Agenda item
General Update Report
- Meeting of Barham Park Trust Committee, Tuesday 5 September 2023 10.00 am (Item 9.)
- View the background to item 9.
To update Members on operational issues at Barham Park and on current progress on projects.
Noted the verbal updates provided from the following individuals and organisations who had requested to speak at the meeting:
· Lorna Gemmell – (representing ACAVA) highlighting the work and being undertaken through ACAVA and need to ensure meaningful consultation with all tenant organisations on further development of the Feasibility Study and Strategic Property Review on the Barham Park building.
· Jane Ryan – (as a local artist using a studio provided through ACAVA) highlighting concerns relating to security of the Barham Park building and the impact on current users.
· Chris Murray – (representing Young Brent Foundation) highlighting the work of the charity and supporting the concerns raised in relation to security of the Barham Park building given issues being caused by an individual persistently gaining illegal access to the property.
· Mr J M Patel – (representing Barham Park Veterans Club) – highlighting the work of the club and links to the local community and seeking support in securing accessible access and the ongoing maintenance of the building.
· Shivakumar Gurung – (representing Tamu Samaj UK) highlighting the work of the organisation and range of activities being offered for all sections of the local community with the request made for an extension of their lease to further support development and use of the facility.
· Francis Henry – (representing Friends of Barham Library) highlighting the work of the organisation and seeking clarification on the potential impact relating to the outcome of the Feasibility Study and Strategic Property Review and plans to engage with current tenants within the Barham Park building.
The Chair advised that the issues raised had been noted and would be responded to as appropriate. In moving on to then consider the General Update report it was RESOLVED to note the issues set out in the report along with the co-ordinated multi-agency approach being developed to address the security concerns which had been identified.
Leslie Williams (Projects Officer, Parks Service) introduced the report providing an update on operational issues at Barham Park along with current progress on a range of projects.
Members were then provided with operational updates in relation to the following issues:
· The welcome resumption of the full range of activities in the tenanted units within the Barham Park building following the pandemic, with officers (on behalf of the Trust) having held their annual meeting with occupiers to review matters associated with the building and the park in February 2023.
· Park events – as detailed within section 3.3 of the report, with members having noted and welcomed the enhanced range of events successfully hosted within the Park including Irvin’s Fun Fair, a range of events being hosted through Barham Library including health and wellbeing activities and support for people with dementia, Brent Let’s Grow (a training event for young people organised by Young Brent Foundation), Wellness Wonder and other Health related walks and activities along with a number of religious and cultural festivals.
· Security and anti-social behaviour - as detailed within section 3.4 of the report, with the Trust Committee noting (following the discussion under the previous item) the crime, nuisance and disorder from various sources continuing to cause disturbance and harassment to occupiers and to park users. In addition to the previous concerns regarding break-ins by an individual at the building, other recent issues had involved individuals climbing onto the flat roof of the Barham Park building, motorbike riding within the park and graffiti (which had been cleaned by the Council’s grounds maintenance team) along with littering, with the Trust Committee keen to ensure that work being undertaken to address the issues identified on a co-ordinated and multi-agency basis was progressed and the Council’s Cabinet Member for Safer Communities & Public Protection also kept updated on further developments and action.
· Public Space Protection Orders – as detailed in section 3.5 of the report with the Trust Committee advised of the revised PSPO and signage introduced in April 2023 which included a prohibition for nuisance vehicles.
· Rough sleeping with the Park - as detailed in section 3.6 of the report, with members noting the ongoing work being undertaken with StreetLink and St Mungo’s to address the issue and support those individuals sleeping rough to access accommodation and other assistance according to their needs. Members were advised that the east side recessed porch area of the Barham Park building had been used by one or more persons sleeping rough during the year and as a result gated access had now been installed in order to restrict the access to that area and ensure its use only for access to the building.
· Thames Water works – as detailed within section 3.7 of the report. Whilst now completed, members noted the complex nature of the works which had needed to be undertaken which had resulted in the need for some follow up works related to the public surface water system in the vicinity of the railway line.
· General operational works – Members noted the change in the contractor appointed to undertake operational grounds maintenance works which, with effect from 1 August 2023, had changed from Veolia to Continental Landscapes Ltd.
· Grass and meadows - with members noting the continued progress and improvements being made to the range of grasslands and associated wildlife within the park, as detailed within section 3.9 of the report and welcoming its contribution to the Council’s wider biodiversity and climate change activities.
In addition to the operational issues identified above, members also received updates in relation to the following specific issues:
· The progress being made in relation to works previously approved through the Trust’s Restricted Funds, as detailed within section 3.11 – 3.15 of the report. These included the works being undertaken to maintain trees across the Estate and to upgrade windows and the exterior of the Barham Park building. In terms of the windows, planning consent had now been obtained for a revised mix of wood window frames on the key public-facing elevations with UPVC frames to be used elsewhere, which had been designed to achieve energy and carbon-emissions savings in a more cost-effective way and on which a procurement process was now underway to source. The Trust Committee were also advised of the works undertaken in relation to the events Field drainage involving the introduction of a maintenance technique that introduced aeration, relieved compaction and could provide near to the surface drainage while a longer-term solution was sought.
· The progress in relation to the funding of other works associated with tree/other planting and maintenance of open woodland, the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Garden (including additional planting undertaken by the Community Library in the central “well” feature), the rebuild of the wooden pergola and further restoration works to the Walled Garden Pool as detailed within section 3.16 – 3.19 of the report.
As no further issues were raised, Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Chair) thanked officers along with tenant organisations, volunteers and users of the park for their efforts in supporting the maintenance and management of the park and facilities given their importance as a community asset with the Trust keen to ensure a co-ordinated approach was maintained in seeking to secure the long-term use of the Trust’s assets for the benefit of the local community.
As no further issues were raised it was RESOLVED to note the issues set out in the report along with the co-ordinated multi-agency approach being developed to address the security concerns which had been identified during the meeting.
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