Agenda item
Annual Report from the Leader of the Council
To receive an annual report on the work of the Council from the Leader of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 38.
Members are asked to note that the Leader of the Council will have up to 5 minutes to present his annual report with a period of up to 20 minutes then provided for debate.
NOTED the annual report provided by the Leader of the Council on the work of the Council.
The Mayor advised members that the Leader’s Annual Report would be provided verbally. He then invited Councillor Muhammed Butt, as Leader of the Council, to present his Annual Report on the work of the Council and the state of the borough.
Councillor Muhammed Butt opened his annual report by reflecting on the effect that the Covid-19 pandemic had had on the borough, whilst sharing his optimism at the local response provided and progress being made in terms of the vaccine. He shared his sympathies with those who had lost loved ones; those who had lost their jobs and seen their businesses affected and those who had seen their education put on hold. He also paid tribute to residents for the way that had risen to the challenges created by the pandemic and for the support provided to those within their communities that had needed it the most.
Recognising that much of the fallout of the pandemic had not yet been realised, he expressed his concern about the possible impact of further austerity measures on the local economy and labour market. In terms of the action being taken by the Council, he highlighted the important work undertaken in relation to the Poverty Commission, development and implementation of the Black Community Action Plan and Climate Emergency Strategy all of which would be central to the Council’s ongoing response to the recovery process and overall aim to ensure the best possible outcomes were delivered for residents of the Borough. Whilst recognising the extent of the work ahead, the Leader was also keen to acknowledge the success of the Council in being awarded LGC Council of the Year and being the Borough of Culture for 2020.
In summing up, Councillor Muhammed Butt felt there was a need to recognise the effect that austerity had had on frontline services and reaffirmed the Council’s resolve to fill these gaps and provide the best possible support to the residents of the borough. He then ended by taking the opportunity to pay tribute and offer his condolences (on behalf of the Council) to the family of Jamalie Maleek Deacon Matthew, the teenager recently murdered in Northwick Park, who was described as an ambitious young man with huge potential.
The Mayor thanked the Leader for his Annual Report and then advised that he would open up the debate for contributions from other members, starting with a response from the Conservative Group.
In response to the Annual Report Councillor Kansagra, as Leader of the Conservative Group, felt it was important to highlight the level of funding received by the Council from the government in support of its work responding to the pandemic, including the funding provided to cover furloughed employees’ wages. Whilst recognising the efforts of the Council in responding to the pandemic locally, he felt it should not be forgotten this had been with the support of significant funding provided by the government.
The Mayor then moved to invite contributions from other members. Councillor Georgiou shared the Leader’s sentiment in paying tribute to how Brent residents had responded to the pandemic but also expressed concern regarding individuals, not properly following the restrictions in place under the lockdown rules.
With no further issues raised, the Mayor invited the Leader to sum up and respond to the comments made on the Annual Report. Councillor Muhammed Butt began his response by emphasising the role he felt the governments ongoing austerity measures had played in creating the inequalities which had been highlighted by the pandemic. He also felt it was possible to question the extent of the role played by the government in supporting the Council’s response to the pandemic, and felt it would be more appropriate to recognise and praise the hard work undertaken by staff, members and local residents in ensuring the necessary support was provided. In summing up the Leader reaffirmed the Administration’s ambition to continue to support the most vulnerable people in the borough in order to fulfil their potential and provide better outcomes for all.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Muhammed Butt for his response and advised that this concluded the debate. As an outcome of the debate, it was RESOLVED to formally note the Annual Report.