Agenda item
General RE & NASACRE Update
- Meeting of Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE), Wednesday 11 October 2023 5.00 pm (Item 6.)
- View the background to item 6.
To receive an update from the SACRE Advisor on any general SACRE or RE related issues.
SACRE received an update from Nadia Nadeem (SACRE/RE Advisor) which covered the following issues:
· The concern highlighted nationally by NASACRE regarding the recruitment of RE teachers given the current shortage identified. As a result, NASACRE were seeking support from SACREs in lobbying MPs for the provision of initiatives such as bursaries for RE trainees reflecting those offered for other subjects, e.g., maths, science and geography, which SACRE members were keen to support also recognising the need to ensure appropriate training and ongoing professional support remained available.
· The recent presentation made by Charles Clarke, as NASACRE patron, on the importance of SACREs continuing to promote community cohesion within their local areas given the importance of religious education in schools being able to promote inclusivity and tolerance both within and outside of the classroom. In considering the update provided the Chair welcome the lead being taken by NASACRE in seeking to strengthen and raise the profile of activities designed to promote wider community cohesion through schools, which members felt could be further strengthened through the development of appropriate links and partnership working with the Multi Faith Forum.
· The work being undertaken, supported by NASACRE, to enhance the focus in measuring and demonstrating the success and impact of SACREs especially in relation to collective worship and the delivery of religious education within schools which members were again keen to support, especially in relation to the development of monitoring information with the SACRE annual report template. In addition, members felt this also provided an opportunity to once again focus on developing more joined up working with the Multi Faith Forum as a means or promoting the resources available and work undertaken through SACRE to engage with local schools and also encourage wider participation.
· The release of a draft version of the National Content Standard for RE which, although not providing a national curriculum syllabus for RE, it was noted did include useful guidance on content for schools and which SACRE advised they would be keen to review in more detail once the final version was published.
· The outcome of a recent court judgement involving Kent County Council concerning the position of Humanists within Group A of SACRE membership. The judgement had clarified that applications for Group A membership from persons who represent holders of non-religious beliefs should be considered in the same way as applications from those who represent holders of religious beliefs, which was a position NASACRE had long been seeking guidance on from the DfE. NASACRE had welcomed the subsequent guidance provided, which had reiterated that the make-up of a SACRE was a matter for Local Authorities (rather than SACREs themselves) and that the membership of Group A should ensure that relevant traditions and beliefs in the local authority’s area were appropriately reflected, including non-religious belief systems where they were analogous to a religious belief.
The opportunity was also taken to remind members of the available training and professional development available through NASACRE for SACRE members including the training offer and information available through the RE Hub. This included a range of upcoming training available for those members of SACRE visiting schools, which Nadia Nadeem advised she had included details about with the agenda and would arrange to share details with any interested members. Members were keen to ensure the work being undertaken through SACRE with local schools continued to be promoted as widely as possible with details of the following events highlighted, as examples, during the meeting:
· The annual programme of events available as part of Interfaith Week, taking place in November 2024 organised by The Inter Faith Network. This included visits to different places of worship and visits to schools to focus on different faiths.
· A recent open house event organised by a local Gurdwara (as part of the London Open House Festival) which Bhupinder Singh had been involved in supporting and accompanying visit to a local Synagogue as part of the same festival.
· Ian Slade informed the meeting of the arrangements being made for a multi-faith event at Alperton Community School to be held in February 2024, on which further information would be provided to encourage participation and support from SACRE.
In recognising the extent of activities being undertaken within the local community and importance in seeking to promote the work being led through SACRE (which members suggested could also include the use of newsletters and other promotion material) Nadia Nadeem also reminded members of the inclusion of a calendar of events as part of the RE Hub which could also be used to raise awareness and encourage wider participation in the type of events being highlighted.
As a final issue, SACRE members were advised that should any concerns be identified regarding the current content on different religions included as part of the Best Brent/SACRE website pages or within the accompanying information to support the recently adopted agreed syllabus these should be raised directly with Jen Haskew & Helen Tulloch so they could be explored, with members having noted the recent review undertaken following previous concerns raised.
As no further issues were raised the Chair thanked Nadia Nadeem for the update provided with it AGREED that further details on the training opportunities referred to would be supplied outside of the meeting to any interested members.