Agenda item
Alperton Housing Zone - Parks Improvements
Cabinet NOTED the following comments made by Councillor Georgiou who had requested to speak at the meeting on the report. In addressing Cabinet, Councillor Georgiou (as one of the local councillors representing Alperton Ward) began by welcoming the proposed additional infrastructure investment in Alperton, stating that the funding was crucial to ensure that regeneration benefitted both new and existing residents. Although recognising the positive impact that the investment could have on the parks identified, Councillor Georgiou highlighted that 40% of residents currently believed the spaces to be in a poor or very poor state and that the parks and surrounding areas experienced heightened anti-social behaviour and fly tipping.
In outlining previous attempts to improve green spaces in the area it was felt that not all of these efforts had managed to fully achieve the desired objectives. As a result, Councillor Georgiou felt it would be important to ensure that the funding committed was designed to secure long lasting, transformative and meaningful improvements with local residents, schools and community groups such as the Wembley Central and Alperton Residents Association (WCARA) and Friends of Mount Pleasant Space all fully engaged in the decision-making process regarding use of the investment secured.
Furthermore, in highlighting previous issues concerning parks and open spaces, Councillor Georgiou suggested that the 10% budget allocation for ongoing maintenance be increased to ensure it was sufficient to cover necessary costs and ensure the long term benefit of the investment. In addition, Councillor Georgiou requested further investment in enforcement measures in the borough’s green spaces to keep the areas safe and clean. In concluding, Councillor Georgiou welcomed the investment in Alperton and expressed optimism in working with both officers and councillors to ensure that the investment resulted in significant and lasting improvements at One Tree Hill and Mount Pleasant Open Spaces.
In response, Councillor Butt (Leader of the Council) thanked Councillor Georgiou for his comments and welcomed the support expressed for the proposed additional investment, which he felt demonstrated the positive benefits arising from delivery of the Council’s regeneration programme for residents across the borough despite the financial difficulties being experienced.
Having noted the comments received, Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To approve £525,466 of Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy funding and £100,000 of Public Health funding to design, plan and deliver improvements to One Tree Hill and Mount Pleasant Open Spaces.
(2) To approve the engagement plan for the proposed improvement works outlined in Appendix 5 of the report.
Prior to consideration of the report, Councillor Muhammed Butt (Leader of the Council) invited Councillor Georgiou, who had requested to speak on the item, to address the meeting. Councillor Georgiou (as one of the local councillors representing Alperton Ward) began by welcoming the proposed additional infrastructure investment in Alperton, stating that the funding was crucial to ensure that regeneration benefitted both new and existing residents. Although recognising the positive impact that the investment could have on the parks, Councillor Georgiou highlighted that 40% of residents currently believed the spaces to be in a poor or very poor state and that the parks and surrounding areas experienced heightened anti-social behaviour and fly tipping.
In outlining previous attempts to improve green spaces in the area it was felt that not all of these efforts had managed to fully achieve the desired objectives. As a result, Councillor Georgiou felt it would be important to ensure that the funding committed was designed to secure long lasting, transformative and meaningful improvements with local residents, schools and community groups such as the Wembley Central and Alperton Residents Association (WCARA) and Friends of Mount Pleasant Space all fully engaged in the decision-making process regarding use of the investment secured.
Furthermore, in highlighting previous issues concerning parks and open spaces, Councillor Georgiou suggested that the 10% budget allocation for ongoing maintenance be increased to ensure it was sufficient to cover necessary costs and ensure the long-term benefit of the investment with the need for further investment in enforcement measures in the borough’s green spaces to keep the areas safe and clean also highlighted. In concluding, Councillor Georgiou welcomed the investment in Alperton which it was hoped (continuing the work already undertaken) would result in significant and lasting improvements at One Tree Hill and Mount Pleasant Open Spaces.
In response, Councillor Butt (Leader of the Council) thanked Councillor Georgiou for his comments and welcomed the support expressed for the proposed additional investment, which he felt demonstrated the positive benefits arising from delivery of the Council’s regeneration programme for residents across the borough despite the financial difficulties being experienced.
Councillor Tatler (as Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Planning & Growth) was then invited to introduce the report which sought approval for the use of Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (SCIL) funding and the use of Public Health funding to design, plan and deliver improvements to One Tree Hill and Mount Pleasant Open Spaces. In presenting the report, Councillor Tatler took the opportunity to highlight the Council’s commitment to investing in the borough’s park and open spaces in order assist in meeting the growing demand for outdoor infrastructure and recreation space and in support of the wider programme of regeneration and growth across the borough, with Alperton recognised as one of the fastest growing wards by population in the borough. In thanking officers for the work undertaken to engage with local residents and ward councillors (and welcoming the support expressed by Councillor Georgiou at the meeting) in developing the proposals, the proposed improvements to the open spaces identified were not only felt to be important in terms of addressing growing demand but also in terms of improving the physical and mental health and wellbeing of residents in the area. Confirmation was also provided that the final proposals had been based on a detailed assessment of available options, key objectives and investment priorities within the Local Plan and would also be subject to ongoing consultation with local residents and stakeholders.
In support of the proposals, Cabinet welcomed the proposed investment identified which it was recognised would also include a commitment to ensure that parks and open spaces were accessible for all residents, including young people (including the provision of SEND friendly play equipment) and contributed towards the ongoing delivery of Brent’s Climate and Ecological Strategy.
Having noted the benefits of the proposed improvements to the open spaces identified in relation to public health and in addressing the growing demand for accessible and well-maintained open spaces Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To approve £525,466 of Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy funding and £100,000 of Public Health funding to design, plan and deliver improvements to One Tree Hill and Mount Pleasant Open Spaces.
(2) To approve the engagement plan for the proposed improvement works outlined in Appendix 5 of the report.
Supporting documents:
- 09. Alperton Housing Zone Park Improvements, item 9. PDF 255 KB
- 09a. Appendix 1 - Alperton Parks & Open Spaces Map, item 9. PDF 88 KB
- 09b. Appendix 2 – Consultation Outcome, item 9. PDF 683 KB
- 09c. Appendix 3 - One Tree Hill & Mount Pleasant existing playground, item 9. PDF 555 KB
- 09d. Appendix 4 - One Tree Hill & Mount Pleasant costs breakdown, item 9. PDF 190 KB
- 09e. Appendix 5- Enagagement Plan, item 9. PDF 367 KB
- 09f. Appendix 6 – Equality Analysis AHZ Parks Improvements, item 9. PDF 321 KB