Agenda item
Direct Services Transformation - Learning Disabilities (wave 1)
The learning disabilities direct services transformation will bring significant change to the way Adult Social Care provides its direct or in-house day services to vulnerable people in Brent. It plans to improve outcomes by consolidating the various day centres within Learning Disabilities, improving service outcomes, increasing independence and customer choice, and realising more personalised services.
Alison Elliott (Assistant Director, Community Care) introduced the report which set out progress on the learning disabilities direct services transformation which aimed to bring a significant change to the provision of Adult Social Care direct or in-house day services. A report to the Executive in July 2010 sought permission to consult on proposals for changes, reflective of the personalisation agenda, and this was the third of a three month consultation period. Alison Elliott stated that discussions had taken place with carers, staff and service users and the report to the Executive in December was expected to put forward a number of options. The direct services transformation project was based on reducing the number of social care premises and introducing differences in the way in which services were provided and accessed. The associated financial benefits were expected to come from the number of service users that would become more independent and the council was working with carers to offer suitable alternatives.
The committee heard from Ms Manek speaking on behalf of carers. She expressed concerns over the numbers of day care service users seen to be involved which she felt should be far higher, requested clarity over the analysis process for assessments and more information on allocation of personal budgets. Ms Manek also had concerns over how the private and third sector would be managed. She expressed support for the transformation programme, including the proposed move to new premises on the John Billam site but had concerns over what would be offered and how costs would be reduced. Ms Manek also asked whether there were any contingency plans should the new strategy not be successful. She referred to the Stonebridge Day Centre which was in need of considerable repair and regretted that this had resulted in additional problems for carers and service users. Ms Manek stated that generally, she wished for greater transparency throughout the process.
The Assistant Director in response, acknowledged concerns over previous assessments and assured of greater involvement by carers in future. She put that the numbers had remained consistent and that personal budgets were indicative and were now being calculated. The council would be willing to involve carers in commissioning should they so wish. Planning was taking place for a range of options. The council was committed to the transformation and ensuring the effective use of resources, working with carers to ensure the best for service users.
Members requested information on day care proposals to include detailed information on the numbers currently attending centres and costs, the cost of current direct payment and future projections to allow more in-depth scrutiny of the comparative costs of using existing centres compared to the cost of personalised support. The proposal to replace a number of centres and replace them with one centre in the north of the borough on the John Billam playing fields site was also questioned in particular the impact on distances travelled to which the Assistant Director responded that some travelling currently took place in transporting users to themed centres. It was noted that further information would be available on proposals so that views can be submitted to the Executive in December.
On the construction of the day centre on the John Billam site, the committee noted that a contractor had been appointed but work had not yet started. The Assistant Director advised that wave two would involve older people, on which consultation would also take place.
In response to members’ request for advance consideration of the format of the assessment, Alison Elliott advised that this would be dependent on the outcome of the Personalisation - Customer Journey project and the number of users for whom services would need to be provided. Members requested a report on the numbers expected to be involved in direct payments as a percentage of the total.
Ms Manek concluded that the carers group wished to be constructive and suggested the establishment of a board of trustees with carers representatives to oversee developments and be able make timely contributions.
The committee noted the report.
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