Agenda item
Stopping Up Order - Watling Gardens
This report seeks authorisation to make a Stopping Up Order (SUO) for certain area of public highway consisting of highway verge, footway, carriageway located in Watling Gardens under Section 247 and 253 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (TCPA 1990).
Councillor Krupa Sheth introduced a report from the Corporate Director of Resident Services seeking approval for authorisation to make a Stopping Up Order (SUO) for certain areas of public highway that consisted of highway verge, footway and carriage located in Watling Gardens under Section 247 and 253 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (TCPA 1990).
Nicolaas Potgieter, Team Leader, Healthy Streets and Parking advised the Committee that the Stopping Up Order was necessary to facilitate the redevelopment of the site to provide 125 flats, 80 for general needs and 45 for extra care with 101 of the units being affordable housing and the remaining 24 units as shared ownership.
Members noted that the draft Stopping Up Order had been advertised in accordance with the necessary statutory requirements under Section 247 TCPA 1990 that included consulting with statutory consultees. Of the statutory consultees, Cadent Gas and Openreach had raised initial objections on the basis they had apparatus in the proposed area and Virgin Media had requested further information due to a diversion needed on their existing services on the site. Cadent Gas and Openreach had subsequently withdrawn their objection as further investigation concluded that their apparatus would not be affected. Virgin Media’s request for further information due to a diversion of their services had been responded to, with no further objections.
As a result of concerns highlighted during the meeting in relation to the necessity to include all roads and footpaths in the Watling Garden Estate as part of the Stopping Up Order, the Committee were assured that this had been necessary in order to facilitate the re-development of the site. In response to a further query in relation to the length of time taken for work to be progressed on the development since it had received approval in June 2022, the Committee were advised that once a scheme was approved there remained a significant amount of continued engagement and consultations to be undertaken with stakeholders before work could commence.
In response to further additional concerns raised during the meeting relating to the inclusion of a Shared Ownership element as part of the proposed development, the Chair advised that as these did not impact on consideration of the Stopping Up Order they would need to be addressed outside of the meeting.
The Committee noted the importance of the proposed development in providing additional homes in Brent as part of the Council’s programme to deliver more affordable housing and in recognition of this extended thanks to officers for their support in delivering the programme of work.
Having noted the outcome of the consultation undertaken, Members welcomed the scheme and therefore RESOLVED:
(1) To note that the draft Stopping Up Order had been advertised in accordance with the requirements of Section 247 and 253 TCPA 1990 and that in response to the consultations, Cadent Gas and Openreach had made objections, which were subsequently withdrawn. Whilst Virgin Media – Plant Enquiries team had made a request for information as a diversion of their services was required on site, this had been provided and their request had therefore been satisfied.
(2) On the basis of (1) above, to approve the Stopping Up Order and agree that the notices of making should be advertised.
Supporting documents:
- 6. Stopping Up Order- Watling Gardens, item 6. PDF 243 KB
- 6.a Draft Stopping Up Order and Plan, item 6. PDF 420 KB