Agenda item
Management Plan (Barnet)
The Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee comprises British Waterways, Brent Council, Welsh Harp Conservation Group, Welsh Harp Sailing Association and Barnet Council. The committee is a consultative committee and meets on a quarterly basis. The committee is invited to note and make comments on the on-going site management issues identified within the report during this quarter.
Cassie Bridger (Operational Director – Environment Barnet Council) presented a report updating the committee regarding the on-going site management issues and the position on the Local Nature Reserve (LNR).
The Committee noted that Barnet Council had been progressing the masterplan for West Hendon Playing Fields, with a business case having now been approved by the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee on the 16th June. The business case included £18.8m of capital funding for delivery of the scheme, with the Council now working towards forming a Programme Board and a Project Team in order to develop the design work towards submission of a future planning application. The Committee requested that detail around development and delivery of the masterplan be reported to a future meeting. The link to the report considered by the Policy & Resources Committee is available below:
In terms of other recent activity, the Committee were advised of the work undertaken in relation to litter clearance efforts around the Welsh Harp as part of a borough-wide anti-litter and fly tipping campaign. This had involved a range of partners and local community groups with all involved thanked for their efforts. Details were also provided on the work being undertaken by Barnet’s Greenspaces and Community Safety Teams, local police and other partners to identify and remove illegal encampments located around the Welsh Harp.
Questions and comments were then invited on the update, with the following issues raised.
Judy Shepherd (West Hendon Community Forum) expressed a number of concerns relating to problems being caused by an increase in illegal night time fishing around the Welsh Harp and the use of pontoons, with details sought on what preventative measures were being taken to tackle the issue. Cassie Bridger advised that the Council were aware of the issue and had installed and updated the signage in the area in order to provide clear guidance. In terms of wider enforcement activity ‘ParkGuard’ an organisation commissioned by Barnet to support park patrols and carry out enforcement activity would also be tasked (based on an intelligence led approach) and deployed to provide additional patrols in the area.. It was confirmed that whilst the primary goal would be to ‘engage and educate’ the officers involved did have enforcement powers that could be used, if required. Chris Whyte (Operational Director, Environment Services, Brent Council) advised that Brent would also be willing to work in partnership with Barnet in order to support any relevant enforcement activity through its Neighbourhood Patrol Team. Neil Earnshaw (Canal and River Trust) advised they would also be willing to support any action taken working with their Fisheries Team. Given the level of concern expressed it was AGREED that a joint update from Barnet & Brent be provided for the next meeting outlining the current restrictions, measures available, risks and action being taken to address the concerns raised in relation to illegal night time fishing at the reservoir.
Member organisations were advised that in order to support the deployment of the Neighbourhood Patrol teams any incidents witnessed could be reported via the mailbox or on 0800 807060
A further issue was raised in relation to progress on the footbridge across the Northern Marsh. In response the Committee was advised that a meeting had now taken place with discussions progressing and on which a further update would be provided for the next meeting of the Committee.
As no further issues were raised it was AGREED to note, subject to the actions identified above) the Management Update from Barnet.
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