Agenda item
Planned Care Initiative
NHS Brent has requested that an item on their Planned Care Initiative is included on the Health Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee agenda in order for members to be informed of the project and scrutinise proposals.
Jo Ohlson introduced the item and explained that the purpose of the initiative was to outline how planned care outside of hospitals would function in future. The main focus of the initiative was to re-commission some outpatient services to be provided within the community through a phased process involving procurement through competitive dialogue. Thirteen specialities had been identified, of which a primary one was cardiology and it was envisaged that £1.8m savings could be achieved through such a move which would allow more funds to be reinvested into community facilities. Jo Ohlson advised that once it had been identified what services would be proposed to be provided within the community, a consultation would be undertaken with a view to delivering the services in the community by the autumn.
Councillor Hunter sought a further explanation of the term competitive dialogue and whether Members would be involved in the consultation. Councillor Daly enquired why a procurement exercise was necessary and whether there was any information on what organisations were interested in delivering community services. She sought confirmation that an equality impact assessment (EIA) was taking place and if so who was conducting it and what were the costs involved. With regard to cardiology and ophthalmology, Councillor Daly commented that as these were acute services, what steps would be taken to ensure quality of service was maintained. The Chair asked if patient input would be discussed with potential providers at any stage.
In reply, Jo Ohlson explained that a competitive dialogue involved inviting bids through a process of advertising what services it was proposed to provide in the community and offering dialogue with potential bidders to discuss how this would be provided. To date a variety of providers had expressed an interest, with 24 expressing an interest in respect of cardiology and 15 for ophthalmology. A number were local acute organisations and others were private providers. The next stage would involve compiling a delivery specification based on the discussions that had taken place, followed by streamlining the providers still in contention prior to entering the formal procurement process. Consultation, including with this committee, would also be undertaken in respect of drawing up the specification of service. Jo Ohlson explained that conducting a procurement exercise would help to reduce costs whilst improving services and she confirmed that an EIA was being undertaken by NHS Brent in conjunction with consultants PPL. Members heard that it was anticipated that there would be fewer acute services in hospitals. Jo Ohlson stated that NHS Brent was the first to undertake such an exercise, however all eight north west London boroughs would be following suit. NHS Brent would decide whether to continue with the initiative, and if so, to go ahead and appoint providers. The £1.8m savings would contribute to the £12m savings required next year.
Rob Larkman (Chief Executive, NHS Brent and Harrow) added that the main objectives in hospitals were to maintain safe and sustainable services, whilst the planned care initiative was part of a wider programme to provide better services and value for money. Alison Elliott (Director of Adult Social Care) advised Members that it would be commercially inappropriate to provide the list of providers expressing an interest in running services at this stage.
Ethie Kong (Brent GP) stated that the planned care initiative was part of the overall North West London Hospitals Trust strategy and would involve partnerships with a range of organisations.
Councillor R Moher (Lead Member for Adults and Health) commented that it was important that the council be consulted at an early stage where far reaching changes were being proposed and she welcomed NHS Brent’s early timing of their presentation to the committee.
The Chair thanked NHS Brent for their report and she requested that Members be updated on progress at the next meeting in order that they could provide some input into the process.
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