ensure all those participating were fully engaged had been recognised. Feedback was sought following each session and would continue to be reviewed by the Member Learning & Development Steering Group with it agreed that the comments highlighted during the meeting would also be fed back as part of the ongoing review of the offer and arrangements for delivery of future sessions.
· In response to a query regarding Charter Plus, members were informed that they were an organisation used to perform the member Personal Development Plan reviews and for the purpose of seeking accreditation as part of the LGA Councillor Development Charter.
· As a final comment, further details were sought on the process in seeking to encourage member attendance and engagement in the Learning & Development Programme and on the way claims for expenses in relation to attendance at external events were managed. Whilst outlining the different methods used to publicise learning and development sessions and to encourage members to engage in the programme (including regular emails, WhatsApp & text messages and the Member Bulletin) it was recognised that levels of attendance had varied depending on the type of sessions being offered and their timing. Efforts would, however, continue to be made to encourage attendance, including the use of targeted communication where it was felt sessions may benefit or be of interest to particular members, and updates provided for the Member Learning & Development Steering Group. In relation to expense claims, confirmation was provided that whilst no specific limit had been set, efforts were made to secure the most advantageous travel, conference and accommodation booking rates although that could sometimes be difficult to achieve in cases where late amendments needed to be made in travel arrangements or attendees.
As no further issues were raised, the Chair thanked Amira Nassr for the update provided and the progress made in the Member Development Programme. The Committee RESOLVED to
(1) Note the work being undertaken by the Member Learning & Development Steering Group to ensure effective training and development for Brents elected representatives (as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report).
(2) Note the feedback on Member Learning & Development sessions, requests for future training and personal development plans (as detailed within Appendix 2 of the report).
(3) Note the expenses claimed by Members in the course of their work during 2023 (as detailed within Appendix 3 of the report).
(4) Note the outcome of the annual review of the financial and procedural rules governing the Mayor’s Charity Appeal.
At this stage in the meeting, the Chair advised that he intended to allow a short pause in proceedings to enable those members observing Ramadan to break for Iftar. The meeting was therefore paused at 6:25pm for a period of 20 minutes with proceedings recommencing at 6:45pm.
Supporting documents:
07. MLD report to Audit and Standards Advisory Committee, item 8.
PDF 260 KB
07a. Appendix 1 - Upcoming MLD sessions, item 8.
PDF 421 KB
07b. Appendix 2 - Feedback on the MLD programme, item 8.
PDF 232 KB
07c. Appendix 3 - Member Expenses Claims 2023, item 8.
PDF 126 KB