Agenda item
Petitions (if any)
To discuss a petition objecting to installation of smart meters and construction work carried out at Landau and Joules Houses, in accordance with Standing Order 66.
In accordance with Standing Order 66 from the Council Constitution the committee heard a petition from Ms Suzanne Banton, Brent resident, who objected to the installation of smart meters, lack of proper insulation and major construction work carried out at Landau and Joules Houses. In her presentation, Ms Banton outlined the following key points:
· Lack of consultation prior to commencement of works
· Lack of direct resident engagement
· Lack of adequate information and support
· Lack of consideration of residents’ personal/health circumstances
The Chair thanked Ms Banton for her presentation and opened up the debate. The following points were raised by Members:
· Concerns about the methods of consultation
· Need for improved methods of communication and engagement with residents to ensure residents were adequately supported.
· Need for a comprehensive and sufficiently detailed information to be provided to residents.
· Need for consideration of alternative options where appropriate
· Concerns about impact of new heating system with residents being moved from an old to a new billing arrangements following installation of smart meters
· Due regard needs required on residents’ needs and the potential impact of any major works.
· Need for a better system for measuring progress of works and utilisation of appropriate safeguarding measures.
· Need for review of the effectiveness of the role of the resident liaison officer.
Officers responded to the points raised above and sought to address the resident and members’ concerns. Peter Winchcombe (Compliance Manager, Housing Management Property) stated that the petition related to installation of pipes and smart meters at Landau and Joules Houses, which was meant to be completed 16 weeks ago but had been delayed due to issues with obtaining access some of the residents’ homes. A number of meetings had been held with on site to inform residents of the works and the site set up was open to residents to ask questions if necessary. The complexity of the works was offset by the residents’ circumstances and a resident liaison officer (RLO) was on site to help with any queries and provide effective support to residents.
Responding to concerns about the new billing system resulting from installation of the smart meters, Mr Winchcombe stated that benefit outweighed the disadvantages, with smart meters expected to provide residents up to date information of usage and allow for a better management of their heating bills.
Hakeem Osinaike (Operational Director Housing) added that carrying of major works was a legal requirement for the Council and was being done on a regular
basis. However, he acknowledged the poor level of consultation and added that plans for improvement would be put in place. It was explained that a planned resident consultation meeting would be re-scheduled to a later date to allow for at least 3 weeks’ advance notice. Venue and timings of the meeting would also be reconsidered to ensure it is suitable and inclusive of all residents.
i. That the contents of the petition presented by Ms Banton be noted
ii. That concerns raised by the petition be addressed and appropriate action be taken by Housing Management including further consultation, resident engagement and consideration of alternative arrangements where appropriate.
iii. That adequate measures be put in place to ensure that works are completed within the agreed timescales