Agenda item
Deputations (if any)
To hear any deputations for which requests have been approved in accordance with Standing Order 32.
NOTED the deputation received from the Chair of Harlesden Area Action seeking an update on specific progress being made towards implementation of a greener parking strategy. The deputation included specific reference to extension of the diesel surcharge to Pay & Display parking as was the case in Camden, Islington and Westminster; reducing the number of parking permits allowed per household; inclusion of motorcycles/scooters in the Pay & Display and resident permit schemes as in Kensington & Chelsea, Islington and Westminster and ensuring it was cheaper to park a bicycle than car in Brent.
In responding to the deputation, Councillor Krupa Sheth, as Lead Member for Environment, highlighted the work being undertaken to develop a new parking strategy in order to reflect the Climate Emergency Strategy and recommendations within the Air Quality Scrutiny Task Group. In terms of the specific issues highlighted, members were advised of the need to recognise the different circumstances in each of the boroughs referred to as examples and need for consideration to be given to the impact of these proposals taking account of the circumstances in Brent. As a result, not all of the measures had been identified as appropriate for the borough. Work was, however, ongoing in relation to the provision of bike hangars with officers already considering how best to minimise costs and encourage greener car ownership and more active modes of travel.
The Mayor advised that he had accepted a request for a deputation to be presented at the meeting relating to the progress on implementation of the Scrutiny Air Quality Task Group recommendations and Brent’s Transport Strategy. The deputation had been requested by the Chair of Harlesden Area Action Group.
The Mayor advised that unless otherwise indicated by members, he intended to allow the speaker up to five minutes to present the deputation. He would then allow Councillor Krupa Sheth, as Lead Member for Environment, up to two minutes to respond to the deputation.
As no objections were raised on the approach outlined, the Mayor welcomed the Chair of Harlesden Area Action Group to the meeting (as a remote attendee).
Having noted the recommendations contained within the report from the Council’s Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee in relation to Brent’s Transport Strategy, the Chair of Harlesden Area Action Group advised that she was seeking an update on progress being made towards implementation of the Council’s greener parking strategy. Specific reference was made to the following areas:
· The suggestion made that the Council consider extending the surcharge on residential parking permits for diesel vehicles to pay and display parking, as was already the case in Camden, Islington and Westminster;
· To consider reviewing and potentially reducing the maximum number of parking permits allowed per household;
· To ensure, as had been recommended by the Resources & Public Realm Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 14 July 2020, that any new parking strategy was designed to make it cheaper to park a bike than car in Brent;
· The suggestion made that residential and pay and display permit schemes should be extended to motorcycles and scooters, as was the case in Kensington & Chelsea, Islington and Westminster.
Whilst recognising the impact of the pandemic in delaying progress and supporting the positive steps made with the creation of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (including Nicoll Road within the Harlesden Area), Schools Streets and to encourage more active modes of travel the deputation ended with concerns being raised about the need to progress action in order to deliver the improvements and positive action being sought.
The Mayor thanked the Chair of Harlesden Area Action Group for the deputation and then invited Councillor Krupa Sheth, as Lead Member for Environment, to respond to the comments made.
In responding, Councillor Krupa Sheth advised of the work being undertaken to develop a new Parking Strategy designed to reflect the Climate Emergency Strategy and the Air Quality Task Group’s recommendations. In terms of the specific issues highlighted, members were advised of the need to recognise the different circumstances in each of the boroughs referred to as examples and need for consideration to be given to the impact of these proposals taking account of the circumstances in Brent. As a result, not all of the measures suggested were regarded as appropriate for the borough, with Councillor Sheth advising she would be happy to share further details of the assessments undertaken, if required.
In terms of the position regarding the extension of the diesel surcharge to pay and display it was pointed out this would need to be considered as part of a business case taking into account the cost (in terms of changes required to the existing infrastructure) and potential impact in persuading motorists to switch to non-diesel vehicles. Councillor Sheth also advised that it was not proposed to take forward any potential reduction in household parking permits given the potential disadvantage this may create for residents living in extended households.
In concluding her response, Councillor Sheth was pleased to be able to highlight the ongoing work in relation to the provision of bike hangars with officers already considering how best to minimise costs and encourage greener car ownership and more active modes of travel. In thanking the Harlesden Area Action Group for their deputation, she also advised that the comments in relation to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and the specific scheme at Nicoll Road in Harlesden would be referred to the Lead Member for Regeneration, Property and Planning for consideration and review.
The Mayor thanked Councillor Krupa Sheth for her response and advised as this now concluded consideration of the deputation he would move on to the next item.