Agenda item
Questions from Members of the Public
To receive questions submitted by the public to Cabinet Members, in accordance with Standing Order 33.
Members are asked to note that five questions have been received under this item, which have been attached along with the written responses provided.
1. The written response provided by the Lead Member for Environment to a public question submitted by N.Kollgaard regarding the Council’s use of flexible car sharing schemes. No supplementary question was received.
2. The written response provided by the Lead Member for Public Health, Culture and Leisure to a public question submitted by C.Meagher-Mansilla regarding the provision of leisure and cultural facilities in areas of regeneration including those surrounding Gladstone Park. No supplementary question was received.
3. The written and supplementary verbal response provided by the Lead Member for Environment to a public question submitted by G.Aldrich regarding parking and other enforcement activity around Queensbury Circle and local footways.
4. The written and supplementary verbal response provided by the Lead Member for Environment to a public question submitted by P.Laurance regarding engagement and the progress being made against the Brent Climate & Ecological Strategy First Year Delivery Plan 2021-22.
5. The written and supplementary verbal response provided by the Lead Member for Environment to a public question submitted by K. Anderson regarding the development proposals for Kilburn Square and preference identified y for a reduction in scale and lower density scheme.
The Mayor advised that the following five questions had been received from members of the public:
Question 1 from Nicholas Kollgaard to Councillor Krupa Sheth, Lead Member for Environment, regarding the Council’s use of flexible car sharing schemes.
Question 2 from Carmen Meagher-Mansilla to Councillor Nerva, Lead Member for Public Health, Culture and Leisure, regarding the provision of leisure and cultural facilities in areas of regeneration, including those surrounding Gladstone Park.
Question 3 from Gordon Aldrich to Councillor Krupa Sheth, Lead Member for Environment, regarding parking enforcement on Queensbury Station roundabout and local footways in the surrounding area.
Question 4 from Pam Laurence to Councillor Krupa Sheth, Lead Member for Environment, regarding progress against the Brent Climate & Ecological Strategy First Year Delivery Plan 2021-22.
Question 5 from Keith Anderson to Councillor Eleanor Southwood, Lead Member for Housing & Welfare Reform, regarding the development proposals for Kilburn Square and preference identified for a reduction in scale and lower density scheme.
Members noted the written responses provided on each of the questions, which had been circulated with the agenda. The Mayor advised that each member of the public had been invited to attend the meeting. Whilst Nicholas Kollgaard and Carmen Meagher-Mansilla had been unable to attend, members were advised that Gordon Aldrich, Pam Laurence and Keith Anderson were all present in order to ask a supplementary question. The Mayor welcomed them to the meeting and invited each of them in turn to put their supplementary question to the relevant Lead Member.
Supplementary Question from Gordon Aldrich to Councillor Krupa Sheth, Lead Member for Environment
Having thanked Councillor Krupa Sheth for her written response, Gordon Aldrich asked a supplementary question regarding the steps the Council was taking to enforce the double yellow lines at Queensbury Station roundabout.
In response, Councillor Krupa Sheth began by highlighting that the double yellow lines and kerb markings at the roundabout had been refreshed to make it clear that waiting and loading was prohibited. She advised that a number of Penalty Charge Notices had been issued in the past month, and offered to undertake a site visit with local ward councillors to explore any further action which might be deemed necessary.
Supplementary Question from Pam Laurence to Councillor Krupa Sheth, Lead Member for Environment
Pam Laurence thanked Councillor Krupa Sheth for her written response and asked a supplementary question regarding the availability of carbon reduction data to the public and any opportunities for independent scrutiny.
In response, Councillor Krupa Sheth offered to meet Pam Laurence in order to consider the issues she had raised in more detail. In terms of further opportunities to engage she highlighted the establishment of the Brent Environmental Network, which had been specifically set up to focus on engagement and consultation around Brent’s Climate & Ecological Emergency Strategy and to provide residents with the opportunity to comment on or suggest any further proposals.
Supplementary Question from Keith Anderson to Councillor Southwood, Lead Member for Housing & Welfare Reform
Having thanked Councillor Southwood for her written response, Keith Anderson asked a supplementary question highlighting local residents concerns regarding the impact of the development and seeking a commitment to a reduction in scale and lower density housing scheme not incorporating the satellite blocks and focussed around the south eastern corner of the site.
In response, Councillor Southwood advised that having carefully reviewed the design and considered residents’ comments and concerns the Council had now agreed to undertake further work on design of the scheme. This would involve a process of further engagement with residents, tenants and leaseholders on the Estate, on which further details would be communicated in due course. Recognising the importance of the scheme in terms of addressing wider housing need, residents were thanked for their engagement to date and encouraged to continue participating in the process moving forward.
Having noted the responses provided, the Mayor thanked Gordon Aldrich, Pam Laurence and Keith Anderson for their supplementary questions and for attending the meeting along with the Lead Members for their response. As there were no further questions to be dealt with the Mayor advised this now concluded the public question session.
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