Agenda item
Annual Standards and Governance Report for 2023 (including quarterly update on gifts and hospitality)
This presents the Monitoring Officer’s Annual Report to the Audit and Standards Advisory Committee (ASAC) for 2023. The report provides an update on Member conduct issues and the work of the Audit and Standards Advisory Committee, the Audit and Standards Committee (ASC) and the Monitoring Officer during 2023, together with the quarterly report on gifts and hospitality registered by Members as well as highlighting (for reference) a recent standards related case involving a prosecution for failing to disclose a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Debra Norman, Corporate Director of Governance, introduced a report updating the Audit and Standards Advisory Committee (ASAC) on Member conduct issues and the work of the Audit and Standards Advisory Committee, the Audit and Standards Committee (ASC) and the Monitoring Officer during 2023, together with the quarterly report on gifts and hospitality registered by Members. The Committee noted the following key points:
· The summary of the work undertaken by the Audit & Standards Advisory Committee during 2023 on standards related issues (as detailed within section 3.2 of the report) which had included regular monitoring updates in relation to members declaration of gifts and hospitality and attendance at mandatory training sessions as well as updates on standards related Ombudsman and other relevant legal cases. Members noted that the Audit & Standards Committee has also met on one occasion during 2023 (in relation to governance and standards issues) to formally approve the Annual Governance Statement.
· Following the appointment of Rhys Jarvis (in September 2024) to join Stephen Ross as Independent co-opted Members (both Standards focussed) on the Advisory Committee, it was noted that Full Council would also be asked to confirm (at the Annual Council meeting in May 2024) the ongoing appointment of the three existing Independent Persons – William Goh, Keir Hopley and Julie Byrom for the 2024-25 Municipal Year
· During 2023, six complaints were received against different Councillors for alleged breaches of the Members Code of Conduct, on which a summary had been provided within Appendix A of the report. Members were advised that three of these complaints had been resolved at Initial Assessment Stage and three concluded at Assessment Stage. None of the complaints had been upheld.
· The details of Gifts and Hospitality registered by members in the final quarter of 2023-24 (Jan – March 24) as detailed in section 3.11 and Appendix B of the report. In terms of the overall summary, members noted that the main types of declarations had related to FA tickets at Wembley Stadium, as well as various dinners, awards, ceremonies, and theatre shows.
· Five Monitoring Officer Advice Notes (MOANs) had been issued to date during 2023 addressing (as part a focus on the Members Code of Conduct) use of resources, respect, outside bodies, gifts and hospitality, impartiality and bringing members individual office/the Council into disrepute.
· The update provided in relation to member attendance at mandatory training sessions, with the Committee advised that all mandatory training had now been completed by members, with the exception of one member still required to complete Data Protection training as a result of being on maternity leave.
· The update provided on a recent legal case relating to the prosecution of a member of a District Council for failure to disclose a disclosable pecuniary interest, as detailed within section 3.17 – 3.18 of the report.
The Committee was then invited to raise any comments/issues on the update provided, which are summarised below:
· In welcoming the update provided on the resolution of complaints relating to alleged breaches of the member code of conduct, further details were sought on any related actions that may have been identified as a result. In response, Debra Norman advised that whilst no complaints had been upheld a number of cases had resulted in specific actions being taken by the member against whom the allegation had been made in order to remedy the matter with the trend in numbers of complaints and outcomes identified as similar to previous years.
· In response to a request made at the meeting, Debra Norman advised that she would ensure the Independent co-opted members and Independent Persons were added to the distribution list for all future MOANs and sent a copy of those issued during the current Municipal Year.
· In response to a query raised by Councillor Kansagra about a member conduct issue identified during the February 2024 Council meeting, Debra Norman advised that in order to be progressed the matter would need to be lodged as a formal complaint, on which she would send further details regarding the process to be followed.
As no further issues were raised the Chair thanked Debra Norman for the update provided and it was RESOLVED to note the content of the report.
Supporting documents:
06. Annual Standards Report 2023, item 7.
PDF 308 KB
06a. Appendix A - Summary MCC Complaints Received during 2023, item 7.
PDF 431 KB
06b. Appendix B - Gifts and Hospitalities (28 Nov 2023 - 29 Feb 2024), item 7.
PDF 111 KB