Agenda item
Redefining Local Services
To receive a report on the final delivery model for the Redefining Local Services (RLS) programme ahead of its Cabinet approval in August.
Councillor Krupa Sheth, as Lead Member for Environment, introduced a report on the final delivery model for the Redefining Local Services (RLS) programme ahead of its Cabinet approval in August. The report presented both the result of a consultation on delivery model options for how the services in the scope of the programme would be commissioned and delivered, as well as the proposed overarching RLS delivery model.
The Committee was then invited to raise questions on the update provided, which focused on a number of key areas as highlighted below:
· A question was raised regarding the key opportunities for aligning the provision of the Special Needs Transport (SNT) Inter-Authority Agreement with Harrow Council with the RLS programme. It was noted that this related to the opportunity to relocate busses from Harrow to Brent depots to reduce journey time and running costs, and the coordinated management of a council-owned fleet should the RLS programme lead to more insourcing in the future.
· Commercial and business waste collections are included in the Public Realm contract and the proposed competitive dialogue process will help us identify the best solution for this sector.
· In response to a question regarding fleet procurement, it was noted that all options were under consideration, including the use of electric vehicles, which would take into account both the economic and environmental priorities of the Council. Regarding the procurement of a waste and recycling fleet specifically, it was explained that all companies engaged with would prefer the Council to purchase the fleet, with the contractor to specify, procure and maintain the fleet at their own risk. This was largely due to the favourable borrowing rates in the public sector compared to the private sector. There was no operational need to replace the SNT fleet because it had only recently been replaced by Harrow Council and complied with all standards.
· Concerning insourcing, it was noted that the Council had considered this as an alternative delivery model. There were a variety of reasons as to why this was not deemed suitable, including financial viability. The additional recurring revenue cost above current budgets was estimated as over £11 million and, while it would enable a fully integrated neighbourhood delivery, it was considered unaffordable given the Council’s current and predicted finances.
· It was noted that a clean and green environment was a key priority for the RLS programme and every opportunity was being explored to ensure that future services and depot arrangements were aligned to the Council’s commitments to tackle the climate emergency, air pollution, waste and enhance green spaces and biodiversity.
· In response to a question regarding local employment, it was noted that the RLS programme would deliver better Social Value outcomes via the Council’s Social and Ethical Procurement Policy including opportunities for local suppliers and jobs for local people.
· It was noted that three out of 19 invited individuals attended the residents and service users’ focus group session in the evening of 16June 2021, which was run by officers and attended by the Cabinet Member for Environment. It was accepted that this turnout was low, especially in comparison to online consultation, and that more needed to be done to ensure a higher turnout in the future. Members were advised that the focus groups were over and above the statutory consultation requirements and assured that, despite the low turnout, the conversations had were constructive and that the views of those in attendance were in alignment with the feedback from the online consultation.
· It was proposed that a further stage of consultation with the public would be undertaken this autumn on future street cleansing, waste collections and winter services, which would comprise an online consultation questionnaire, Brent Connects sessions, a session with businesses and local third sector organisations and resident focus groups with randomly selected residents.
1. That the following areas for improvement be noted;
(i). To consider small and medium-sized enterprises and community and voluntary organisations for delivery contracts.
(ii). To review the first consultation process being undertaken on delivery model options and endeavour to improve the process going forward.
(iii). To ensure that biodiversity and habitat concerns be prioritised in the delivery model.
(iv). To further examine the effect of Brent’s pension costs on insourcing.
(v). To review the current arrangements for special needs transport and to identify areas of improvement.
2. To make the following information requests;
To provide a view on the financial impact of insourcing.
Supporting documents:
- 7. Redefining Local Services, item 8. PDF 545 KB
- 7a. Appendix 1 - Statutory Consultation Results, item 8. PDF 66 KB
- 7b. Appendix 2 - RLS Procurement Strategy, item 8. PDF 113 KB
- 7c. Appendix 3 - Alternative RLS Delivery Model Options, item 8. PDF 214 KB
- 7d. Appendix 4 - RLS Review Findings, item 8. PDF 465 KB
- 7e. Appendix 5 - Summary of RLS Service Option Appraisals, item 8. PDF 228 KB