Agenda item
Scrutiny Progress Update - Recommendations Tracker
This report updates the Committee on the Scrutiny Recommendations Tracker.
The Committee was invited to consider the progress and updates provided in relation to the Resources & Public Realm scrutiny recommendation and information request tracker.
The Chair invited Committee members to ask officers questions relating to the progress of the previous recommendations, suggestions and information requests made by the Committee as detailed in Appendix A of the report.
The following queries were raised by the Committee:
Cost of Living Crisis Review – 6 Sept 22:
In relation to the recommendation to “Use Council’s role and relationship with the NHS to lobby for more support for our residents to strengthen our efforts in helping them through the Cost of Living crisis” the Committee had welcomed the response provided by Councillor Nerva, Cabinet Member for Public Health & Adult Social Care, however the Committee remained concerned in relation to residents hospital discharge care packages, as it was felt these should include additional support for patients who required financial support in relation to increased energy costs for the operation of vital medical equipment. The Committee felt the response did not fully address this ongoing concern and as such the Chair advised that this action would be referred to the Community & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee for further investigation.
Redefining Local Services Update: 15 Dec 22
· The Committee requested an update on the recommendations made regarding the Redefining Local Services Integrated Street Cleansing Contract in relation to the action for officers and contractors to look at the feasibility of providing wheelie bins instead of sacks where possible. Oliver Myers, Head of Environmental Strategy, Commissioning and Climate Change advised members that the action remained on track, with the contractors Veolia in the process of completing a feasibility assessment and timeline of how this could be rolled out to the identified suitable locations. It was confirmed that once a plan was in place this would be discussed further with the Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change before a report was submitted back the Committee.
· The Committee were pleased to note the successful completion of a previous recommendation for officers to “Liaise with the West London Waster Authority (WLWA) to ensure access was reinstated for pedestrians and cyclists at the Abbey Road Household Refuse and Recycling Centre. The Committee thanked officers involved in actioning the recommendation and sought confirmation that the improved accessibility had been communicated to residents. In response officers confirmed that this had been communicated to residents with information also available on the Brent Council website.
· In relation to a Committee query regarding the suggested changes to the bulky waste free collection policy which from April 2024 involving those in receipt of Council Tax Support as opposed to wider DWP benefits, officers confirmed that resident’s eligibility for the scheme would be identified at the point of booking a collection. Additionally, officers confirmed that further identification and consideration of demand for the free collection service would be undertaken ahead of the revised system being rolled out in April 2024.
· Following a previous Committee information request in relation to the data provided from the twin stream recycling trial that illustrated a contamination rate of approximately 20%, members were advised that the majority of the contamination appeared to be from paper and card in the blue lidded bins as well as nappies and electrical items. Officers acknowledged that further efforts to educate residents on the issues around cross contamination of refuse would be necessary to optimise the revised scheme moving forward.
· In relation to residents reporting issues related to street cleaning, members were advised that officers were working with contractors to define thresholds, this information would be cascaded down to residents to support them in understanding the street cleansing expectations and when it would be appropriate to report issues.
Councillor Conneely thanked members and officers for contributing to the Recommendations Tracker Update before summarising the additional actions and information requests following the updates provided, which were NOTED as follows:
(i) The recommendation for the Cabinet to use its role and relationship with the NHS to lobby for more support for our residents to strengthen our efforts in helping them through the Cost of Living crisis” to be referred to the Community & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee for follow up.
The Committee to be provided with additional information on the small percentage of residents who will be impacted by the proposed changes to the eligibility criteria in the bulky waste free collection policy from April 2024.
Supporting documents:
- 9. Recommendations Tracker, item 7. PDF 129 KB
- 9a. Appendix A - RPR Scrutiny Recommendations Tracker, item 7. PDF 574 KB