Agenda item
Brent's Local Outbreak Plan
To consider Brent’s Local Outbreak Plan.
Dr Melanie Smith, Director of Public Health, presented a report on Brent’s Local Outbreak Plan. Several key points were highlighted:
· There was a requirement to have specific plans for care homes and schools.
· High-Risk Settings needed to be identified. In Brent all food processing factories had been contacted and visited if required.
· The plan needed to cover testing. The local testing centre in Brent had been a success story, with 30 walk in tests a day being carried out.
It was noted that the number of residents engaging with the national NHS Test and Trace programme could be higher and messaging was needed on the importance of participating in follow up. Although data from the national Test and Trace programme was being received, individual cases were identified to the authority by postcode of residence. The local public health team are reliant on NHS Test and Trace to identify workplace hotspots.
In response to a query from Carolyn Downs it was clarified that an enforced local lockdown would be a last resort. There was also uncertainty about how a lockdown could be limited to a specific local areas.
It was confirmed that the R rate for Brent was currently around one. The Board noted that this rate was based on low overall cases and that Brent was ranked ‘green’ by the Public Health England. Dr Patel queried whether data on outbreaks was shared with Brent CCG. Dr Smith noted that a discussion was shortly due to take place on this matter between health partners in North West London, and Dr Patel would be included in the invitation to participate.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted and the Brent 19 Outbreak Plan (to be known as the Brent Covid 19 Management Plan) be formally agreed by the Board acting in its capacity as the local Outbreak Engagement Board.
Supporting documents:
- 7. COVID 19 Outbreak Control Plan, item 7. PDF 152 KB
- 7a. Appendix A - PHE London Coronavirus Response Centre and London LAs supporting management of COVID-19, item 7. PDF 381 KB
- 7b. Appendix B – Resident journey through Test and Trace, item 7. PDF 110 KB
- 7c. Appendix C - Brent Outbreak Plan for Care Homes, item 7. PDF 47 KB
- 7d. Appendix D - Brent Outbreak Plan for Schools, item 7. PDF 54 KB
- 7e. Appendix E - Brent Outbreak Plan for Early Years settings, item 7. PDF 54 KB
- 7i. Appendix I - Brent outbreak plan for workplaces, item 7. PDF 51 KB
- 7j. Appendix J - Brent COVID 19 communications strategy, item 7. PDF 93 KB