Agenda item
18/3381 10 & 11 Watkin Road, Wembley, HA9 0NL
PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide 217 residential units and 787sqm of affordable workspace (Use Class B1(a), B1(b), B1(c)) on ground floor, in a new building ranging between 2 and 23 storeys together with associated infrastructure works including private and communal space, car parking, cycle storage and public realm improvements (revised description)
RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to:
Referral to the Mayor of London (stage 2 referral) and the completion of a legal agreement to secure the planning obligations set out within the Committee report as amended by the supplementary report and other planning obligation(s) considered necessary by the Head of Planning.
That the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to negotiate the legal agreement indicated above.
That the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives to secure the matters set out within the Committee report..
That the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to make changes to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions, informatives, planning obligations or reasons for the decision) prior to the decision being actioned, provided that the Head of Planning is satisfied that any such changes could not reasonably be regarded as deviating from the overall principle of the decision reached by the Committee nor that such change(s) could reasonably have led to a different decision having been reached by the Committee.
That, if by the “expiry date” of this application (subject to any amendments/extensions to the expiry date agreed by both parties) the legal agreement has not been completed, the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to refuse planning permission.
That the Committee confirms that adequate provision has been made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees as required by Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning
Act 1990.
Mr Toby Huntingford (Principal Planning Officer) introduced the report, highlighting the key issues of the application. In reference to the supplementary report, he drew Members’ attention to changes to Section 106 Heads of Term and amendments to conditions 15 and 16 as set out in the supplementary report. Mr Huntingford also referenced points of clarification and correction to the Committee report. He added that the Council’s Highways officers had confirmed that the introduction of a 20 mph zone in the area (as referenced in the committee report and supplementary report) could be secured through the payment of financial contributions rather than works under the S278 agreement. Members were also advised that the Section 106 Heads of Terms were also recommended to be amended the include an obligation to enter into Section 38 and Section 278 Highways agreements for the provision of the loading bay, works to the accesses to the highway and the adoption of land adjacent to North End Road as public highway.
Ms Katie Smith (Barratt London) informed the Committee about the extensive consultation undertaken which had resulted in positive feedback and hence revisions to the scheme including a reduction of its height from 26 to 23 storey, provision of affordable work spaces at affordable rents, 5 landscaped roof terraces and public realm at ground floor level. She continued that the scheme which would be “car free” (with the exception of wheelchair accessible parking spaces) to encourage sustainable transport movements would deliver a significant Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL contribution of approximately £4million in addition to other resulting benefits.
Members then asked the Principal Planning Officer to clarify issues relating to the height of the building, views to the Wembley Stadium arch, Affordable housing, housing mix, flood risk, air quality, daylight and sunlight assessments.
Mr Huntingford advised the Committee that the proposal, which would replace a poor quality commercial plot with a large modern high density development, would be in keeping with the surrounding and approved built form. He continued that the scheme had been considered and evaluated by the Design Council Design Review Panel, the GLA and by Brent Officers who all had concluded that the proposed building would be appropriate for this context. He added that the development would not obstruct views of the Wembley Stadium arch and any protected viewpoints. He reiterated the advice contained within the supplementary report on affordable housing and tenure split, clarified that the air quality impacts were shown to be acceptable, submission demonstrated that the daylight and sunlight impacts were acceptable given the urban nature of the development.
In respect of flood alleviation, Mr Huntingford informed members that the applicants had submitted a Flood Risk and Drainage Impact Assessment to outline the strategies for the development. The assessment specified proposals for green roofs, introduction of soft landscaping at ground level and the provision of a water storage tank, resulting in significant reductions in surface water discharge from the current levels.
DECISION: Granted planning permission as recommended subject to changes to the Section 106 planning obligations including amendments to conditions 15 and 16 as set out in the supplementary, financial contributions towards the introduction of a 20 mph zone in the area and a section 278/38 agreement for the provision of the loading bay, accesses to the highway and the adoption of land adjacent to North End Road as highway.
(Voting on the recommendation was unanimous: For 7, Against 0)
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