Agenda item
Report from Chairs of Scrutiny Committees
To receive reports from the Chairs of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees in accordance with Standing Order 36. The reports have been attached as follows:
12.1 Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee
(Agenda republished to include Resources & Public Scrutiny Committee Update report on 13 September 2022)
12.2 Community & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Members are asked to note that this session will include an opportunity (within the time available) for Non-Cabinet Members to ask questions of relevant Scrutiny Chair’s in relation to the remit of their Committees.
NOTED the update reports provided by the Vice-Chair of the Resources & Public Realm and Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committees.
A response was also provided by the Chair of the Community & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee on the following additional question raised during the open session of this part of the meeting:
Councillor Kabir regarding engagement of the voluntary & community sector in the work being undertaken through the North West London Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee to review palliative and end of life care.
Before being presented with the updates from each Scrutiny Committee, the Mayor reminded members the time set aside for this item was 12 minutes, with each Chair having up to three minutes in which to highlight any significant issues arising from the work of their Committees. Once these updates had been provided, the remaining time available would then be opened up for any other non-Cabinet members to question (without the need for advance notice) the Scrutiny Committee Chairs on matters relating to the work of their Committee.
As Councillor Conneely had given her apologies for the meeting, the Mayor invited Councillor Long as Vice-Chair of the Committee to introduce the update report on the work being undertaken by the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee, with the following issues highlighted:
· The broad ranging nature of the Scrutiny Committee’s ongoing work programme for 2022-23. This had included recent updates on the plans being developed to address the uncertainties and risks associated with the current level of economic and financial uncertainty as part of the Council’s budget setting process for 2023-24 and Medium Term Financial strategy alongside a progress update on delivery of the Council’s Digital Inclusion Strategy.
· Other issues which had been subject to review included progress on implementation of the recommendations from the Baroness Casey review in relation to the management of events at Wembley following the UEFA Euro 2020 Final and on the actions being taken by the Council to support residents in managing the cost-of-living crisis.
· These reviews had led to a number of recommendations and suggestions for improvements being made, progress against which was now being regularly monitored through a scrutiny tracker update.
· As part of future reviews the Committee would be considering the Council’s grants programme at their next meeting alongside the Safer Brent Partnership Annual Report with Councillor Long also highlighting the commitment to maintain a watching brief on items scheduled for decision on the Council’s Forward Plan as part of the Committee maintaining a flexible work programme that remained responsive to the needs of members and local residents.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Long for her update and then invited Councillor Ketan Sheth as chair of the Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee to introduce the update report on the work being undertaken by that Committee. The following issues were highlight as part of the update:
· In reflecting on the period of national mourning following the death of HRH The Queen, Councillor Ketan Sheth began his update by advising of the decision taken to postpone the last meeting of the North West London Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) which had been scheduled to take place in advance of the state funeral. He confirmed this had now been rescheduled to meet in October.
· Key issues considered at the previous JHOSC had been an update on emerging issues highlighted through the recently established Northwest London Integrated Care System, a review of proposals for an elective orthopaedic centre at Central Middlesex Hospital and new community diagnostic centres in North West London along with proposals to develop a Northwest London framework for tackling health inequalities.
· Highlighting the ongoing importance in scrutiny continuing to work in partnership with the NHS to ensure the best outcomes were being delivered for local residents, members were advised that the next JHOSC was also due to review palliative care, access to primary care and GP services along with local A&E and London Ambulance Service performance.
· In terms of the Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee, upcoming reviews included support for Brent’s children with special educational needs and disabilities and the borough’s preparedness for the implementation of the SEND Review, as set out in the government’s Green Paper. Members were advised that the Committee were also due to review Brent’s Early Help service as part of the process in seeking assurance regarding the way in which every child or young person was being supported across the borough.
· As a final update, Councillor Ketan Sheth also highlighted the establishment of a Task Group by the Committee in order to explore and review the use of social prescribing in Brent and the opportunities available through partnership working with key stakeholder in seeking to add value and made a positive impact for residents across the borough
The Mayor thanked Councillors Long and Ketan Sheth and it was RESOLVED that the contents of both update reports be noted.
Following the updates provided, the Mayor advised that the remainder of time available would be open for questions from non-cabinet members to the Scrutiny Chair in attendance. The Mayor reminded members of the need to ensure that questions raised were focused on the updates provided or the work being undertaken by the relevant Committee. The following question was raised and response provided:
(i) In response to the update on the work of the Community & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Kabir requested details on proposals to ensure the voluntary & community sector were engaged in the work being undertaken through the North West London Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee to review palliative and end of life care.
In response, Councillor Ketan Sheth, provided an assurance regarding the level of engagement planned with key stakeholders in relation to the review of palliative care across North West London, which he advised would include an opportunity for representatives of the voluntary and community sector to participate.
As no further questions were raised the Mayor thanked members for their contribution before moving on to the next item.
Supporting documents:
- 12.1 Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee Update Report, item 13. PDF 415 KB
- 12.1a Appendix 1 - Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Tracker Report, item 13. PDF 325 KB
- 12.1b Appendix 2 - Wembley Events Management report from Resident Services (19 July 2022), item 13. PDF 3 MB
- 12.1c. Appendix 3 - Cost of Living Crisis report from Resident Services (6 September 2022), item 13. PDF 706 KB
- 12.1d. Appendix 4 - Deputation re Poverty Commission, item 13. PDF 93 KB
- 12.1e Appendix 5 - Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Work Programme 2022-23, item 13. PDF 140 KB
- 12.2 Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee Chairs Report, item 13. PDF 302 KB
- 12.2a Appendix 1 - Community and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee work programme, item 13. PDF 139 KB