Agenda item
Brent Active Travel - Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets
This report provides an overview of the Brent Active Travel programme along with an assessment of the Brent Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets schemes, considering: the performance of the trials, the response to consultation and community engagement.
As a result Cabinet is being asked to consider changes to existing schemes and future practices for delivering future schemes to enable the Council to deliver the wider council ambitions related to public health, social justice, air quality, climate change, road safety and place making.
Cabinet noted the comments made by Councillor Kennelly who had requested to speak at the meeting on Healthy Neighbourhoods. In addressing Cabinet, Councillor Kennelly thanked the Lead Members and all officers involved for their response in terms of the recommendations within the report and work to engage with local residents. Whilst highlighting the importance in promoting sustainable active travel and healthy neighbourhoods as part of the Council’s wider approach towards tackling air quality and the climate emergency, he pointed out the need to ensure local residents were properly listened to and their views taken into account in the development and introduction of any schemes moving forward. Having recognised the lessons learnt, particularly given the views expressed by local residents within his ward, Councillor Kennelly felt that whilst change was supported the future approach towards developing and delivering Healthy Neighbourhood needed to be focussed around an engagement process on active travel schemes designed to deliver a cleaner and greener environment across the borough.
In responding to the comments raised, Councillor Butt (as Leader of the Council) also drew attention to written representations submitted by the Brent Cycling Campaign relating to a number of concerns regarding the consultation, design and implementation of the Healthy Neighbourhood proposals and content of the report due to be considered by Cabinet. It was noted that these had been referred on to the Lead Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning for direct response outside of the meeting.
Members also noted that a number of minor corrections had needed to be made to the evaluation monitoring reports which had resulted in an adjustment needing to be made in the consultation figures for the Tokyngton and Wembley Central ward set out within Appendix A of the report officer. The changes were as follows - Responses from roads where modal filters were installed (London Road and Tokyngton Avenue) a total of 21 (not 18) responses were received. Of these 6 (29%) (not 4 - 22%) supported the scheme and 15 (71%) (not -78%) did not). Members were advised that the amendments had no effect on the overall outcome from the consultation or recommendations within the report.
Having considered the comments made, Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To note the outcome of the scheme assessments and approves the officer recommendations in Section 4.0 and Appendix A of the report.
(2) To authorise the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment:
(a) to progress Statutory Notifications and consider responses to the Statutory Notifications before making experimental and permanent traffic orders regarding the Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets schemes that are referred to in the report;
(b) to make any necessary Traffic Management Orders involving experimental and permanent traffic orders regarding existing and forthcoming Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets schemes that are referred to in the report;
(c) to revoke and implement changes to existing Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets schemes that are referred to in the report.
(3) To note that a further report would be presented to Cabinet to agree the future approach to developing and delivering Healthy Neighbourhood and School Streets schemes.
(4) To note that a further policy report would be presented to Cabinet for approval relating to the use of CCTV enforcement cameras and exemptions.
(e) To note that development and implementation of future schemes would depend upon future funding being made available for that purpose.
Prior to consideration of this item, Councillor Muhammed Butt (Leader of the Council) welcomed Councillor Kennelly to the meeting who he advised had requested to speak on the proposals relating to Healthy Neighbourhoods. In addressing Cabinet, Councillor Kennelly thanked the Lead Members and all officers involved for their response in terms of the recommendations within the report and work to engage with local residents. Whilst highlighting the importance in promoting sustainable active travel and healthy neighbourhoods as part of the Council’s wider approach towards tackling air quality and the climate emergency, he pointed out the need to ensure local residents were properly listened to and their views taken into account in the development and introduction of any schemes moving forward. Having recognised the lessons learnt, particularly given the views expressed by local residents within his ward, Councillor Kennelly felt that whilst change was supported the future approach towards developing and delivering Healthy Neighbourhood needed to be focussed around an engagement process on active travel schemes designed to deliver a cleaner and greener environment across the borough.
In responding to the comments raised, Councillor Butt (Leader of the Council) also drew attention to written representations submitted by the Brent Cycling Campaign relating to a number of concerns regarding the consultation, design and implementation of the Healthy Neighbourhood proposals and content of the report due to be considered by Cabinet. It was noted that these had been referred to the Lead Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning for direct response outside of the meeting.
