Agenda item
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
This report outlines the process and progress made in relation to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) refresh. The JSNA is an assessment of the current and future projected needs of the local population. These refer to needs that could be reasonably be met by the local authority, the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS England.
Dr Melanie Smith introduced the report outlining the process and progress made in relation to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) refresh. The JSNA was an assessment of the current and future projected needs of the local population. These refer to needs that could be reasonably met by the local authority, the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS England. It was explained that the JSNA would need to be updated as new data became available. Dr Melanie Smith asked the board to note the scope of the existing JSNA with the existing assessment products (as set out in section 3.13 of the report) to be refreshed to reflect the latest data. The Board were also asked to note the additional assessments which it was proposed to incorporate as part of the JSNA refresh based on haps identified from the Borough plan, as detailed in section 3.14 of the report. Support was also sought in terms of ensuring such a significant amount of information was contributed into the document.
In the ensuing discussion the Board noted the following matters:
· Gail Tolley (Strategic Director for Children & Young People, Brent Council) fed back on behalf of the Brent Children’s Trust highlighting the view that children and young people should be present in the majority of the areas covered in the JSNA rather than having a separate section in order to mainstream provision.
· Councillor McLennan noted that the document may be of interest to MPs as it gave an overview of the general health of the overall population.
· Dr M C Patel (Brent CCG) raised a concern that specific reference to a number of health concerns had not been included, such as obesity in adults, cancer which was a national focus, and respiratory disease which in terms of A & E usage was a considerable burden in Brent. Dr Melanie Smith explained a decision was taken not to include obesity as a specific section because it was felt that a standalone chapter on this enabled it to be overlooked. Dr Melanie Smith agreed to look at cross referencing, and agreed to include a section on respiratory disease and cancer if CCG could provide the data. Further discussing the inclusion of health concerns, details were sought regarding where immunisation came into the JSNA. Dr Melanie Smith informed the board that it came under the children’s section and the older people’s section on flu. With reference to the 2019 refresh in section 3.11 of the report, it was suggested to merge air quality and climate change together. Dr Melanie Smith informed the board that air quality was more health service data heavy, including respiratory data and asthma data and was kept separate as a way of organising the information to help people find what they are looking for. It was acknowledged that there appeared to be an inclination to have data in more than one place so that users could reference it more easily
· Dr Melanie Smith confirmed that the final JSNA would be presented at the next board in January, and that as chapters were signed off they would be posted on the website.
The Board subsequently RESOLVED:
i) To approve and note the progress in the current JSNA refresh being undertaken.
ii) To refer the comments outlined above through for consideration as part of the ongoing refresh.
Supporting documents: