Agenda item
Any other urgent business
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Single CCG update
Jo Ohlson (Accountable Officer of the NWL Collaboration of CCGs) provided a verbal update on the development of the single North West London CCG that would merge 8 North West London CCGs into one. She explained that the aim across North West London was to develop an Integrated Care Partnership that was strategic across North West London with a single CCG and other partners, including all 8 councils. The single CCG across NWL was due in April 2021 and 7 of 8 CCGs in NWL had voted in favour of the merge. West London had not voted in favour of the merge to a single CCG therefore there would be a second vote with West London. If West London did not vote in favour it was proposed that the merge would continue with 7 CCGs.
A Borough leadership team would be in place made up of Primary Care, Community, Mental Health and the Local Authority to direct community Mental Health services and a Brent CCG Borough team of around 37 people. It was hoped that there would be the opportunity to give that team more autonomy and control over elements of budget going forward. It was proposed there would be a single Senior Lead for the NHS who would be an Out of Hospital Director so that Brent could continue to have a senior dedicated Borough leader who the CCG and Council would be involved with identifying.
Carolyn Downs (Chief Executive, Brent Council) expressed that she was pleased that a level of partnership working and constructive engagement had been seen in the Borough. She highlighted that she did not want, as a result of the change, a new partner brought in who would impose their will on those who had been working together in Brent for years and established a genuinely constructive, collegiate and collaborative way of working. She was also concerned that the staff of the CCG would be put under a body without legitimate or legal basis, and expressed disappointment that the proposals agreed collaboratively through the Health and Wellbeing Board a year ago were no longer happening. In response, Jo Ohlson advised that CCG staff would continue to be employed by a statutory body and there was a staff consultation occurring at the time of the meeting. She expressed that it was not the intention to impose a partner against Brent’s wishes. Jo Ohlson expressed her commitment to Brent.
In response to queries regarding what authority the Out of Hospital Director would have, Jo Ohlson advised that they would have operational oversight around delivering health services rather than commissioning health services. The Local Authority sat outside of the Director’s remit as they would not be managing the Local Authority, but there would be a need to ensure the Local Authority and Primary Care were equal partners in the senior team.
In relation to what would happen with services that were procured outside of the NHS, such as physiotherapy, Jo Ohlson advised that there was not a campaign to bring every service back into the NHS but they would work through the options and where the opportunity was right and the time was right they would bring services back. It was not expected that the procurement for services the Trust had given notice on would be competitive so they would work together regarding how best to deliver those services without going through a timely and expensive procurement process.
Veronica Awuzudike reported that there was confusion and apprehension amongst residents regarding the merge to a single CCG about changes to services amid COVID-19. She requested that there was communication to residents in Brent to let them know about the changes in easy-read simple formats, which Jo Ohlson agreed they could commit to once it was confirmed the merge would go ahead. Jo Ohlson added that residents should not see a difference to their service.
The Board requested that a directory of NHS services was made available to the public as soon as possible. It was agreed that Jonathan Turner would action.
RESOLVED: to note the update and receive a further update at the next Health and Wellbeing Board.