Agenda item
Brent Climate & Ecological Emergency Strategy 2021-22 Progress Update, new 2022-24 Delivery Plan & Carbon Offset Fund (CO2GO) Allocations
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of progress made on the Climate and Ecological Emergency programme in 2021-22 alongside the proposed new Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy 2022-24 Delivery Plan. Approval is also being sought to the allocation of grants from the council’s Carbon Offset Fund as part of the CO2GO Participatory Budgeting Process, which concluded in January 2022.
(1) To agree the new 2022-2024 Delivery Plan for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy attached as Appendix A to the report.
(2) To approve the pilot of a place-based Sustainable Neighbourhood approach in the areas set out in Appendices B, C, and D of the report and for officers to begin a phased engagement and co-production process with communities in the selected areas.
(3) To approve the criteria set by the Resident Planning Group (as outlined in section 8 of the report) for the current phase of the Brent Carbon Offset Fund (CO2GO).
(4) To approve the proposed allocations for funding in Pot 1 and Pot 2 of the Brent Carbon Offset Fund as set out in Appendix E of the report,ratifying the public vote made on applications during the ‘You Decide’ Participatory Budgeting Decision Day on 29 January 2022.
(5) To delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive to award and make grants from the Brent Carbon Offset Fund up to the value of £100k (in line with the powers provided to the Assistant Chief Executive for award of grants at this level for the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy).
(6) To note the progress made in the year one (2021-2022) Delivery Plan as detailed within Appendix F of the report.
Councillor Krupa Sheth (Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure & Climate Action) introduced a report providing an overview of progress made in delivery of the Climate and Ecological Emergency programme during 2021-22 along with an outline of the proposed new 2022-24 Strategy Delivery Plan. In addition, members were advised that the report was seeking approval to the allocation of grants from the Council’s Carbon Offset Fund as part of the C02GO Participatory Budgeting process.
In considering the report, Cabinet noted that following adoption of the Climate and Emergency Strategy in April 2021 the Council had committed to a programme of refreshed yearly delivery plans designed to provide a range of focussed and costed actions that contributed towards Brent’s aim of becoming a carbon neutral borough by 2030. As part of the 2021-22 Delivery Plan 23 actions had been listed focussed around the following 5 key themes on which a full summary of progress had been detailed within Appendix F of the report:
· Consumption, resources & waste;
· Sustainable Travel;
· Homes, Buildings and the Built Environment;
· Nature & green space;
· Supporting communities.
Whilst recognising the progress achieved to date, Councillor Krupa Sheth also highlighted the need for continued action in order to achieve greater focus, pace, visibility and impact in tackling the climate emergency. This had resulted in a number of new areas of focus being identified within the 2022-24 Delivery Plan, which it was noted had included:
· A place based approach - piloting up to three sustainable neighbourhoods; ensuring a focus on as green as possible development of the St Raphael’s estate; and review of the Brent Local Plan Growth Areas to ensure that sustainability opportunities were maximised;
· Community wealth building through climate action that supported local economic growth and helped to reduce the cost of business;
· Supporting households with the rising cost of living through specific climate action;
Members were advised that the Plan also included a range of actions linked to the above areas of focus, designed to support co-benefits in relation to climate action including cleaner air, greener spaces, warmer homes, healthier travel and a low carbon circular economy whilst also reinforcing other key strategic aims within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Youth Strategy and Black Community Action Plan.
In noting and welcoming the ambitious nature of the programme, members also commended the approach developed in relation to delivery of the participatory budgeting initiative in terms of the Carbon Offset Fund and level of community engagement in the process and thanked officers involved for their ongoing support and efforts.
Having considered the report Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To agree the new 2022-2024 Delivery Plan for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy attached as Appendix A to the report.
(2) To approve the pilot of a place-based Sustainable Neighbourhood approach in the areas set out in Appendices B, C, and D of the report and for officers to begin a phased engagement and co-production process with communities in the selected areas.
(3) To approve the criteria set by the Resident Planning Group (as outlined in section 8 of the report) for the current phase of the Brent Carbon Offset Fund (CO2GO).
(4) To approve the proposed allocations for funding in Pot 1 and Pot 2 of the Brent Carbon Offset Fund as set out in Appendix E of the report,ratifying the public vote made on applications during the ‘You Decide’ Participatory Budgeting Decision Day on 29 January 2022.
(5) To delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive to award and make grants from the Brent Carbon Offset Fund up to the value of £100k (in line with the powers provided to the Assistant Chief Executive for award of grants at this level for the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy).
(6) To note the progress made in the year one (2021-2022) Delivery Plan as detailed within Appendix F of the report.
Supporting documents:
08. Cabinet 200622 - Climate Strategy 2022-24 Delivery Plan, item 8.
PDF 764 KB
08a. Appendix A - Climate Strategy 2022-24 Delivery Plan, item 8.
PDF 690 KB
08b. Appendix B - Place-based Approach Recommended Sustainable Neighbourhoods pilots (Neighbourhood-Led), item 8.
08c. Appendix C - Place-based Approach Recommended Sustainable Neighbourhoods pilot (Development-led), item 8.
PDF 806 KB
08d. Appendix D - Place-based Approach Enhanced sustainability focus as part of regeneration plans, item 8.
PDF 642 KB
08e. Appendix E - Brent Carbon Offset Fund (CO2GO) Allocations, item 8.
PDF 623 KB
08f. Appendix F - Climate and Ecological Emergency 2021-22 Delivery Plan Progress Report, item 8.
PDF 663 KB