Councillor Tatler (Lead Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning) was then invited to introduce the report providing an overview of the Brent Active Travel programme along with an updated assessment of the Brent Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets schemes taking account of the trail performance and consultation and community engagement process.
In introducing the report, Cabinet was reminded of the background, aims and objectives along with the statutory guidance behind the introduction of the Healthy Neighbourhood schemes, School Street schemes and the Council’s Active Travel programme linked to the wider objectives in terms of improving air quality, public health, climate change and road safety.
In assessing the outcome of the Healthy Neighbourhood schemes, members noted the progress and challenges with implementation of the original programme, given the original delivery methods and timetable required by the Government and TfL along with the outcome in relation to the wider community engagement process around design and implementation of the schemes. A summary of the assessment process and recommendations being made as a result in relation to the existing schemes had been provided within Appendix A of the report. In considering the evaluation monitoring reports included as part of the assessment, Members were advised that a number of minor corrections had needed to be made, which had resulted in an adjustment to the consultation figures for the Tokyngton and Wembley Central ward. The changes were as follows - Responses from roads where modal filters were installed (London Road and Tokyngton Avenue) a total of 21 (not 18) responses were received. Of these 6 (29%) (not 4 - 22%) supported the scheme and 15 (71%) (not -78%) did not). It was confirmed that the amendments had no effect on the overall outcome from the consultation or recommendations within the report.
In terms of the overall assessment process, whilst noting the views expressed as a result of the consultation and engagement programme, Members attention was also drawn to the feedback provided on the future approach identified in relation to the collaboration, design, development and delivery of Healthy Neighbourhood schemes on which a further report would be prepared for a future Cabinet meeting and work with continue in relation to air quality.
Members were also advised of the progress being made in development and delivery of the Schools Streets programme and assessment undertaken in relation to their implementation, as detailed within Appendix B of the report. As a result, it had been proposed that 26 of the schemes should be made permanent with a report also to due to be provided for Cabinet on the future approach towards expanding the programme in collaboration with the local community.
Members were supportive of the approach outlined within the report, having recognised the key outcomes from the assessment process and preference identified for a more collaborative design and engagement process involving the local community in relation to the Healthy Neighbourhood schemes. It was noted this would include a specific focus on Active Travel given the wider benefits identified in relation to air quality, health and wellbeing and in response to the climate and ecological emergency, the extent or car ownership across the borough and need to address the differing circumstances in each locality. In recognising the lessons learnt from the process to date, members advised they were keen to move forward working collaboratively with the local community in terms of the future approach towards developing and delivering Health Neighbourhood schemes whilst also highlighting and welcoming the importance and success of the Schools Streets programme.
In summing up Councillor Muhammed Butt thanked the Lead Members and officers involved for their work in developing the programme during such a challenging period, along with all those who had engaged in the consultation and assessment process. He ended by highlighting the Council’s commitment towards developing the engagement process in order to ensure schemes were developed on a collaborative basis and to reflect the circumstances within each area.
Having considered the comments made, Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To note the outcome of the scheme assessments and approves the officer recommendations in Section 4.0 and Appendix A of the report.
(2) To authorise the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment:
(a) to progress Statutory Notifications and consider responses to the Statutory Notifications before making experimental and permanent traffic orders regarding the Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets schemes that are referred to in the report;
(b) to make any necessary Traffic Management Orders involving experimental and permanent traffic orders regarding existing and forthcoming Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets schemes that are referred to in the report;
(c) to revoke and implement changes to existing Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets schemes that are referred to in the report.
(3) To note that a further report would be presented to Cabinet to agree the future approach to developing and delivering Healthy Neighbourhood and School Streets schemes.
(4) To note that a further policy report would be presented to Cabinet for approval relating to the use of CCTV enforcement cameras and exemptions.
(5) To note that development and implementation of future schemes would depend upon future funding being made available for that purpose.
Supporting documents:
- 09. Brent Active Travel - Healthy Neighbourhoods and School Streets, item 9. PDF 736 KB
- 09a. Appendix A - Brent Healthy Neighbourhoods Assessment, item 9. PDF 586 KB
- 09b. Appendix B - School Streets Assessment, item 9. PDF 501 KB
- 09c. Appendix C - Equality Impact Assessment, item 9. PDF 609 KB