Agenda item
Representation of Political Groups on Committees
- Meeting of Annual Council, Council, Monday 14 September 2020 6.00 pm (Item 9.)
- View the background to item 9.
To receive a report from the Chief Executive asking Members to review and determine, under Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the allocation of seats on Council committees and other relevant bodies, in accordance with Standing Order 27(h).
(1) The size of each Committee, as detailed within the report.
(2) The allocation of seats on Committees to each of the Council’s political groups (where the rules of political balance apply), as set out within the report and to make appointments to those committees, giving effect to the wishes of the political group allocated the seats.
(3) to note that the political balance on Council Sub-Committees would be reviewed at the first meeting of the General Purposes Committee and Licensing Committee.
The Mayor then moved on to invite the Leader of the Council (Councillor Muhammed Butt) to introduce the report from the Chief Executive, which Councillor Butt advised fulfilled the Council’s duty to review and determine the representation of different political groups on certain Committees at its annual meeting.
The Mayor then invited any other members to speak on the report, with the following contributions made at the meeting.
Councillor Georgiou, highlighting his role as the sole representative of the Liberal Democrats on the Council, felt there was a need to recognise (given the large majority of the current Administration) the importance in ensuring in-depth, progressive, unfiltered and independent scrutiny of the Council. He felt this was important not only in terms of pursuing the best possible outcomes for the boroughs residents but also given the decisions needing to be made in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and in addressing the inequalities this had identified across the borough. A request was therefore made for consideration to be given to his membership on the Council’s scrutiny function in order to ensure he was able, on behalf of the residents he represented in Alperton and across the borough as a whole, to contribute towards the decision making process and in holding the Administration to account.
Whilst understanding the frustrations expressed, Councillor Kansagra highlighted the need to recognise that the requirements in relation to political representation on each committee reflected the current statutory regulations. He pointed out, however, that this would not prevent Councillor Georgiou being able to attend meetings as an observer and requesting to speak, where appropriate.
The opportunity to engage with the scrutiny function was also highlighted as an opportunity by Councillor Mashari, as newly appointed chair of the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee who pointed out he would be welcome to attend and request to speak, time permitting, at scrutiny meetings.
As no other members indicated they wished to speak, Councillor Muhammed Butt, in exercising his right of reply, highlighted the democratic mandate provided for the Labour Administration and their focus in ensuring the voice of all residents across the borough was heard. He therefore commended the outcome of the review to all members, highlighting the recommendations were in accordance with the necessary statutory requirements regarding political proportionality.
The Mayor thanked all members for their contributions and then put the recommendations to the vote and they were declared CARRIED.
It was therefore RESOLVED:
(1) that the size of each Committee be agreed, as detailed within the report;
(2) that the allocation of seats on Committees to each of the Council’s political groups (where the rules of political balance apply) be agreed as set out in the report with the Council making appointments to those committees in order to give effect to the wishes of the political groups allocated the seats;
(3) to note that the political balance on their Sub-Committees would be reviewed at the first meetings of the General Purposes Committee and Licensing Committees scheduled following the Annual Council Meeting.
Supporting documents:
- 08. Political Balance AGM 2020, item 9. PDF 83 KB
- 08a. Appendix 1 - Political Balance Rules, item 9. PDF 52 KB