Agenda item
Electoral Boundary Review ward pattern proposals for the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE)
Following on from the meeting held on Wednesday 17 October 2018, to further consider the draft warding pattern proposals developed in response to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s (LGBCE) current review of Brent.
Members were reminded that the Council at its meeting on 9 July 2018 had unanimously supported a submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) which proposed a future council size of 57 councillors - a reduction of six councillors from the current council size of 63. The LGBCE had subsequently announced in August 2018 that it was minded to recommend a council size of 57 councillors and was now consulting on ward patterns to match this reduced council size. The committee had previously considered two ward pattern proposals developed by council officers at its meeting on 17 October 2018. The report that was now before the committee provided an update on the progress made since that meeting in developing a council proposal on ward patterns for submission to the LGBCE.
In introducing the report, Carolyn Downs (Chief Executive) advised that since the previous committee meeting, officers had met with members to explore alternative proposals and had received various representations. Members of the Committee noted the tabled document which set out all the comments received by officers regarding the proposals from both members of the public and councillors.
Carolyn Downs emphasised that the intention had been to seek a consensus of opinion to reach a proposal that all councillors could support. As this had not been possible, it was recommended that the council did not make a submission to the LGBCE on future ward patterns. The committee was reminded that the council was not legally obliged to make a submission and that all parties, whether an individual member of the public or a group of councillors had the right to make their own representations to the LGBCE. The work undertaken by officers in developing the two proposals had been valuable and would, along with all subsequent work exploring alternative proposals and with all comments received, be provided to the LGBCE to contribute to their own review. Any members who wished to make their own submission were encouraged to do so by the deadline of 5 November 2018.
In the subsequent discussion, Carolyn Downs clarified that the LGBCE would publish their proposals by February 2019. A period of consultation would then ensue and the council, as a statutory consultee, would have the opportunity to comment on the LGBCE’s proposals. Councillor Nerva expressed the hope that the committee would emphasise the significance of the North Circular Road as a barrier, which was not reflected in the officers’ proposals.
The committee and members in attendance thanked officers for the work that they had undertaken in developing the proposals and in working with members to explore alternative options.
i) That a council proposal not be made to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England with regard to future ward patterns for Brent;
ii) That all the work undertaken in developing the draft proposals for members consideration and all comments and feedback received be provided to the Local Government Commission for England for information.
Supporting documents:
06. Ward Pattern Proposals Report, item 6.
PDF 119 KB
06a. Current wards, item 6.
06b. Proposal 1 - Full Borough Map, item 6.
06c. Proposal 1 - Individual Wards Maps, item 6.
PDF 148 MB
06d. Revised Proposal 1, item 6.
06e. Proposal 2 - Full Borough Map, item 6.
06f. Proposal 2 - Individual Wards Maps, item 6.
PDF 155 MB
06g. Revised proposal 2, item 6.
06h. Variation 1 - Barnhill-Chalkhill, item 6.
06i. Variation 2 - Kensal, item 6.