Agenda item
21/2473 - Garages & 1-30 Claire Court, Shoot Up Hill and 1-135 Watling Gardens, London, NW2
Granted planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and supplementary agenda.
The proposal seeks the demolition of 1-11 Watling Gardens, 1-30 Claire Court and the associated podium car parking and substation and redevelopment to provide 125 flats: 80 for general needs (Use Class: C3) and 45 for extra care (Use Class:C3 (b)) in three separate buildings ranging from 3 to 14 storeys alongside access improvements, car parking, cycle parking, refuse and recycling storage, amenity space, landscaping and other associated works
(1) That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission and that the Head of Planning is delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose the conditions and informatives as set out within the report.
(2) That the Head of Planning is delegated authority to make changes to the wording of the committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions, informatives, planning obligations or reasons for the decision) prior to the decision being actioned, provided that the Head of Planning is satisfied that any such changes could not reasonably be regarded as deviating from the overall principle of the decision reached by the committee nor that such change(s) could reasonably have led to a different decision having been reached by the committee.
Damian Manhertz, Planning Team Leader, South Team, introduced the report and set out the key issues. In introducing the report members were advised that the 1.4 hectare site of Clair Court sat to the South of Windmill Court and was bounded by Shoot Up Hill to the East, Wiltern Court to the north and Exeter Road (which formed part of the Mapesbury Conservation Area to the west and Cedar Lodge and Jubilee Heights to the South. The current site had 164 residential units across a number of buildings that varied from 2 – 12 storeys. The proposed application sought the demolition of 1-11 Watling Gardens and 1-30 Claire Court in order to regenerate the site to provide 125 new units of accommodation within 3 blocks, 80 for general needs tenants and 45 for extra care tenants.
The development would include 33% family sized homes, 59 parking spaces, and the provision of 8 blue badge spaces. Attention was drawn to the supplementary reports that included additional comments received which included comments on the removal of trees, this had been addressed and the tree assessment was considered acceptable to officers. The provision of community space had been corrected to 135 square metres, the bat survey had been updated and an additional condition related to the delivery of affordable housing had been included.
As there were no registered public speakers on the application, the Chair invited Councillor Colacicco in her capacity as the local ward councillor to speak (online) to share local resident’s views as follows:
· Most local residents were supportive of the proposals, however there had been a small number of objections received from residents who were concerned that due to the close proximity of the NAIL block (New Accommodation for Independent Living) to the rear gardens on Exeter Road, there would be a reduction of natural light to resident’s gardens in Exeter Road.
· Residents on Exeter Road would like the mature trees retained along the border and periodic flooding assessments to prevent adverse changes as a result of the development.
· Councillor Colacicco highlighted concerns relating to the parking times that would apply locally for non permit holders between the hours of 10am- 3pm, which it was felt required further review.
The Chair responded to Councillor Colacicco’s concerns with regard to permitted parking hours advising that this would require consideration as a separate issue to the planning considerations, should the development be approved. Members then went on to ask officers questions to clarify their concerns regarding tree coverage between Block C (NAIL block) and Exeter Road, pedestrian accessibility for those with mobility difficulties and lack of daylight. Officers responded as follows:
· Officers clarified the proposals regarding the removal and replanting of trees, confirming that only 9 trees would be removed to accommodate Block C and a further 75 trees of varying type, size and age would be replanted.
· Officers acknowledged there had historically been a poor record of pedestrian road safety on the junction of Exeter Road and Shoot Up Hill however improvements had recently been completed by the Highway service to improve the junction and accessibility.
· Officers advised that accessibility for tenants with mobility issues had been considered throughout the planning phase with it confirmed that access would be available to communal amenities throughout the site for all residents, including those within the NAIL provision
· In response to concerns regarding the impact of the development in terms of the daylight/sunlight assessments , officers advised that the most significant impact had been identified in relation to the residential units within 57-96 Watling Gardens although this had been assessed as attributable in part to the design of the existing properties at lower floor levels with any shortfalls on BRE targets at upper floor levels far less acute and generally to individual rooms which ensured the overall standard of accommodation was not adversely affected. Officers provided further context with regard to some properties not achieving the BRE daylight/sunlight targets, informing members that where this was the case it was largely rooms that were not primary living areas that were impacted, rather than whole properties.
· Members were advised that out of the properties in 13-56 Watling Gardens, 13 of the rooms that received daylight below the BRE target were those with balconies, noting that if the balconies were removed the target would have been achieved. In properties 57-96, 32 of the properties were dual aspect, therefore had another light source to compensate for any light lost in singular rooms.
· In terms of other design features, members highlighted their support for the provision of bbq and picnic areas within the communal amenities proposed.
As there were no further questions from members and having established that all members had followed the discussions the Chair asked members to vote on the recommendations.
DECISION: Granted planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives as set out within the report and supplementary agenda.
(Voting on the recommendation was as follows: For 6, Against 0)
Supporting documents:
- 05. 21.2473 Garages Claire Court, item 5. PDF 492 KB
- 05. Supp 21.2473 Garages Claire Court, item 5. PDF 121 KB