Agenda item
Mental Health and Employment Outcome Based Review
The report provides information to the Board on the development of the Outcome Based Review (OBR) for Mental Health and Employment including both the methodology and the scope.
Dr Melanie Smith (Director of Public Health, Brent Council) introduced the report providing an update on development of the Outcome Based Review (OBR) for Mental Health, including an outline of the methodology and scope.
The Board noted the background to establishment of the review, which had been focussed around developing a shared approach across the Council and with partners for supporting people with common mental ill health into employment. The initial scope of the review had been set out in 4.8 of the report and was designed to focus on:
· Development of a shared commissioning approach, recognising the number of multiple commissioners;
· Profiling the type and level of demand;
· Mapping of current pathways for this type of employment support, recognising the overlaps and complex nature of many referral routes, alongside the level so public investment in services;
· reviewing the effectiveness and impact of current commissioning and delivery arrangements including the capacity to respond to need;
· identification of any gaps in service provision and development of a joint commissioning framework.
Given the scale of the issue, confirmation was provided that the scope of the review would not, at this stage, include those with mental ill health maintaining work.
The following issues were raised by members of the Board in relation to the update:
(a) The suggestion was made that membership of the Project Board also include an employer and Trade Union representative recognising the need to consider conditions within the work environment supporting those with mental ill health back into work. In terms of engagement with employer representatives Dr Melanie Smith advised that the approach had been designed to ensure as wide a range of employers were involved as possible as the review progressed in liaison with organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Small Businesses. Similarly, based on the suggestion made by the Board, consideration would also be given to the process for engaging with Trade Unions.
(b) The Board felt that more emphasis was required in terms of the scope of the review around the support and guidance available to employers supporting those with mental ill health in to work. It was noted that issues around employment practices once in work would fall outside of the initial scope of the review.
(c) Whilst recognising the scope of the review, the impact of more flexible working patterns was also highlighted as a potential issue in relation, for example, to concerns around social isolation.
As no further issues were raised the Board thanked Dr Melanie Smith for the update and RESOLVED:
(1) To note and endorse the scope and approach outlined towards the Mental Health & Employment OBR, subject to the recommended inclusion of the following additional element:
· a review of the support and guidance available to employers in supporting those with mental ill health back in to work
(2) To note and endorse the membership of the Project Board, subject to the inclusion of engagement with both employer and Trade Union representatives as the review was progressed.
(3) To note that the Board would be asked to consider and sign-off the review report in March 2019.
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