Agenda item
21/4155 - 6 St Johns Road, Wembley
Granted planning permission subject to:
(1) The Section 106 obligations, conditions and informatives set out in the report and supplementary agenda;
(2) Referral of the application for Stage 2 review by the Mayor of London; and
(3) The amendment of condition 9 to require the submission
and implementation of revised refuse storage capacity.
The proposal seeks the demolition of the existing building and the proposed erection of a part 5 and part 18 storey mixed use building containing commercial floor space (Use Class E) on the ground floor and comprising 79 residential units on the upper floors.
(1) That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to
(a) Any direction by the London Mayor pursuant to the Mayor of London Order
(b) Any direction by the Secretary of State pursuant to the Consultation Direction
(c) The prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the planning obligations as set out in the report
(2) That the Head of Planning is delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose the conditions and informatives as set out within the report.
(3) That the Head of Planning is delegated authority to make changes to the wording of the committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions, informatives, planning obligations or reasons for the decision) prior to the decision being actioned, provided that the Head of Planning is satisfied that any such changes could not reasonably be regarded as deviating from the overall principle of the decision reached by the committee nor that such change(s) could reasonably have led to a different decision having been reached by the committee.
(4) That the Committee confirms that adequate provision has been made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees as required by Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Toby Huntingford, Principle Planning Officer, North Team, introduced the report, set out key issues and answered member questions. In introducing the report members were advised that the application related to the demolition of the existing job centre building and the proposal to construct a new building that would be part 5 and part 18 storeys in height, accommodating a flexible commercial unit at ground floor level and 79 homes and communal rooftop amenity spaces across its upper floors. The scheme would provide 100% affordable housing with 31 units for social rent and 48 for shared ownership. Of these a quarter of the homes would be family sized. The residential led re-development would benefit from high public transport accessibility with the site designated within the Wembley Growth Area, Housing Zone, Town Centre and Tall Building Zone. Committee members were shown CGI images to illustrate the context of the development within the wider local area. Member’s attention was then drawn to the supplementary report that set out the strategy to reduce carbon emissions.
As no questions were raised by members at this stage, the Chair then invited Tim Gaskell as the applicant’s agent to address the committee (in person) in relation to the application:
· Mr Gaskell began by highlighting the benefits of the scheme that included the development being 100% affordable for tenants, within an area identified by Brent Council as suitable for tall buildings with excellent access to public transport networks.
· All homes would be built to a high standard with nearly all units being dual aspect.
· The slender design of the building would complement the area, it was acknowledged that the proposed building would be tall at 18 storeys, however members were advised that it would not be as tall as other buildings in the area.
Members raised queries regarding the consideration given to the height of the building, accessibility and resident parking.
· Tim Gaskell confirmed that following suggestions from the pre application stage the design team had looked at the possibility of lowering the height of the building, however upon further exploration it would have resulted in a less attractive building with decreased natural daylight and more overshadowing for residents.
· Confirmation was provided that 10% of the units would be fully accessible with 2 designated disabled parking bays to be provided.
As no further questions were raised for the agent, the Chair invited Committee members to ask officers any outstanding questions they may have. The responses provided were as follows:
· In response to concerns regarding the disabled parking provision officers confirmed that the provision would be based on the conversion of existing parking bays along Elm Road with future dedicated spaces to be provided on request. Existing blue badge holding residents would also still be eligible to use the on-street parking provision already available.
· Responding to further concerns raised by members regarding the removal of general car parking bays, officers advised that some parking spaces would be retained at the Elm Road junction on St Johns road however some would need to be removed to allow room for refuse vehicles to turn in the road. On balance it was felt this was acceptable as there was good parking and public transport capacity in area with the scheme designated as “car free” in order to encourage sustainable travel patterns.
· Officers confirmed that there would be a loading bay for delivery vehicles.
· In addressing concerns raised regarding overlooking and loss of light, officers confirmed that in line with policy SPD1 standards the development would not breach privacy guidance in terms of overlooking. Two flats would see a minimal enclosure breach, however this would only affect their rear windows. In addition to this the assessments for daylight/sunlight impact demonstrated only a minor adverse impact.
· Officers confirmed that all units would be compliant with London Plan Standards for amenity space, members were informed that all flats would have balconies that exceeded the amenity space policy, tenants would also have access to rooftop gardens.
· In response to member questions regarding the height of the building additional CGI and aerial views of the proposed development were displayed in order to provide further context of the development within the surrounding area. Members were advised that the building had a positive urban design, with a slender profile and vertical emphasis. Whilst at 18 storeys it would be designated a tall building in its immediate context the massing would enable it to be defined as a landmark building within the wider context of other existing and emerging tall buildings in the surrounding area, whilst being a subservient building in the context of its wider tall buildings cluster. Officers confirmed the height was in accordance with Policy BD2 and consistent with the Tall Building Zone designation of the site and aspirations of a local site allocation that anticipated re-development of considerable density to the north of the town centre. Whilst recognising concerns identified it was felt that on balance the benefits of the scheme outweighed any potential impact in terms of height.
At this point in the meeting the Committee agreed (under Standing Order 62) to extend the time of the meeting by an additional 30 minutes in order to complete consideration of the current and remaining item on the agenda.
The discussion then resumed as follows:
· In addressing a member query regarding refuse storage, officers recognised that the information in the report required clarification with regard to the number of bins needed for the scheme and as such a condition would be added to secure the necessary refuse storage capacity within the development.
· In response to potential issues highlighted regarding interference of TV signals for surrounding properties as a result of the development officers advised that the developer would be required to undertake a test of surrounding properties prior to and following construction of the building. Should any issues be identified, which it was recognisied may be the case to the north west of the site, the developer would be required to rectify any issues which would be secured via the accompanying legal agreement.
As there were no further issues raised and having established that all members had followed the discussions the Chair asked members to vote on the recommendations.
DECISION: Granted planning permission subject to:
(1) The Section 106 obligations, conditions and informatives set out in the report and supplementary agenda;
(2) Referral of the application for Stage 2 review by the Mayor of London; and
(3) The inclusion of an additional condition to secure the necessary refuse storage capacity within the development.
(Voting on the recommendation was as follows: For 4 and 4 Against.)
The decision was CARRIED as a result of the Chair exercising his casting vote, having initially voted in favour of granting planning permission.
Supporting documents: