Agenda item
Review of the Member Development Programme and Members' Expenses
This report is presented to provide members of the Audit and Standards Advisory Committee with a summary of the Member Learning and Development Programme since the last report to the Committee in March 2022. The report also provides further information regarding the Members’ Expenses Scheme.
Natalie Zara, Head of Executive & Member Services introduced a report that provided members with a summary of the Member Learning and Development (MLD) Programme since the last report to Committee in March 2022, and information regarding the Members’ Expenses Scheme as well as an overview of upcoming Member Learning and Development sessions.
In considering the report the Committee noted:
· The role of the Member Learning and Development Steering Group in providing constructive input to shape and evaluate development of the Member Learning & Development programme.
· Whilst most Member and Learning Development sessions continued to be delivered online as the preferred method of learning and development identified by members, the benefits and effectiveness of in person face to face training had also been recognised, particularly in providing useful networking and team-bonding opportunities. These would continue to be offered and developed as part of the planning of future training opportunities.
· The offer of individual Personal Development Plan (PDP) sessions to all members to support identification of individual training needs and assist in shaping future training programmes. Details of the offer provided were set out in section 8 of the report with 31 out of 57 members having taken the opportunity for a PDP. A summary of the key priorities identified as a result were detailed within Appendix C of the report with the core attributes identified for development focussed around leadership areas.
· The update provided in relation to Members Allowances and expense claims, as detailed within section 9 and Appendix D of the report. Members were advised that most expense claims related to training, with the small underspend on the Member Learning & Development budget attributed to the increased delivery of internal training and level of attendance at external training events not having returned to pre pandemic levels.
· The ongoing development of the future Member & Learning Development Programme, as detailed in Appendix A of the report along with feedback on the current programme as detailed within Appendix B of the report.
The Committee was then invited to raise questions on the report, which focused on a number of key areas as highlighted below:
· In response to Member queries in relation to training accessibility and effectiveness, the Committee were advised that there was an awareness of when additional support to access training may be necessary. In terms of the effectiveness of training, members were advised this was subject to regular review with the feedback having been used to help shape development of the ongoing programme. As additional suggestions the Committee highlighted a need to consider how member attendance and engagement in online sessions was monitored, including cameras being left on with the need also recognised to ensure sessions were fully utilised in terms of available space to ensure they remained as cost effective as possible.
· Following a Committee query regarding the future development of the core mandatory training offer to Members, the Committee were assured that data acquired from the PDP results would be used to inform future training and address any knowledge/skills gaps identified.
· Further clarification was requested on reference to the “Health Committee” in Appendix D of the report under Member expenses, with details also sought on use of personal devices by members to access online training. In response, Natalie Zara, Head of Executive & Member Services confirmed that she would provide a response outside of the meeting on the reference to the Health Committee and also to confirm the protocol for Councillor’s using personal devices to access Learning & Development sessions (as detailed in the Action Log).
As no further issues were raised, the Chair thanked Natalie Zara for the update provided and the progress made in the Member Development Programme. The Committee RESOLVED to
(1) Note the work being undertaken by the Member Learning & Development Steering Group to ensure effective training and development for Brents elected representatives (as detailed in Appendix A of the report).
(2) Note the feedback on Members Services, training, and their relationship with departments across Brent (as detailed in Appendix B of the report)
(3) Note the positive feedback from outside organisations on Brents MLD (as detailed in Appendix C of the report)
(4) Note the expenses claimed by Members in the course of their work (as detailed in Appendix D of the report)
Supporting documents:
- 7. Member Development Programme Report, item 7. PDF 309 KB
- 7a. Appendix A MLD Draft Future Programme (22-23), item 7. PDF 394 KB
- 7b. Appendix B - Feedback on the MLD programme, item 7. PDF 299 KB
- 7c. Appendix C - PDP Results, item 7. PDF 1 MB
- 7d. Appendix D -Member Expenses Claim 2022, item 7. PDF 115 KB