Agenda item
West London Orbital Rail
This report provides leaders with an update and proposed next steps on work to deliver a West London orbital Railway, following their meeting with the Deputy Mayor for Transport in July 2017.
Prior to considering the report the Chair advised that he had received a number of requests from local councillors in Brent and also a member of the public to speak on this item. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure for the Board he had agreed to allow these representations and he welcomed the individuals to the meeting.
The following representations were noted by the Board:
1. Councillor Neil Nerva (Brent local councillor - Queens Park ward and member of Brent Public Transport Forum) thanked the Chair for allowing him to address the Board and highlighted what he felt was the exciting stage the Orbital Rail proposal had now reached based on the commissioning of the feasibility study and consideration of the final draft by the Board. He took the opportunity to highlight the potentially significant benefits which it was felt the proposal could unlock in terms of not only employment but also housing growth across the sub region which local councillors and individual boroughs had been lobbying for over a number of years. Whilst recognising the challenges still needing to be addressed in relation to funding and delivery of this type of orbital transport infrastructure project he was keen to ensure that the progress achieved in getting to this stage was now maintained and the project moved forward as quickly as possible. Examples of areas that could be considered included the potential use of existing decommissioned rolling stock and development of a wider communication and engagement plan.
2. Councillor Lia Colacicco (Brent local councillor - Mapesbury ward) welcomed the feasibility study which had demonstrated the proposal to be technically feasible as well as representing strong value for money. She also highlighted the strong potential regeneration, environmental and social benefits the project would deliver in terms of providing improved options and capacity for orbital journeys that would not require cars and would also improve local transport connections with existing TfL services. A request was also made for the options being considered to include the provision of a station at Dudding Hill.
3. Councillor Shafique Choudhary (Brent local councillor - Barnhill ward) highlighted the strong passenger demand and technical case for the line that had been identified within the final draft feasibility study. In addition he also highlighted the importance and potential benefits of the project for resident from across the region and congratulated the officers and the Board for the attempts now being made to move the project forward.
4. John Cox (local resident) again welcomed the progress made on an project he advised he had been campaigning on for a number of year. Subject to the outcome achieved, he felt the scheme had the potential to be used by a range of operators given the potential access to new services on both Crossrail and High Speed Two. He was also keen to ensure that an effective communication and engagement strategy was developed in order to address any negative comments or objections as the scheme was developed.
The Chair thanked everyone for their contributions, which he advised the Board had welcomed and noted.
Luke Ward then introduced the report which provided an update on progress in developing proposals for delivery of a West London Orbital Railway. The report presented the outcome of a feasibility study in final draft commissioned by the Board in March 2017 which had found the line to be technically feasible with a strong value for money case with delivery undertaken over two phases. The Board noted that whilst there were still a significant number of challenges to be overcome in relation to scheme funding and the economics of delivery of an orbital transport infrastructure project, significant passenger demand had been identified along with the potential to unlock major regeneration and housing growth potential. The proposals were also felt to be consistent with and closely aligned to the strategic priorities within Borough Plans and also the Mayor for London’s Transport Strategy.
The Board noted the key areas of activity identified in order to move the project forward in terms of governance and project management. In addition, ongoing partnership working was required with TfL and the Mayor for London in order to develop a more detailed funding package for design, construction and operation of the line.
In terms of comments made, Members advised they were now keen to see progress moved forward as quickly as possible in developing the scheme, starting with a more detail identification of the options and optimal approach for securing the necessary funding for the line, with this work to be completed by November 2017. In addition the Board advised there were keen for further consideration to be given to the type of trains that might operate on the line, with a preference expressed for battery powered rather than diesel trains given concerns over air quality.
Members also noted that a tour of the line had been arranged for all members of the Board on 29 September 17 at 3pm.
On the basis of the strong support expressed for progressing the Orbital Rail study as a project it was RESOLVED that:
(1) the Board welcome and note the feasibility study and agree to delegate its final sign off to the West London Growth Directors Board;
(2) on the basis of the feasibility study, the Board agree to continue working with the GLA and TfL to maximise the potential for the line to be endorsed as a priority infrastructure scheme and for inclusion within the final Mayor’s Transport Strategy;
(3) a more detailed identification of the options and optimal approach for funding the construction of the line be undertaken for completion by November 2017;
(4) in line with a request from the Deputy Mayor for Transport:
(a) the project become a standing item on all future Board agendas; and
(b) that each borough be requested to ensure that the West London Orbital/Dudding Hill line scheme was incorporated within individual borough Local Plans;
Supporting documents:
- 7. West London Orbital Rail progress and next steps, item 7. PDF 1 MB
- 7a. Letter from the Committee, item 7. PDF 201 KB
- 7b. Draft feasbility study, item 7. PDF 6 MB
- 07c. Final West London Orbital Outline Case 2017, item 7, item 7. PDF 2 MB
- 07d. Final West London Orbital Technical Report 2017, item 7, item 7. PDF 6 MB