Agenda item
Counter Fraud Progress Report
The report sets out a summary of the counter fraud activity for 2021/22 to Q3.
Darren Armstrong,Head of Audit & Investigations, introduced a report providing a summary of the counter fraud activity for 2021/22 to Quarter 3.
In considering the report the Committee noted:
· The continued delivery of a high level of counter fraud activity across the organisation focussed around internal referrals, Tenancy & Social Housing Fraud and other types of External Fraud including Blue Badges, Direct Payments, Council Tax and Business Rates, insurance, finance concessionary travel and grant payments, as detailed within section 3 of the report. Members noted that the level of cases and referrals had remained stable during the current monitoring period and was consistent with previous years with the trend suggesting that the service profile and engagement across the Council remained effective.
· The ongoing positive impact being achieved through counter fraud activity across the Council in relation to the financial impact involving both notional and actual savings, as summarised in section 3.22 of the report.
· The range of proactive activity also being delivered by the team based on an assessment of fraud risk and close work with the Internal Audit team. This included National Fraud Initiative data matching reviews, fraud workshops, targeted operations and other planned fraud risk reviews across service areas.
· Other activity being undertaken included the Council’s membership of the Enhanced Internal Fraud Database with a planned go live during Quarter 4, the installation and use of four new identity scanners within Recruitment, Registrars and Customer Services and the engagement of two staff as Trainee Counter Fraud Officers under the new Counter Fraud Apprenticeship programme.
The Committee was then invited to raise questions on the report, which are summarised below:
· In terms of tenancy and social housing fraud, further details were sought as to how activity and performance compared to previous years. In response members were advised that cases and referrals remained broadly consistent with previous years with the team continuing to work closely with Brent’s Housing Management (BHM) team in order to increase the quality and quantity of referrals. In addition the Committee was advised of the work being undertaken with relevant BHM staff to provide appropriate fraud risk training and access to anti-fraud and tracing systems in order to aid the verification process involving succession and right to buy applications and to support progress with the ongoing tenancy audit and anti-fraud strategy. Members were supportive of the work being undertaken with further details sought on any impacts relating to the pandemic. Whilst noting that some delays had been experienced as a result of operating restrictions and backlogs in being able to progress legal proceedings through the court system these were now being addressed as normal service provision was able to resume and face to face contact and tenancy verification visits etc were now able to proceed.
· The Committee welcomed the introduction and use of the new identity scanners as a means of supporting counter fraud activity also took the opportunity to express support for the appointments made under the Counter Fraud Apprenticeship programme.
As no further issues were raised the Chair thanked Darren Armstrong and the Counter Fraud Team for the level of activity and performance being achieved and it was RESOLVED to note the contents of the report.
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