Agenda item
Management Plan (Brent)
This report presents progress on the Brent Reservoir / Welsh Harp Management Plan since the last meeting of the Committee and during the 2020/21 year to date.
The Management Plan is jointly managed by the three main land-holding organisations: Brent Council, the London Borough of Barnet, and the Canal & River Trust.
Leslie Williams presented a report outlining progress on the Brent Reservoir / Welsh Harp Management Plan since the last meeting of the Committee and during the 2020/21 year to date. The Management Plan was jointly managed by the three main land-holding organisations: Brent Council, the London Borough of Barnet, and the Canal & River Trust.
In introducing the item, Lesley Williams drew the Committee’s attention to the updated Action Plan attached as Appendix A to the report which detailed current progress and highlighted those actions that may require a longer time frame and/or the identification of the necessary resources.
In terms of specific issues, Lesley Williams highlighted the marshland conservation works which had been postponed due to the pandemic but were due to recommence after the bird breeding season in September 21. It was noted this would primarily be on the Canal and River Trust land, also touching upon the margins of the marshland edge of the reservoir range, as well as open spaces with a rich array of wildflowers, shrubs and trees. The work would be conducted by volunteers with the main focus on the southern shore of the reservoir and consent obtained from Natural England for the programme of works. In noting the nature of work to be undertaken the Committee were advised of the positive impact which it was expected to have in relation to habitat and wildlife, tree growth, landscape and amenity and also water sports. It was also noted that the works to be undertaken would need to be carefully managed given some of the intricate variations in vegetation on the southern side of the reservoir and need to consider the method of working to re-open views and stack the cut material.
Further updates were provided in relation to the work with partner organisations on litter clearance and the healthy walk programmes. Member organisations were also informed of reports that the oak processionary moth species had also recently been spotted at the Welsh Harp Open Space. The species could be an irritant to skin and lungs and whilst most people were unaffected, this could cause allergic reactions. The Forestry Commission had been working to try to control the spread of the species, with more details available via the link included in the Committee report.
Finally, the Committee was advised of the ongoing work relating to the future of the Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre, once it had been vacated by Thames 21. This involved a range of discussions with existing partners to understand the opportunities at the location in terms of its ongoing role as an education centre.
Thomas Oliver (Canal and Rivers Trust Local Area Operations Manager) was then invited to update the Committee on additional issues from an environmental perspective. He took the opportunity to advise members of the recent discovery of blue-green algae in parts of the reservoir. Whilst a natural occurrence, given the hazardous nature of this algae he advised that notifying signs had been installed to provide the necessary warning and the environmental team were also aware.
Questions and comments were then invited on the update, with the following issues raised.
A question was asked about the Brent Management Plan and what was meant by the reference under Marshland (northern arm of reservoir) to ‘Restoration of shore by phase 1 of West Hendon redevelopment’. In response, Lesley Williams clarified that this related to part of the Barnet Management Plan and involved the clearance of screening willow trees on the bank of the North marsh of the reservoir. As highlighted earlier in the meeting, further concerns were expressed in relation to the loss of the trees with Neil Earnshaw (Canal and River Trust) advising, in response, that this work was carried out on the condition of replanting and reinstatement and in consultation with ecologists, Barretts, the Canal and River Trust and London Borough of Barnet. The aim had been to open up the view of the reservoir.
In view of the concerns expressed, members were keen to ensure that any similar type of work undertaken in the future was managed in a more sensitive way, given the ecological impact with an assurance provided that Natural England had also been consulted to ensure the work was undertaken in an appropriate way. Confirmation was provided that replanting was already in progress with the Canal and River Trust also willing, if necessary, to provide details of the work agreed at the time.
As no further issues were raised it was AGREED to note the Management Update from Brent
Supporting documents:
- 08. LB Brent Management Update July 21, item 8. PDF 192 KB
- 08a. Appendix A - Brent Reservoir Management Plan Action Plan 2021, item 8. PDF 190 KB