Agenda item
Streamlining of the Brent Black Community Action Plan
This report presents a streamlined version of the Brent Community Action Plan for review. The proposed plan has incorporated ongoing feedback and recommendations from the recent LGA peer review. It also presents a Year One Delivery Plan that had been established to outline priority areas to be delivered within the next financial year.
(1) To note the content of the report.
(2) To note and endorse the following appendices within the report:
· Appendix 2: Streamlined Brent Black Community Action Plan; and
· Appendix 3: Year One Delivery Plan
Councillor McLennan, as Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Resources, introduced a report presenting a streamlined version of the Brent Black Community Action Plan (BCAP) for review and adoption.
Members noted that the streamlined plan had incorporated feedback from the recent Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Review on the Council’s approach towards equality diversity and inclusion for Black communities and also included a Year One Delivery Plan developed to focus on the priority areas to be delivered over the next financial year. Alongside delivery of the year one priorities, medium and long term delivery plans were also being developed to ensure a focus on the Council’s long term sustainable commitment towards the Community Action Plan. The key changes to the streamlined planned, which members were advised had been led and developed in consultation with the community reference group, were outlined in section 3 of the report with members noting the focus within the initial Year One Delivery Plan on the following outcomes in relation to:
· Early Intervention: children, young people and families;
· Building sustainable community capacity; and
· Supporting Black-led organisations.
In addition, members were advised of the further development of the Plan to address targets in relation to health inequalities (highlighted as one of the outcomes of the pandemic) linked to the wider aims within the Borough Plan 2021-22 and development of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy. In order to retain accountability the thematic steering groups would remain in place but would be rationalised to three core groups focussed on the above priority areas and with the wider community reference group continuing to meet bi-monthly in order to maintain an overview. As a recommendation from the LGA Peer Review members also noted the designation of Councillor McLennan (working with Councillor Knight) as lead for the Black Community Action Plan.
Councillor Knight, as Lead Member for Community Safety and Engagement, in supporting and welcoming the streamlined version of the Black Community Action Plan commended the focussed approach towards delivery of the identified priorities, supported through the delivery of a programme of sustainable community capacity and engagement.
In summing up, Councillor M.Butt, as Leader of the Council, took the opportunity to thank the community reference group for their ongoing support and engagement and highlighted the Council’s commitment to continue working with the local community to address the issues and concerns raised. This commitment he felt had also been demonstrated with the Council having been one of the first local authorities to engage with the LGAs Peer Review process to assess individual Council’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion for Black communities and with the recommendations which had emerged as a result being incorporated within the Community Action Plan.
As a result of the discussion at the meeting, it was RESOLVED that Cabinet:
(1) Note the content of the report.
(2) Note and endorse:
(a) the Streamlined Brent Black Community Action Plan (as detailed within Appendix 2 of the report); and
(b) the Year One Delivery Plan (as detailed within Appendix 3 of the report).
Supporting documents:
- 8. Streamlining of the Brent Black Community Action Plan, item 8. PDF 200 KB
- 8a. Appendix 1 - Delivery Progress Summary, item 8. PDF 128 KB
- 8b. Appendix 2 -Streamlined Brent Black Community Action Plan, item 8. PDF 468 KB
- 8c. Appendix 3 - Year One Delivery Plan, item 8. PDF 134 KB