Agenda item
Brent Clinical Commissioning Group commissioning Intentions
The report details the commissioning intentions for NHS Brent Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for the financial years 2019/20 and 2020/21. These are aligned with the North West London (NWL) Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).
Jonathan Turner (Deputy Managing Director, Brent CCG) introduced the report which set out Brent Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) commissioning intentions for financial years 2019/20 – 2020/21, as aligned with the North West London (NWL) Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).
In considering the report, the Board noted:
· The approach taken by the CCG to development of its commissioning intentions, which had involved a collaborative process as well as a focus on national and local policy drivers and had been supported by number of different consultation events including the Health Partners Forum;
· The strategic context within which the commissioning intentions had been developed, as detailed within Part 1 of the Draft Commissioning Intentions 2019-2021 document appended to the report. The draft intentions had also reflected the key priorities identified by the Brent Health and Care Transformation Board, as detailed within section 3.5 of the Health and Wellbeing Board report;
· The summary of the commissioning intentions as organised by STP delivery area and detailed within section 3.6 of the Health and Wellbeing Board report;
· Subject to final approval by the CCG the intentions would then need to be embedded within the contracting cycle to ensure they were reflected in service contracts and contract monitoring processes.
Following on from the overview provided, Councillor Farah (as Chair) opened up discussion in order to seek comments from the Board on the draft commissioning intentions, with the following issues raised:
(a) given the links to tackling obesity contained in many of the delivery areas and especially in relation to prevention and wellbeing details were sought on the measures being taken to encourage exercise and improve access to green spaces across the borough. Recognising the need for a whole system approach and for clear messages and the signposting of available support in relation to healthy eating and lifestyle choices the Board noted the various opportunities being developed which included a review of access to public sports facilities undertaken as part of the Local Plan review, development of active travel plans and a leisure discount card.
(b) the concerns expressed in relation to delivery of safe, high quality and sustainable acute hospital services given the recent outcome of the CQC inspection into the London NW Hospital (NHS) Trust and how it would be possible to ensure that patients and residents were fully engaged in the shaping of the commissioning process and in influencing change. In terms of the involvement of Healthwatch, Ian Niven advised that whilst needing to recognise limits in terms of their capacity it was possible to provide examples of the patient voice working well in terms of service design. It was, however, recognised that work was still needed to place patients at the heart of the commissioning process. In response to the concerns raised, Councillor McLennan highlighted the potential engagement opportunities available through the Brent Connect Forums, which Jonathan Turner advised he would be keen to explore. The Board also noted that the draft commissioning intentions were currently subject to public consultation via an online survey supported by various patient and public consultation events, as detailed within section 7 of the Health & Wellbeing Board report. In view of the concerns raised, however, the Board remained keen to ensure that as wide a range of options were available to ensure residents and patients’ views were incorporated within the final commissioning intentions.
As no further issues were raised the Chair thanked Jonathan Turner for the update and the Board RESOLVED to note and endorse the CCG commissioning intentions, subject to the comments identified at the meeting.
Supporting documents:
- 10. Brent CCG Commissioning Intentions 2019-2021, item 10. PDF 162 KB
- 10a. Draft Commissioning Intentions Presentation, item 10. PDF 2 MB